Trying again

dixisue Posts: 10 Member
I have used MFP in the past with much success but have gained back and more. The minute I stop using MFP the weight comes back. This time I want to make a permanent lifestyle change and part of this is being involved in the message boards and challenges.
I have gained about 60 pounds over the last 4 years which is quite alarming and disappointing. I am looking to lose around 60-70 pounds this time and KEEP IT OFF!!!!
If anyone is in the same or similar boat I would love to make friends. Also, if anyone is looking to motivate me and give suggestions that would be great too.
1 week down, the rest of my life to go :smiley:


  • cacweaver
    cacweaver Posts: 7 Member
    My situation is similar to yours. Today's my first day back as well;) Good luck!!
  • jenniferp213
    jenniferp213 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 2 weeks in and4 weeks in on my weight loss journey. So far I am 10 pounds down in 4 weeks. Keep you head up, we are all in this together.
  • Rochelle684
    Rochelle684 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi my name is Rochelle, I had a hard past year was very hard on me. I suppose to be dead. I have made it through all odds, My appendix ruptured and they didn't no it for 2 months what saved me is the rare cancer they found, It saved my life BUT they don't no much about it except its slow growning, at this point they got it all and I had my first 6 month visit with a all clear with scare, but all is well. I have been down for 1 year and i am ready to get back into the game, I have a lot to love for and I am ready to live
  • Elenaa6guilar
    Elenaa6guilar Posts: 2 Member
    I'm on the same boat.