

  • Hydrogurl
    Hydrogurl Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Lisa... as you are clearly interested in your health consider getting some help with your PTSD - EMDR is an exceptional choice - find a well trained counselor in this- has some longevity using it. Same for your son - pretty sure he has had his traumas - and military/Tricare does not cover EMDR (long story but military has always handled PTSD poorly) so this will have to be out of pocket. Unlike general counseling, a few sessions (sometimes even one) can do the job. As its out of network- its completely confiential. Highly Recommend for both of you "The body Keeps the Score" by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. Easy interesting read and so informative.

    Ginger - great intel - so helpful to see what exactly works

    Heather - Has DH tried biofeedback or neurotherpy? Can't recommend more highly.

    Lenora- grapes! totally forgot about freezing them - for green grapes - the more yellow the sweeter too
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone. Been really busy lately, so haven't taken time to post. I've tried to keep up at least reading through the posts now & then, but even that's been difficult to do with so many. If I miss even one day, I'm way behind. Oh well. :#

    Wishing everyone who's seeing the scale move in the right direction or experiencing other NSV's congrats. To those who are struggling: don't give up - you can do it! :)

    To those who've been under the weather (figuratively or literally), hope things are better soon. :'( (((hugs)))

    Last wk was less than stellar in my exercise & wt loss efforts. From Thurs to Wed, only managed to exercise 2 days & none over last wkend (usually able to do more on the wkend, but NONE that whole wkend). Ate a bit more than usual last wkend, too. Only lost 1/2 lb for the wk, but reminding myself that any loss is still progress. In the past 13 wks that I've been tracking my weight, I've had a loss every wk - some small losses, some bigger - so feeling proud of that accomplishment & not going to let a tough week get me down. Overall, I've also lost about 27 lbs since Jan 1st, so feeling great about that. Only about 3 lbs to go to get back to ONEderland, too. (WOOHOO!) Want to try to push to get there in the next couple of wks & then on from there to get to my goal of another 40 or so off, which I'm really hoping to do by August. Then want to focus on maintaining that when the new school yr starts again next Sept. (my toughest time of yr to take care of myself).

    Tried to get back on track since this past Thurs. & got in my exercise both Thurs & Fri after work. Went to a TOPS area inspiration meeting yesterday with a lifelong friend of mine (who doesn't live very close by) & didn't get up early enough to exercise before leaving in the a.m. & got back home too late, so no exercise yesterday unfortunately. I picked my friend up to go to the event together & afterwards, I spent the rest of the afternoon visiting at her home & she colored my hair for me. It was so nice spending time with her & sharing the experience at the inspiration meeting. Did some yard cleanup this morning & housework, but still want to go do some time on the treadmill before gets much later today.

    Haven't been consistent lately in logging my food after every meal either, but have still been doing ok with my eating. One of my goals for April is to log every day, every meal so I don't fall back into mindless eating as in the past or underestimating how much I'm eating.

    Not sure how often I'll be on the thread, though. Finding it difficult to balance everything else I need to do & fitting in lots of exercise when I find I'm spending too much time reading posts or responding. Especially as the weather gets better, I'll be spending much more time outside gardening, etc so don't want to sit at a computer.

    I'll still ck in now & then to try to keep up with how everyone is doing, though. So even if you don't hear from me, please know that I've cherished everyone's support & I'm with you all in spirit in your weight loss (or maintenance) journey. <3

    Best wishes. -- Becky (finally showing signs of spring in Upstate NY) :)
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Becca - I'm PO'ed that your rent went up yet again!! And that TP and razor replacements cost an arm and a leg-- every time I walk thru Walmart which used to be the go-to place for good deals, I am stunned at the rising cost of everything-food, toiletries, you name it. Little kid's outfits "on sale" for $13.99 - that's not a sale, $2.99 is a sale. I want ask "is that really the best you can do???" Wally world (sigh). :s

    DH probably gets tired of me commenting "I don't know how a family can raise kids with those prices."

    And from a purely selfish standpoint, I don't want you to have to lose your internet connection and your daily posts and updates! Any free wi-fi hotspots nearby? You are a great detective and I'm sure you've been checking. When our internet went kaput a couple weeks ago I found Starbucks, McDonalds, Carls Jr. gas station, Walmart , the library all had free wi-fi. Of course, we're along the I-5 corridor. Anyhow maybe there's some town closer than Seaside for you. If there's a town hall or government office close by, they might have access as well - it might not be instant connect - you might have to ask for the "public password."

