Miracle Noodles



  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I like shiritaki noodles in Asian dishes. Rinse them well and trim them with scissors. They are really long. They are pure soluble fiber, unless you get the shiritaki soy blend. Beano taken with them prevents digestive issues. They take on the flavor of whatever you cook them with. I usually make a sauce with peanut butter, toasted sesame oil, ginger, sriracha chile sauce, and something tart like tamarind or lime juice.

    I prefer spagetti squash with Italian sauces, but the shiritaki might be okay. I cook spagetti squash in the microwave. Halve it, clean out the seeds, nuke it face down in a dish, or face up covered in plastic wrap. 10-20 mins depending on the size and your microwave.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I think there may be some confusion here about Miracle Noodles (brand) vs. other types of similar noodles out there. The Miracle Noodles I purchased online through Amazon.com were not fishy at all. I don't even recall a fishy smell before I rinsed them. They are made from a natural fiber called Glucomannan that comes from konnyaku flour made from the konnyaku imo root. They are found at very limited retail locations in the US and abroad (in my home town they are only sold at a medical weight loss facility, no where else), which is why I bought them through Amazon. The noodles are made in a few different pasta forms, including a rice size. I've only tried the angel hair version so far, but might get the rice to try in cooking. I don't know that it would be good on it's own but since it absorbs the flavors of what you cook it with, it should be very good cooked with chicken stock and herbs.

    If you want to try these, you'll need to either check out their website (www.miraclenoodle.com) or Amazon.com. Amazon was cheaper with no tax and free 2 day shipping with my Prime account.
  • smancini91
    smancini91 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great feedback! I've tried the spaghetti squash idea and it was great. I'll definitely continue to make that. I am going to try to go to a store nearby that sells the Miracle Noodle brand, but it's a little far so I also might just decide to order them from Amazon instead.