Need to lose 60-80lbs

need someone who can help keep me motivated in my LONG journey.


  • ASH___524
    ASH___524 Posts: 1 Member
    I need to lose at least 80 lbs as well. I've been trying and failing these past few years but now I'm really trying to get back into it. It sucks when you don't have anyone near you that knows what you're going through or no one to go through it with.
  • TammysFinallyDoingIt
    TammysFinallyDoingIt Posts: 11 Member
    I have lost 69 so far and I have another 70 to go. Add me if you like. I am having to refocus myself because life just happens and the stress/guilt/balancing act of a working Mom just gets to me sometimes. I could always use more accountability.
  • MsWatchMeGo
    MsWatchMeGo Posts: 11 Member
    I've just recently started. 65 to go. Week 2. Taking it one meal at a time. Teenagers, sick pet, post knee replacement, single parent, in PT for my hip twice per week. Food was my comfort. Making new habits. We can do this!
  • owa1s
    owa1s Posts: 273 Member
    edited April 2017
    My challenge to you is lose 10 pounds till June, comment if u accept it or it's too hard
  • avocadochampagne
    avocadochampagne Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2017
    My goal is also 60 pounds, haven't set a date yet. I was at my heaviest in March at 207 ( first time I say this number, feels so liberating!