Dr. Grundry

I was wondering if there are any thoughts on Dr. Grundy's Book and weight loss program (DR. GRUNDY"S WEIGHT LOSS REVOLUTION)?


  • mmmcrane
    mmmcrane Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinions. I think he makes a lot of sense. Its just not weight I want to lose I also want to reverse my type two diabetes. I think this will help me. Thanks again!! :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member
    People sometimes put too much faith in doctors. If a doctor specializes in something, that's what they should stick to. Just like a Car Stereo specialist should be consulted if you have a sound issue in your car, but them giving out advice on what oil and filters you need for engine, eh.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • mmmcrane
    mmmcrane Posts: 22 Member
    :( Well I know that your all right. I just want to feel better so bad!! Im tired of my sugar going up and down all the time .I just thought for a minute it might work. Thank you for all your input I have 50 pounds to lose and Im going to do it!!!! :)
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    edited April 2017
    T2d is no joke and you are right that you need to get it under control. Limiting carbs is not a bad plan in conjunction with an overall calorie deficit. Notice I said limiting, not cutting out or LC. Losing the weight could very well reduce your T2d. Also consider some exercise, doesn't have to be too much, just go for a walk everyday or so. Work up to more if you like it. You can certainly do this, just do it in a sensible/sustainable way. Good luck.
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @mmmcrane - whatever the naysayers say, don't worry about it. Some people just need to lose weight. Calorie deficit will do that for them. Some people have organs that aren't working correctly, and need to eat differently to support that organ. Dr Gundry's protocol is not unlike many others prescribed by traditional doctors, nutritionists, holistic doctors, chiropractors. I will tell you my experience with it. I did it for a month. I lost 7 pounds - and yes, the calorie deficit will do that. I also am diagnosed with fibromyalgia. My pain, after about 3 weeks, was almost entirely gone. The diet protocol will reduce inflammation. It will naturally lower your blood sugar. My cholesterol numbers improved greatly, and I was going in the right direction. Then I got rebellious and felt "restricted" and went back to eating whatever I wanted. I went back to hurting, and I gained the weight back. Soda and goodies were more important to me. That was 2 years ago. I am in worse shape than I was before. I cracked a rib 15 months ago. It "healed" and felt better, but I still have pain at times as if it's still cracked (xrays are fine). Having suffered through costal chondritis, I'm finally recognizing this as a related malady. I searched here to see if there are any Gundry groups on MFP and came across this. I'm still looking for a group. There are groups on Facebook. No matter what, if you eat the way he suggests, you are eating healthfully. Your calorie intake is also a high-nutrition intake. How can you go wrong with that? I just pulled out his book (I don't have the new Matrix one yet) last night. I am desperate. This is what my DOCTOR told me to do. I don't know what I think about Dr Oz or any of the other tv doctors, and I don't care if they endorse or don't endorse anybody or anything. I trust my doctor, especially when I've seen results. What prattiger65 said is true...whatever you do, sustainability and sensibility is important. I didn't have the right mindset, dove into the protocol too fast (knowing myself as I do, I should have taken it step by step), and burned out in a month. Also, walking is excellent exercise. I walk with a friend, or the dogs, or with an audiobook, or in a new and pretty place, to keep it interesting. Good luck, and follow your intuition.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    mmmcrane wrote: »
    :( Well I know that your all right. I just want to feel better so bad!! Im tired of my sugar going up and down all the time .I just thought for a minute it might work. Thank you for all your input I have 50 pounds to lose and Im going to do it!!!! :)
    I did a quick look at what his approach is. Maybe his diet and SUPPLEMENTS do work, but there are other very reputable doctors who have had patients follow only a whole foods plant based diet without supplements for decades and get very good results in reversing T2D, heart disease and a variety of auto immune disorders. Please consider checking into Dean Ornish MD, Joel Fuhrman MD, John McDougall, Michael Greger MD, Michael Klaper MD, Caldwell Esselstyn MD. All have dietary treatments you can use for life. No products to buy. Books and tons of YouTube videos are available and websites to check into. See if it is something you might want to try.

    I enjoy eating this way. But to each his own. I needed to do something different than what I was doing and I feel so much better eating this way. Relief of joint pain, I sleep better, better energy.

    Best of luck to you.
  • Duchy82
    Duchy82 Posts: 560 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you want to improve your diabetes then the diabetic charities tend to have diabetic friendly eating plans, diabetes UK most definitely has, why not follow something like that and support the charity in the meantime by buying their cookbook/ eating plan. My dad has had great results using diabetes UK and has actually managed to reduce his diabetes tablets as a result.

    Edited because: I can't spell
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    mmmcrane wrote: »
    Thank you for taking the time to give me your opinions. I think he makes a lot of sense. Its just not weight I want to lose I also want to reverse my type two diabetes. I think this will help me. Thanks again!! :)

    Your diabetes may not be completely reversible, but exercise in addition to eating less helps with type two diabetes because during exercise the muscles are using glucose in the bloodstream without insulin. This reduces the amount of insulin you must produce to handle the food you eat.
  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    People sometimes put too much faith in doctors. If a doctor specializes in something, that's what they should stick to. Just like a Car Stereo specialist should be consulted if you have a sound issue in your car, but them giving out advice on what oil and filters you need for engine, eh.

    Or to put it another way - I don't want a podiatrist performing my vasectomy.

    Didn't take long to flesh out the fact that Gundry is a quack: https://theskepticalcardiologist.com/tag/dr-gundry/

    Just another quack with books and bogus snake oil supplements to sell. Like Dr. Oz, he's another cardiologist who sold out to woo in the name of the almighty dollar.

    Great link, thanks.