Vivofit HR and extra calories (way extra calories, that I couldn't eat if I wanted to)



  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    So after I said I was awarded 734 calories I went for a short walk. When I synced up tonight it gave me 1,700 extra calories total for the day. No work out today and a shorter work day. Kind of suspicious.

    Today I ate 1,750 calories total not planning to delve into the other 1,700. According Vivo I burned 4448 calories.

    Thank you, good to know about the protein and fiber I will ignore the red numbers for those 2 when they are out by a couple of grams. The first half of my day eating wise is always the same Smoothie with meal replacement protein powder (Progressive Whey essential all in one) with 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk and unsweetened frozen fruit. Yogurt with kashi go lean as a snack and then a B up protein bar for lunch. Maybe an apple on the way home and then either a chicken, turkey or salmon dish for dinner with salad.

    I need to look into the amounts and types of fats I am eating. My main goal in the beginning of this was to be healthier, weight loss is the byproduct.
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    edited April 2017
    lumenosis wrote: »
    So after I said I was awarded 734 calories I went for a short walk. When I synced up tonight it gave me 1,700 extra calories total for the day. No work out today and a shorter work day. Kind of suspicious.

    Today I ate 1,750 calories total not planning to delve into the other 1,700. According Vivo I burned 4448 calories.

    Thank you, good to know about the protein and fiber I will ignore the red numbers for those 2 when they are out by a couple of grams. The first half of my day eating wise is always the same Smoothie with meal replacement protein powder (Progressive Whey essential all in one) with 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk and unsweetened frozen fruit. Yogurt with kashi go lean as a snack and then a B up protein bar for lunch. Maybe an apple on the way home and then either a chicken, turkey or salmon dish for dinner with salad.

    I need to look into the amounts and types of fats I am eating. My main goal in the beginning of this was to be healthier, weight loss is the byproduct.

    You are going to burn out fast if you keep leaving that many calories on the table.

    Yes, the Vivo may be overestimating a little. But let's say that it overestimated by 1,000 calories (which I don't think it did; probably closer to 500). Even if your real burn was only 3,448 calories today, you just had a deficit of 1,700 calories! Now, a single day at that level isn't the end of the world, but it won't be sustainable.

    So, updating your weight changes the numbers I expect for you. Instead of matching my weight, I now know that you match my husband's start weight. And you have a physical job. A daily burn in the 3,500 calorie range is absolutely reasonable for you - and, yes, on really active days, you may hit 4,000 calories.

    So, eating under 2,000 calories/day on a regular basis is not a good idea given your weight and activity level. I weigh 100 pounds less than you and am losing weight eating more than 2,000. My husband has lost 30 pounds averaging somewhere in the ballpark of 3,000. I'm not suggesting you go as high as 3,000 - but please try to stay over 2,000 for as long as you have the active job.
  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    I understand what you mean Susan. When I have a workout day and a long day at work I do eat more. If I'm hungry I do eat something, sometimes I eat 2,000ish a day. Today I ate 1700ish and I'm still full. Wednesday is weigh day so I will see how things went the first week of Vivosmart updating MFP.

    Your kitty is very pretty, I have a Maine coon that looks a lot like your kitty :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Your workout will account for a very negligible fraction of your earned calories with an active job.

    There's something really wrong though if changing your MFP activity setting changes your overall calories. It's not supposed to. Your tracker is supposed to only add calories once you're over the setting you have picked on MFP.

    Anyway, 3200 calories doesn't seem outrageous at all with your job and your stats.
  • deviousme7
    deviousme7 Posts: 61 Member
    edited April 2017
    There's an issue with the exercise calories calculated since the last MFP app update, I have a vivosmsrt HR. I logged this issue with MFP a couple of days ago and just got an email back not helping much with the actual issue, it just gave a lot other other generic help
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You have an active job so your MFP should be set to Active not sedentary. Enable negative adjustments and you'll see the both should sync with more realistic burns - at least that's how I find it.
    Trackers also take time to get used to our activity, they can take a few weeks to accurately record data. I'm on Fitbit no 3 and each time I did get a new device, it took those first weeks before it started giving me more accurate readings for calorie burns.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    And given your height 3200 isn't out of the way for your TDEE. And if correct then you would need to eat more than 1600 cals. Calorie deficit should be no more than 20%, which would = 2560 cals for you. 2000 cals a day at least would be more like what you should be eating.
    When we don't have much to lose the calorie deficit needs to be smaller so we don't lose too much muscle along with the fat. i.e instead of a 20% deficit, 10% would be more appropriate.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I have a Vivoactive (no wrist read HRM) and it way under rewards me for steps and doesn't know when I have been physically active outside of exercise but for me that's works because I'm generally sedentary.

    So I don't think your numbers are that wacky in all honesty. Have you taken a diet break at all?
  • lumenosis
    lumenosis Posts: 66 Member
    Well the thing is I don't feel like I'm on a diet, with the amount of calories I'm allotted I feel like I'm just eating healthy. I have found lower cal substitutes for the foods I love, I'm generally very satisfied with what I'm eating. I do have cheat days but even then I have never gone over. Which makes me wonder how many calories I was eating in a day to get to this weight.

    I do sometimes feel guilty about eating some of my exercise calories back but that is part of me changing the way I think about being fat and what it means to be healthy.

    I guess the bottom line is I'm scared of getting over rewarded in the cals burned and then eating too much and then not losing or gaining.