Any mamas out there trying to lose the baby weight?



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,112 Member
    I had a July baby too!
    Our babies will be the same age!

    I'm 25 and just taking it one day at a time tbh
    Just setting mini goals
    So like stay within my calories for the day ect.
    And it will soon become habit (I hope!)
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    Mom of five here. Kids ranging from almost 15 years old to almost 1 year old. I've got 115 lbs to lose. Gained 60 lbs with my first and have been adding on ever since... Ugh. So basically I've been trying to lose 15 years worth of baby fat.

    Wow mama...5 blessings! My hats off to you! My children are spaced far apart as well, 17yrs, 4yrs and 8 mths. I have 17 years worth of baby fat to lose, lol.
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    amks3818 wrote: »
    Had my fourth last September and trying to lose what I put on. I had lost over 40 lbs before getting pregnant and only gained about 25 of that back during pregnancy. I am looking to lose about 50lbs to get to my goal weight though. Feel free to add me. baby was supposed to born in September but she came two months early in July. Still a blessing, my miracle baby.
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I had a July baby too!
    Our babies will be the same age!

    I'm 25 and just taking it one day at a time tbh
    Just setting mini goals
    So like stay within my calories for the day ect.
    And it will soon become habit (I hope!)

    Wonderful! Yes, it will eventually become habits. Fad diets just don't work. Mini goals are a great way to get to your desired weight! Here's to us and our July babies!

  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    drews1mom wrote: »
    I'm still trying to lose the baby weight, sadly my baby is now 11 years old! UGH. The struggle is real.

    Haha! Yes, I agree! My oldest baby will be 17 in just a few days!! Where does the time go? I know where all the weight goes, lol.
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    Welcome! I started MFP to lose baby weight, too. I have 2 boys, my youngest is 22 months. In a few weeks I'm about to reopen the baby factory and undo all my progress to make #3! Lol. Oh, well, if I did it twice, I can do it a third time! #challengeaccepted

    Third times a charm mama! Congrats to you...are you hoping for a baby girl? I thought my third baby was a boy but...we had another girl. I don't mind it though, love having 3 girls.
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    cutmd wrote: »
    Cool just what I was looking for. I got into fitness like 8 years ago and lost a decent amount of weight, used to look like my profile pic a few months after my first baby but I just had my second a little over a month ago by repeat c section and this time I gained a little over 40lb instead of the perfect 25 I gained with my son! Mostly I think because I was so tired I'd just nap while he was at school instead of working out. I still have over 20lbs to lose which is the most I've ever had to lose and now I'm 39yo so I'm a bit freaked out. Just started getting back into my workouts although I can't do super heavy stuff yet and definitely need some support. My DH has gained recently too and isn't very passionate about losing unfortunately so I need others to help inspire me

    Sounds like me! Roughly 8 years ago I was really into fitness (loved running) but after I met my hubby and settled down the pounds started to creep up. Next thing you know, got pregnant 4 times (lost 2 babies) and gained a lot of weight through the years. Kids can really wear us out so I know what you mean about napping, lol. I'm about to be 38 so I'm no longer a "spring chicken" myself. My hubby has put on some weight too and he is NOT into working out or eating healthy so this journey of mine is a tad more difficult. He is supportive, he just loves his pizza and burgers, lol. I think for us c-section moms it's a little tougher to lose the tummy weight. I had 3 c-sections and I still have numbness in the area plus a lot of scar tissue. So don't freak out, you're not alone and you can do this! Best of luck to you!
  • w_villalba18
    w_villalba18 Posts: 2 Member
    I just had baby #2 a little over 5months ago and unlike my first i actually stayed a bit active and only gained the right amount of weight during pregnancy. I've lost a good amount I guess thanks to breastfeeding but now I've just stayed at around 156 even with working out and trying to eat pretty healthy I've become a bit discouraged and binge eat every now and then anybody going or have gone through the same or something similar?
  • MeadowRae
    MeadowRae Posts: 46 Member
    My son is 14 months and I'm looking to get fit again. I was in great shape about 6 years ago, and I feel like I'm in a place where I can give it a go again. I need to lose about 10-20 pounds, but my main goal is get stronger and more fit.
  • JohnKim2011
    JohnKim2011 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I am a mom to 4...boy (10 yrs old), boy (7 yrs old), angel baby girl(lost when I was 24 weeks pregnant), and baby girl (8 months). I am struggling to lose the last 20 pounds to get to pre-pregnancy weight. I am breastfeeding, but tend to hold on to the weight until I am done. My goals are to tone up and wear normal clothes by summer! I struggle with eating too much during the day and finding the energy to work out. I love exercise! But I just can't find my "love" for it right now. I just created a month schedule using my workout DVD's (Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Jackie Warner). I need some accountability! Would love to support all of you and have you help me along the way too!
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Go mamas go!!!
    I just got back to my pre pregnancy weight of 201. Before delivery 18 months ago I weighed 248 pounds. 2 weeks after delivery I was at 227 and that's where I stayed until about 4 months ago! Now I'm trying to be better than when I got pregnant before even thinking about another. I never want to see my weight start with the number 2 again!
  • KBfit_sexy18
    KBfit_sexy18 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey mamas feel free to add me..I will motivate and give tough love when needed...We got this! We will get to our goals!
  • Katie_Y89
    Katie_Y89 Posts: 330 Member
    Hi there!!
    my daughter is almost 2.5 yrs and I'm still in the process of losing the weight lol!!!
    feel free to add me!!
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    I wouldn't say it's so much baby weight anymore since my "baby" will be 3 on Monday, but I never really worked at getting the last 20lbs off after having my second child. Now I'm trying to get after it 3 years later. It's never too late!
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    Had baby #5 in January...need to lose 55lbs to get back to pre-baby...hoping to get there by the end of the year. Hard to diet though while breastfeeding...also in the Air Force so have to get the body back :) Thankful for the year grace period!!!

    OMG you get a year? The army gives us 6 months to make height and weight. Ugh! That was a struggle both times.