    Crossing fingers it all works out and you'll have a chance to work on your low-carb/high protein plan. <3

    SW WA State where DH is mowing, I'm going out to weed and those clouds on the horizon look like they have rain in them. Weatherman=liar? >:) Bird of paradise and all that stuff.

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Super Sisters;

    Just dropping in to wave at everybody, catch up on my reading and dash. I think *fingers crossed* that I might actually see some scale movement, tomorrow... suddenly the home scale is showing (consistently, not just taunting me) around 204.

    All I can say is, it's about Damned time... LOL. I hope this is a sign that changing back to my old "lightly active and don't eat the exercise calories" plan is working.

    Anyway - have to get ready for the pool.

    Love you guys...

    Hugs for Everybody!

    PS: Becca - I'm with Lanette. we need to find you some free internet, pronto!
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    It's Sunday afternoon and this thread is already 5 pages in! Thank you Barbie! <3

    Quilting class was all day yesterday. Sadly I became sick during class, finished it but was totally wiped. DD made us grilled cheese sandwiches and creamy tomato basil soup for dinner. Better today but not back to normal yet.

    We made a unit called boobs yesterday. I know, once I have a pair I will post a pic. Class was a riot, so many jokes. Embarrassed a husband who showed up early and just strolled into the class - his eyes got wide and he quickly scooted back out the door to wait in the car for his wife to give him the OK signal. We all melted into puddles of laughter.

    As to March - given all that was going on I was happy to weigh the same at the beginning of the month as the end of the month. Sitting for days at a time sewing on Drama Queen is not helping get rid of weight either. So no gain, no loss. These last 20 pounds sure are stubborn.

    Charleen in Colorado (A new month, a new start!)
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Kelly/Pip Totally agree with Kelly regarding the locker situation, maybe put a few pink flamingos in workout clothes too
    Glammie Welcome. I was just in TO last week. I live between Cornwall and Ottawa
    Pam Welcome

    Just back from a lovely day in Montreal. Brought bagels of course and will carefully work those into my calorie budget.

    <3 Sarah, Ontario

    You can only know success if you try!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    (((Becca))) we have the opposite problem with protein. Now that DH only has one kidney too much protein is unhealthy for him. Your kidneys excrete excess protein. You do need some protein everyday because like Vit C the body cannot manufacture it. Unless you are a body builder you get what you need with a decent diet.

    I am reading a book about the PH solution for health. She has some interesting ideas. Her diet has a lot of soy in it. Unfortunately soy in our country in heavily GMO. We have had discussions about GMO before. My problem with GMO is it reduces the variety of a a crop which to me makes it more vulnerable to failure in the long run. Crops have been manipulated for eons. The Book Eating on the Wild Side does a good job with the history of the vegetables and fruits we eat today. I do plan to tweak my diet but I do not plan to add that much soy.

    Unfortunately I am skeptical of any diet that claims it is a cure all. The suggestions I like are drinking more water with real lemon juice. Using protein in the form of meat and dairy as more of a condiment instead of the main show. It also ups the fruits and veggies. She also reminded me to read those labels and being aware of what is added in to your food in the way of preservatives. I had bought some lemon juice thinking I could use it when I ran out of lemons. After the fact I read the label and sure enough their was a questionable additive in it to help preserve it. Fortunately I didn't spend much on it and plan to use it instead of vinegar when I add baking soda to our drains. It should make our drains smell lovely. I will just make sure I keep real lemons handy and I will not put the peelings down the garbage disposal. I learned that one the hard way ($300 later).

    I also like how she recommends adding herbs fresh if possible to spark up your food without salt.

