Brazilian jiu jitzu and other martial arts



  • Nikki10129
    Nikki10129 Posts: 292 Member
    I did some Muay Thai through a class in my uni with special student price, got a little tied for cash this year so couldn't even afford that but I loved it! I found the school the instructor teaches at and they do a lot of different martial arts including bjj and some weapons stuff so I think I'll do a couple drop in classes once I'm out of school to see if I like it then hopefully get a membership there because then you can go to whatever classes and I definitely want to dabble in a few different styles!
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Ki Aikido... as opposed to Aikikai Aikido... no punching no kicking, just finish a conflict as quickly and efficiently as possible... no competition... you don't give your adversary a chance to hit you. Sensei once said an Aikido competition would involve two contestants standing apart just staring at each other, then shaking hands and walking away. BOTH victorious because they each avoided conflict. Steven Segal practiced Aikikai... there's some room for punches in that form... arguably Ki Aikido is a "purer" form of the art. to achieve first Dan (1st degree black belt) takes 8 years or more. IT is the Newest far East martial art form. The originator (O Sensei) passed away in 1969 at the age of 85 the founder of Ki Aikido (10 dan in Aikikai aikido granted by Osensei ) passed at the age of 91 in 2011. I grant that it is probably not as Macho as Krav maga, MMA, Kickboxing, etc..etc. BUT the philosophy and practice borders on mysticism.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    ki aikido is run as a non-profit organization fees are low...sensei's are volunteers... it is truly about the art and philosophy of the founder... there is zero brute strength involved... I was so skeptical off an on for the year that I practiced.. BUT when you start to buy in and employ the principles... you can do some weird stuff... check it out on youtube
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Range extension is an important aspect to me since I'm only 5'8 and yeah getting caught you better have some good take down defense

    My son is a brown belt in a traditional form of Kung Fu. (Started when he was 4) He's now 12 and only 4ft, slim built and head and shoulders below other kids. His instructor had him watching YouTube vids of a particular fighter who was only about 5'5, but was beating opponents over 6'. Speed, flexibility and the ability to read the fight also help.
  • BrandonMaria77
    BrandonMaria77 Posts: 17 Member
    I started BJJ a little over a year ago, then had a hysterectomy. I'm so ready to get back and enjoy my first roll. I made my 10 classes (a requirement at my BJJ/yoga gym) before getting your first roll, then had to have my surgery. I'm super competitive at all sports and I'm hoping to compete in a BJJ tournament sometime this year. I also love striking. Great workout and tons of fun :)
  • zzsutphin91
    zzsutphin91 Posts: 42 Member
    edited February 2017
    @BrandonMaria77 Rolling is a great workout but is so much fun hope you can get going soon!
  • dantew04
    dantew04 Posts: 73 Member
    Former kickboxer here... loved it and right now I'm in a bit of a slump as I don't have the fitness for it I used too or the enthusiasm. Some of it is down to numerous operations I have had, including a laparotomy and colostomy, which knocked not only my confidence (although I did kickbox with a colostomy bag, hell I even did a big grading with it) but messed up my core strength as I'm now left with pain and spasms when I do core exercises.

    I also messed up some ligaments in my finger last summer doing a BJJ takedown on my girlfriend (don't ask) and now require hand therapy on it as the pain is still there, which means I can't hit a punching bag right now. I loved kickboxing and I loved how flexible I was. The enthusiasm dwindled as many of my former class mates / Senseis (I used to teach it) moved on and part of what made it for me was the sense of family.

    I'm switching to a gym with a punch bag and when my hand is better, I will do my old routines but not sure if I will return to kickboxing. I loved grappling from some of the BJJ I used to learn from my old Sensei. Hard but loved the technicality of it :)
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    edited February 2017
    Been doing BJJ for years along with thai boxing.
    For BJJ definitely practice it with people that has long time experience. You can get seriously injured with a newbie that doesn't know the limits of human body, or practices with ego.
    Also "Oss" to fellow brothers & sisters.
  • coboblack
    coboblack Posts: 64 Member
    I am a 2 Stripe Bjj Purple Belt under Draculino at Gracie Barra Texas. I started training 8 years ago and taught 4 of those years at his school. We have Muay Thai, boxing, wrestling and all levels of BJJ there.

    Also a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, won all city and state sparring competion and took 2nd in the Jr Olympics. Fun for a sport but I prefer other striking arts for self defense and enjoy Bjj over everything.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    BJJ Blue belt here.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    kwph wrote: »
    I'm a double black belt in karate...I'm Amazing,& no one ,I mean no one in my class can beat me ...It's actually kind of a joke & im laughing the whole time I'm throwing them around.....(I should mention that I'm a 40 yr old going against 6 & 5 yr olds,but one of them looks like they're at least 8yrs old,I think he's lying about his age) ....But yea it's fun & easy


  • AdamBenks
    AdamBenks Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 2017
    9 years of Taekwondo plus Commando Krav Maga and boxing :)
  • ladyannique2017
    ladyannique2017 Posts: 52 Member
    Hi, I'm 2nd Kyu Aikido. Been doing it for 8yrs. I started with Tae Kwon Do karate as a kid, got as far as green belt but didn't like it as much as Aikido. Glad to see some other martial artists on here. :D
  • JstTheWayIam
    JstTheWayIam Posts: 6,357 Member
    My Grandfather Felix Macias is the only surviving student from Bruce Lee's Oakland chapter... Since Great Grandmaster Al Novak passed...

    He knows a lot of dangerous moves and has taught me off and on ever since I could walk...

    I need to stop taking it for granted and make time to train again...
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Thai boxing.
  • BeefyUk
    BeefyUk Posts: 2,602 Member
  • CharlesyBJJ
    CharlesyBJJ Posts: 2 Member
    I train BJJ 3 times a week in Gi, once a week No Gi and as many open mats as I can get to so usually works out I'm rolling 12 rounds a week which I love!
    I started training in November and totally bitten with the bug.

    I am entering my first competition 23/4 so at the moment I am as nervous as I am excited.

  • dreamer0716
    dreamer0716 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing BJJ for two years! Did my first competition last year! Hoping to cut down to 180 weight bracket. Have a long way to go but very excited !
  • Dreamcrusher16
    Dreamcrusher16 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'll say it again, Ameridojo for the win :D