I accidentally bulked..

Ok, so I really just failed at staying in maintenance and then at going into a deficit once I realized I was gaining. I'd say I put on about ten pounds in say, six months. I'm pretty sure I gained a little bit of muscle along the way though! I think I'm going to bite the bullet and go back to the BodPod to see just what I've done to myself..

I don't really have a question. Well, I suppose I'm kinda curious if it's common when bulking to see good changes in some areas but less pleasing changes in others. I'm really digging my legs, but I've definitely put some stomach fat back on. I could live without that.


  • BHFF
    BHFF Posts: 421 Member
    You did what they refer to as a dirty bulk. Which means you put on more fat than muscle because of your dietary choices. It happens but I never recommend it. Focus on the positive and lose the unwanted weight that was put on
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    10lbs over 6 months is really not terrible but I wouldn't imagine more than half would have been muscle (especially not if you've gained noticeable stomach fat).
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    My bulk cycles are typically 10 lbs, and ya some of that will be muscle and fat too... it isn't super noticeable to anyone except myself, but I lose a bit of my ab definition (well, whatever little abs I have)

    It is normal to see gains in positive areas (yay booty and quads!) and less positive (boo tummy and love handles).

    I would just start cutting and see what you have to work with.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    10 pounds in 6 months isn't really that bad- I wouldn't necessarily call that a dirty bulk.

    Just start reverse dieting and go from there.
  • BrianKMcFalls
    BrianKMcFalls Posts: 190 Member
    Differently not a "dirty" bulk. As long as you were lifting utilizing some kind of progressive program, you should have some gains to show for it. 10lbs in 6 months isn't even 2 lbs a month.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2017
    I say bravo.

    10 pounds in 6 months definitely would be what I consider a slow bulk. I just came out of a bulk, 14 pounds in 5 months. Lost what little bit of abs I had, but I don't care about abs anyways..

    Back the calories back down and do a cut.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Thanks guys! Y'all just made my day! I wish I had bulked intentionally and enjoyed it, but I was struggling trying to get my eating under control the whole time and feeling badly that I was unable to. I wanted to get leaner before I tried to put on some muscle. I also felt like I was being really inconsistent with lifting, but I just looked back over my notebook to find that while I could have been more consistent, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. Thanks again!
  • subcounter
    subcounter Posts: 2,382 Member
    BHFF wrote: »
    You did what they refer to as a dirty bulk. Which means you put on more fat than muscle because of your dietary choices. It happens but I never recommend it. Focus on the positive and lose the unwanted weight that was put on

    Wait a female gaining more fat than muscle is now considered being on a "dirty bulk" now? I mean is there a magical elixir out there that lets you gain more muscle than fat? Oh wait, there is but I doubt she is on the gear mate.
    Thanks guys! Y'all just made my day! I wish I had bulked intentionally and enjoyed it, but I was struggling trying to get my eating under control the whole time and feeling badly that I was unable to. I wanted to get leaner before I tried to put on some muscle. I also felt like I was being really inconsistent with lifting, but I just looked back over my notebook to find that while I could have been more consistent, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. Thanks again!

    Honestly 10 lb in 6 months is a matter of messing up your daily calorie intake just a little. I would say around 200 calories extra per day. Do you have an office job? Sometimes not getting in that 5000 steps that MFP Sedentary setting accounts for, can be a factor.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I didn't do it that way though! It was more like periodic binges than slow, sensible overeating.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    edited April 2017
    Ok, so I really just failed at staying in maintenance and then at going into a deficit once I realized I was gaining. I'd say I put on about ten pounds in say, six months. I'm pretty sure I gained a little bit of muscle along the way though! I think I'm going to bite the bullet and go back to the BodPod to see just what I've done to myself..

    I don't really have a question. Well, I suppose I'm kinda curious if it's common when bulking to see good changes in some areas but less pleasing changes in others. I'm really digging my legs, but I've definitely put some stomach fat back on. I could live without that.

    I've done the same thing @distinctlybeautiful. Around 8lbs over 8 months. My legs are actually starting to look a little better, but more pudge around the belly than I would like. Maintenance is tough!

    Edit - the gain wasn't over 8 months though - probably more like 5 months and then I've been holding steady.