Stronger, Better, Faster....Jan 31th

Good morning!

I did pretty well yesterday! I accomplished a total of 20 miles on the bike! I was doing great on calories until we were watching TV last last night and my husband wanted another slice of pizza :grumble: I found the smallest slice of cheese but it put me over by about 200 calories! It's all good through, I'm not going to sweat it to bad.

Today I'm not counting because we're going bowling and then hitting the bars with friends :sick: I'm going to do some research on lower calorie drinks...but I'm going to give myself a day off.

I think I'm going to go to the gym, but I've been really sore lately and I would like to make it through bowling tonight so I'm not going to push myself to hard.

You guys enjoy your Saturday!!!!


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Good morning!

    I did pretty well yesterday! I accomplished a total of 20 miles on the bike! I was doing great on calories until we were watching TV last last night and my husband wanted another slice of pizza :grumble: I found the smallest slice of cheese but it put me over by about 200 calories! It's all good through, I'm not going to sweat it to bad.

    Today I'm not counting because we're going bowling and then hitting the bars with friends :sick: I'm going to do some research on lower calorie drinks...but I'm going to give myself a day off.

    I think I'm going to go to the gym, but I've been really sore lately and I would like to make it through bowling tonight so I'm not going to push myself to hard.

    You guys enjoy your Saturday!!!!
  • rosenbss
    If your feeling sore don't over stress your muscles you can not only do damage but make it harder to accoumplish your goal in the long run.. Also being good all the time sends you into cheat mode!! Trust me I know!! I say enjoy your self tonight dont over do it stick to your lower cal drinks, and make sure you stretch alot today!! Even a 5 min here of there. Drink plenty of water it will help your muscles and take some ib profin to help them relax!! Tom. you will feel like a brand new woman!!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm going to try boot camp today - if I can get ready in time. I need to leave in an hour. Yesterday was pretty easy with just walking and a 40 min bike ride. Also going for a bike ride this afternoon.

    I need to start setting goals for myself. I'm someone who will drift though life a bit, if I don't. I started looking into getting the personal trainer certification again - as well as some group exercise. I do need to go to more group exercise before I would get certified in it. I also need to set goals for around the house - this month is to recaulk the bathroom sinks - oh, and clean the showers (a job I dread).

    Happy workouts!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I guess Alex doesn't like it when daddy is home. Every Saturday he spends the morning crying. So that's what I am dealing with. :grumble: I should be used to it by now right?
    Today is more painting and some light sanding. I'm also going to go get my passport! Yipee! Oh and I need to go get some fruit at the farmer's market. And I am going to try to log my food today which I never do on weekends.
    I'm glad the weather is going to be nice so I can paint outside. The acrylic paint is stinky!
    You all have a good day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Vivia, I still haven't gotten in a good cry. lol. I am glad you were able to release and feel better. You know we are here for you if you need to vent. I'm very thankful for this little (but very consistent) group of pebbles. I don't know if I'd still be here if it wasn't for you all.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Today my only exercise is walking to shopping. I've decided that if I have to go back defeated, I'll do it, in the words of Scarlett O-Hara "looking like a queen." I'm getting a mani-pedi and brow wax and buying a new sweater. And waterproof mascara, lol. I can't help it. I was raised by a woman who wore gloves to the supermarket. In the seventies. Also, I havent' done much maintenance of myself for three solid months.

    Then, I'm actually going to a social engagement. So, there will be some walking involved there as well.

    I'm using Feb. 1st as a date (aka: tomorrow. . .yikes) to get back to my spreadsheet-tastic workout goals, and I'm hoping to actually drop some inches as my body will no doubt go into shock from all the exercise and the return to responsible nutrition. . .I can dream it will, at least.:wink:

    Take care of yourselves!:flowerforyou:
  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Morning everyone! Sorry I'm not posting everyday. I'm logging my food and getting my exercise in but if I'm not paying attention to my boys they have been getting into stuff. I got a pretty good workout scrubbing crayon off the wall this week. Didn't find that one in the exercise tracker. :tongue:

    Yesterday was my weigh in day and I lost another 3lbs. So, now I'm down 11lbs in the 3 weeks since I've started up again. Need to keep up with my exercise and water and keep eating good foods. This week my goals are to mix in at least 3 workout dvd's, use the ab lounger everyday, jog/run a mile at least 4 days this week & keep drinking my 10 waters. No easy task but if I also commit to checking in here I'll be more likely to be sure to get everything in. Hold me accountable, okay?!

    (((HUGS))) for everyone weather you have plans for having fun, are looking to the future, or are experiencing hard times and just trying to make it through.

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++!!! Have a SUPER weekend!!!
    Niccole :flowerforyou:

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