50lbs to Lose in 50 weeks anyone ? Accountability Buddy wanted

size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
edited April 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Okay I am a yoyoer but I'm sick of it
So Monday I am
Doing lose 50lbs in 50 weeks this allows me to change my lifestyle have occasional meals out and relax into a change of life as its always lose it fast = gain it back
So I've made my Instagram account and I'm looking for a fabulous accountability buddy that will message daily who is like myself 50+ lbs to lose and a yoyoer who needs to stop ?

Anyone ?


  • 105pixie105
    105pixie105 Posts: 12 Member
    Let's do it! I have about that much left to lose, add me!
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    Let's do it! I have about that much left to lose, add me!

    Great Thankyou :)
  • Windyroad
    Windyroad Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, I have about 20 to loose. Also starting Monday with spin class at 5:45a.m. then a little break-in with some weights. 1 cup plain Greek yogurt for my previous workout meal. I have my whey protein for after. Then home to get ready for work!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Up and down! Yo yo!
  • Windyroad
    Windyroad Posts: 3 Member
    Follow along, you gotta eat!
  • Windyroad
    Windyroad Posts: 3 Member
    Day off today? Stock up on fresh veggies, greek yogurt with frozen blueberries are yum, chicken tenders are easy to broil with paprika and garlic powder, do your exercises (keep moving )
  • lovestofly617
    lovestofly617 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me if you like. I need to lose 90 more
  • Jersey__87
    Jersey__87 Posts: 114 Member
    Definately right way to do it, if not 80 50 is good. Most people just aim for too much like loosing 50 in 2-3 months but that aint right. Your last 10 pounds will be hardest so stick in there and dont rush in OP
  • laura7995
    laura7995 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm up for this have over 5 stone to loose so will be great
  • CptDustOff
    CptDustOff Posts: 3 Member
    I'm onboard! Let's do this...
  • phubb3
    phubb3 Posts: 40 Member
    I started today. Feel free to add me. It's easier when you have people you can talk to.
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    :) feel free to add me. Currently really hating the last few weeks of giving up meat.
  • jrziegrl5180
    jrziegrl5180 Posts: 15 Member
    edited April 2017
    Today is my Day 1. Add me! ✋
    I have 75 pounds to lose..
  • Caiyth
    Caiyth Posts: 1 Member
    That's around the same goal as I have :) Anyone who wants to lose weight together is free to add me :smiley: Hopefully we can stop each other from falling off the bandwagon :)
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    Hey l have about 45 lbs that l want to lose and l might want to drop more weight after that ! l find it hard af sometimes. This time lm trying to stick to it.