Does that make me crazy?



  • amysuemartin718
    amysuemartin718 Posts: 99 Member
    Before I eat a sandwich I take the top crust off of both pieces of bread. It's ok for the other three sides to remain.
  • kdtann
    kdtann Posts: 89
    I am 52 years old and I still twist my hair like a teenager....
  • celtickarasu
    My food also can't touch. When I was little, my parents wouldn't take me out to get a hamburger because they were embarrassed. I had to take the hamburger apart and eat it in a certain order. First the bottom bun, then the top, then the hamburger patty, last the pickles.

    Also when I was little, I refused to eat pepper because it looked like dirt. I had previously been spanked for eating dirt. My father put white pepper on everything so I couldn't see it.

    Now I eat the outside of a food before I can eat the inside. I skin pickles with my teeth before eating the inner part of the pickle. Before I stopped eating ice cream I ate the chocolate parts of ice cream sandwiches and brown cows before I would eat the vanilla parts.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I only like onion rings. All other forms of onion can stay off my plate, thanks.
  • jinxywinx
    jinxywinx Posts: 38
    If I go to a freshly cleaned toilet (where you can still see the bubbles or purple cleaner in there) I will flush the toilet 5 times. I have a fear of my pee and chemicals mixing and then exploding while I'm sitting there.

    Lol, that's the kind of crazy that I can appreciate.

    I make my husband take a shower and do any bathroom-related activities BEFORE I clean it. And I make him go to another bathroom for at least 3 hours after I've cleaned to preserve that "just-cleaned" feeling when I walk in.
  • JujiBean
    JujiBean Posts: 187
    I can't eat any food that anyone has leaned muffins displayed on a coffee shop counter.. And forget trying to eat birthday cake after someone blew out the candles (i.e., spat on the cake.)
  • Cherese1983
    Cherese1983 Posts: 211 Member
    I have to have all my food "prepared" before I eat it. If I have a baked potato the butter and sour cream need to be on it before I eat any of my other food. Raw onions make me gag, but I can eat onion rings and green onions. I used to have a thing where all the cereal boxes had to be facing with the nutrition facts out (not because I was health nut, but becuase I just wanted it that way). haha
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I take all the toppings off of my pizza and then dip them in ketchup. Then I eat the crust dipped in ketchup too. I haven't eaten a piece of pizza intact in probably 20 years.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    when i eat fries, i put ketchup on top of the fry (per fry) as i'm eating them. and sometimes i don't know what flavor i want in my mouth last so i'll eat 1/4 of one thing then the other and go back and forth until i know which i want to eat last...
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    I can't eat any food that anyone has leaned muffins displayed on a coffee shop counter.. And forget trying to eat birthday cake after someone blew out the candles (i.e., spat on the cake.)
    Oh - you totally can't go to one of those help yourself frozen yogurt places, can you? I LOVE those places - I just try not to think about it. Especially when I see little kids stick their grubby hands in the toppings. :sick:
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    I too am a crazy my food can't touch person. i always eat my veggies first, meat last. Friends hate going out for breakfast with me as i always ask for my eggs on a different plate and then spend 5 minutes pushing my food around, arranging them nicely and then eating...(oh and if you do go for breakfast with me please don't dip your bacon in the maple syrup it makes me gag)

    i don't make my bed in the morning, but i make it before i get in it at night. the sheets have to be snug and the pillows perfect
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    :) I eat M & M's two at a time by color :)

    Guilty as charged! I am so crazy with my food, the m&m's in pairs by color, nuts in pairs, one on the left side of my mouth one on the other. Sheesh! Crazy crazy crazy!
  • BecksgotBack
    BecksgotBack Posts: 385 Member
    My money has to be all facing the same direction and be sorted by denomination, descending.

    did you work at a bank?? i did and am the same way now. just irritates the hell out of me when people give me money and it's all screwed up
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    Along with condiments, I also don't eat any dressings or syrups. Therefore, my salad is basically lettuce and cheese, my pancakes are just that. Plain pancakes.
  • datzun
    datzun Posts: 198
    I don't mind if my food touches, but I don't mix them and I eat one item at a time until it's gone.
    I don't eat anything with a bone in it (no t-bone steaks, chicken wings, ribs).
    I don't like most condiments/sauces (excluding ketchup and ranch).
    I press my parking break button multiple times when I put it down to ensure it's disengaged.

    I'm sure I've got more...
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I often imagine that I'm being watched. Not by someone who can physically see me. Like if I'm singing along with a song, I imagine the singer can see me. Other times, when I'm working, I imagine my boss can see me (he lives three time zones away). I don't know why. And sometimes, it's a good thing because it steps up my better behavior.
  • thebiggreenmachine
    thebiggreenmachine Posts: 66 Member
    My money has to be all facing the same direction and be sorted by denomination, descending.

    Same here. Helps me keep track of how much money I have. If I only have "ones" showing then I'm low on funds.

    - I also don't like my food to touch.
    - I like having a plate full of mashed potatoes and making a crater in the middle and filling it up with applesauce.
    - All 'fun size' candy bars are one bite only.
    - Have to eat everything one at a time.
    - I LOVE ketchup. You know those big ketchup containers with the pump on the top, I have two of them in my fridge. Nothing better than some fries with my ketchup.
    - I love a 1/4 cup of brown sugar on my toast.

    I have many more things but this is all the crazy I'm going to show for right now :smile:
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I always eat jaffa cakes in the right way, how I eat them makes them taste better, other people eat them wrong and thus they are insane and have no clue. I like them more than anyone else because they taste better to me.....not crazy at all..........................
  • tubbytabbytales
    tubbytabbytales Posts: 5,883
    I always eat jaffa cakes in the right way, how I eat them makes them taste better, other people eat them wrong and thus they are insane and have no clue. I like them more than anyone else because they taste better to me.....not crazy at all..........................

    what in the hell is a jaffa cake?
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    I press my parking break button multiple times when I put it down to ensure it's disengaged.

    i do this too!!