Hate the term skinny fat

Someone mentioned this term in the forums the other day and it bothered me and got me thinking. It is such a negative term which just further teaches us to be ashamed of not having the perfect body. I was even doing some reading about it from body building websites who talked about how unhealthy being skinny fat was.
Looking at the diagrams given I would be skinny fat because I still have a few fat reserves here and there. Does that mean I am unhealthy? I have decided no. I have a BMI of 21.5 and a body fat percentage of 25% according to scales. Both are within a healthy range for my aging female years. In fact I believe I would be healthier now than if I went down another 10%.
In this day and age it seems so many are striving for perfection rather than just good health. This just makes us more insecure about ourselves and our body image which is not healthy for our mental health.
Maybe we need to stop striving so hard for the perfectly toned body with little body fat and begin striving for overall health, both physically and mentally. Maybe we need to embrace our bodies which are not perfect. If other parts of our life are suffering because of our fixation on trying for perfection then we are not living a healthy balanced lifestyle.


  • danadikay4239
    danadikay4239 Posts: 2 Member
    My younger sister is "skinny fat". She has normal weight, but when we measured her waist an hips for a sewing pattern, we saw that her waist is one size bigger than the rest of her body. We made one of those Internet tests and if we can believe them, she's "skinny fat". She also has symptoms like tiredness, she has no energy, she's getting dizzy after sports in school. That's not healthy.
    I don't think the term "skinny fat" applies on you, like AnvilHead just said. But there are many people this term applies on. So maybe you should just check if you are "skinny fat", because being skinny fat means a lot of health problems, as I could research.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    The term describes people of healthy bmi and obese fat %.
    Why are people upset by a term for a specific condition?
    I am skinny fat now and the fact that I know what this means makes me NOT being upset by my body shape because I know that I can change my shape by working out a bit (and recomposing my body instead of losing more and more weight). Healthy fat % is important for overall well-being too, not just your bmi.

    Because the term is overused rather than being used by correct medical terms. If I had a fat percentage higher than 30% (which is the maximum for an acceptable range for a female) with my current weight that is one thing. I'd still have health problems. However, because I still have a nice healthy supply of fat reserves around my butt, thighs and upper arms many 'gym junkies' would also relate that term to me.

    Thinking about it, it is not the term that is the issue, it is the overuse of it to all that don't have that perfectly toned body. It is like we are inferior and unhealthy because we are not striving for a 6 pack and a low body fat %.

    Someone had done a remarkable job with weightloss and posted his after photos on this site. He looked good and should have been proud of himself. Someone then had the audacity to mention the words 'skinny fat'. It got my blood boiling because this didn't apply to him in the slightest. He didn't have a perfectly toned body but he was definately fit and healthy and it was obvious that he was exercising while losing weight.

    That's awful in the context of a success thread.

    However I don't like the phrase Gym junkie either,
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    The term, when used properly is completely valid as pointed out a couple places above. Unfortunately in the health & fitness world many, many terms get used improperly or are individually defined so often, that they become meaningless(*cough*clean eating)
    Also why let one small subset of people (body builders) have such an impact on you?