Addicted to Food

Hi Guys,
My name is Roxanne and I've been logging into My Fitness Pal for the past week. I have to say that I am very impressed. This is probably the longest and most accurate I've ever been with logging my food. When I started a week ago today I was 259lbs. Today, I weighed in at 257.4lbs. Not much but the numbers are moving in the right direction so that's all I care about. The reason why I am on this journey is one, I'm tired of being "the big girl" AKA "fat *kitten*" AKA "morbidly obese" AKA "unhealthy" AKA "never been a brides maid or a bride either", etc. Two, I would LOVE to be able to take pictures and not feel so out of place in them and three, I just want to live a longer, healthier life. This first week has been amazing and I look forward to chatting with all of you as we work on this journey together