    :heart: Margaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Went and got pictures of me in the gowns that Denise wanted. In a way I can understand why the people at David's aren't all that helpful. Let's face it, they make more of a profit on selling a bide's gown than a mother-of-the-bride. Now I'll just wait until she decides on the color of the guy's tuxes as to which gown I should get

    Welcome glammie -You've found a great group of very supportive ladies

    I love blueberries, as long as they are sweet

    I'm going to make Vince an apple pie and I remember someone (I forget who) on here mentioned about cooking the apples first to reduce the amount that they shrivel when baked, so I'm trying that. I'll probably make the pie Tues if not tonight. Tomorrow will just be too hectic, with exercise, counting, bowling, ceramics, mahjongg, and before ceramics I'm going to stop at the one lady's house to give her the casserole.

    pip - I can't get over how much "junk" I have to take to the gym with me. That's one of the reasons I'd prefer to workout at home rather than the Y, I just have to take so much stuff with me. Towel for the shower, blow dryer, curling iron, headphones, ipod, sometimes tablet, workout routines (ok, they don't take up that much room), change of clothes, bag for dirty clothing, towel to wipe off the sweat, and the list goes on and on.

    barbie - when I went to VA, I was starving and wanted to get something to hopefully settle my stomach so I bought some yogurt. Yes, it had sugar in it. That's all I could get. But it was better than the hot dogs and stuff like that that they had.

    Welcome rxlyn56 - give us a name we can call you by. You've found a great group. You're already one of the "family"

    Becca - I'm so so sorry for the new stresses that you have. Wish there was something I could do. So for now I'll send you a (((HUG))))

    Making Vince an apple pie. Hope this turns out. If not...back to the drawing board.

    Lately, at night I seem to always be getting these hot flashes, not during the day, mainly at night. Not sure why, tho. I'm wondering...could it be because I exercise in the morning? As soon as I put the pie in, I'm going to go downstairs and do a walking video.

    Well...so much for those intentions. Vince is afraid Loki is going to go after Bonnie, so he's asked me to keep an eye on them. Personally, I don't see it. Loki is in the dining room and Bonnie is in the kitchen. But I know if I go downstairs to start exercising, Vince will get upset.

    Becky - great job on the weight loss!

    Lanette - with the price of clothing...that's one of the reason I shop so much at the Salvation Army. Now $3.99 for a shirt I can handle

    Re - Nutrition Action Healthletter just had an article that I skimmed over where they were saying that a lot of fitness trackers don't work because people feel "well, I've exercised xxx so now I can eat more"

    Becca - you are so resourceful, I'm sure you'll come up with a few places where you can get free wifi

    Margaret - what happened when you put the lemon rinds down the garbage disposal. I always used to do that and never had a problem. We'll probably take the garbage disposal out of the kitchen at the condo. We've never used it and the water is coming up in the sink when we run the dishwasher, maybe it's clogged. There's also a problem with the electric -- it isn't getting any. So we'll probably just do away with the whole thing

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good Sunday evening ladies.

    A new milestone in my journey today-a new low weight (180.8 lbs)! Excruciatingly slow but I'm getting there.

    In other news I've gotten a cold. First one in many years! Sore throat, runny nose, keeping me up at night. Drinking lots of liquids and hoping it doesn't stay around too long.

    Spent the better part of the day tailoring 4 pairs of pants for the hubs. He had to buy all new dress pants from is weight loss and he is just shy of a 32 inch waist. So I took in the waists on his new pants. Looks good! We started going through our packed boxes in order to get some things out to make our rental house a little more "homey". Put up several picture on the walls. Hubs spent the day doing taxes (Texas and Ohio). Grumbling all the way! Finally ran to Kohl's to make a return and spend my Kohl's Cash and Kohl's Rewards ($25). Hubs is currently has our dinner on the grill-chicken, grilled asparagus and sweet potatoes.

    A good weekend overall despite the storms that rolled through today.

    in currently sunny College Station, TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Michele I started putting rinds down the disposal because I liked the smell. It turns out they were collecting in the main drain, and we had a back up. We called Rota Rooter. With a coupon the charge to unplug the drain was $300. They plumbers I talk too will not have garbage disposals because of this type of problem. We learned with our dishwasher to make sure to to scrap your dishes because the filters in the dishwasher can get clogged, too. We just replaced a dishwasher we took apart about two years ago because of this problem. We did get two more years of service from it. Our new one has its pluses and minuses. A story for another day.

    :heart: Margaret
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    Heather - I didn't realize Vera was still in production. I watched it on my Kindle 2 or 3 years ago when it was offered through Amazon's Prime. It's not on Netflix. I might have to buy a season.

    --Ginger in Texas