Real support without an judgment

Hey everyone, I just want to tell you all that when I comment on your status I mean it, my wtg's, nice work, very nicely done etc are truly how I feel. I think it's awesome the steps we are all taking in this journey and respect the fact that not all of our steps have to be huge, your all doing great and we fall short sometimes, we are human, it's inevitable, we can't always be perfect, and constructive criticism is just that helpful. There will always be good days and bad days, the point is to pick yourself up, dust off and move on. If someone notices I have slipped up, tell me, but if I've done good it's nice to know someone noticed even if it comes in the form of "wtg", isn't that the point of "support". I don't know maybe I'm wrong, I appreciate your feedback and suggestions on the topic.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step! :)


  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    I'm right there with you! I appreciate any and all comments! And when I comment I mean it, sometimes therea not much else you can say than well done or Wtg etc!

    Keep up the support! I know most people are appreciative of it!
  • misscfe
    misscfe Posts: 295 Member
    I have to agree! Personally all my MFP friends are very good. I have seen some comments though that are just plan rude on some posts. It is one thing to give constructive criticism but some people are just plain negative. I very grateful for my MFP friends for not being like that though. I would probably delete the person if that happened.
  • dcbella
    dcbella Posts: 45
  • lucythe
    lucythe Posts: 33
    I couldn't agree with you more. I think we're all here for the same reasons, and we've all had enough negativity in our lives. The unconditional support that I've received on this site is priceless. I have come across negative posts, but I just click it and forget it. I feel it's so important to just be nice and respectful of people. I don't appreciate being judged, therefore I do not judge. A positive attitude means everything, and sometimes the only thing we can do is support each other - and there's nothing wrong with that!
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I have been blessed with a bunch of fantastic friends on here but I agree with you as well. I have read some of the comments that have been posted on blogs and threads and it is unreal what people say to each other! We are all here to lose weight and get in better shape. None of us are perfect (at least not the last time I checked). If you can't say something nice, do us all a favor and don't say anything at all.
  • lauram1153
    lauram1153 Posts: 145 Member
    i totally agree.I love this place. love when i do good and everyone responds even just" well done" makes me smile. and i know that when i say," feeling like eating rubbish" someone will kick my butt (hopefully). logging on here every day has kept me so motivated and making me want to have something good to report x
    Anyone please feel free to add me the more friends the better support x
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks Rose for posting I love getting comments too. It does really motivate me and I try to leave comments too for my friends and I hope they find it encouraging too.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    I have fifty five people on my friend's list as of the time I'm writing this, and only six of them support me consistently. I try to give support to all fifty-five people on my list, but sometimes I don't get to see what they've done because I'm a busy guy. Even so, at the same time, I'm not needy for any support because I'm going to work out and eat right regardless. I have a ten mile run planned for this evening; and if one hundred degree temperatures can't stop me, neither can forty-nine unsupportive friends. However, it's highly probable that any of my friends might wake up tomorrow, and simply quit counting calories and exercising. That is why I try to support all my friends the best I can because I know many of them fumble the ball every now and again. Every time one of my friends stops logging, gives up, and returns to a life of obesity, my heart breaks. I will send them messages sometimes, and try to give them some support, but it's usually too late. They've given up on themselves. That won't happen to me. I'm forty-one, and I've been exercising like a beast since fifteen. It's an integral part of my life. So, when many of my friends decide they've lost enough weight, I'll still be here stepping to the music and stomping the pavement nearly six days out of the week.
  • getnfitn2011
    Of all those on my friend list you, Rose consitantly bless my heart each time I hear from you!!! You are seriously someone I very blessed to have met on here!! I am always pulling for you and praying over you!!
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Very well said! This is an AMAZING support system. Any and all comments I give, whether its just WTG! or Great Job! or something more elaborate, it all comes from the heart. We are all working so hard towards the same goal. If it wasn't for my MFP friends I may have thrown the towel in a month or so ago. Having to keep yourself accountable and supporting your friends is absolutely motivating. Hugs to all MFP members and friends and best of luck to you on your journey towards a healthier you. Stick with it and you will make it. :o)
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    Thank you all so much for your words, it means a lot to me to know that there really are good and understanding people out there that don't need and essay about there success and can't take someone saying "you should really try to eat more or less" without being offended. I really feel everything helps on this journey, minus plain old rudeness of course. Thank you all again and God bless you all!!! :)