Desk Job Workers



  • deetails26
    deetails26 Posts: 108 Member
    Me too!!
  • bellesorrisa
    bellesorrisa Posts: 14 Member
    Desk worker here too - I work in the office 2 days a week and at home 3 days a week. I need motivation so please feel free to add me.
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    17 years of sitting at a desk here. Lol
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    Desk worker here too - I work in the office 2 days a week and at home 3 days a week. I need motivation so please feel free to add me.

    Same here, well one day a week for me. But at my last job I was working from home for over a year. It was SOOOO boring.

  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    andrea4736 wrote: »
    17 years of sitting at a desk here. Lol

    15 years for me, 1 hour commute each way.

  • AmyBethDavis16
    AmyBethDavis16 Posts: 6 Member
    Same! A year ago I switched to this more sedentary job and had put on 8 lbs and already needed to lose 20.
    Have been tracking for 10 days and am down 5 lbs. Trying to motivate myself to exercise when I get home but I never feel like it and spend the rest of my day/evening on the couch so I am really not getting enough exercise. I know if I did I would do even better with my weight loss. I just get so lazy :(
  • Lavelle1980
    Lavelle1980 Posts: 367 Member
    Same! A year ago I switched to this more sedentary job and had put on 8 lbs and already needed to lose 20.
    Have been tracking for 10 days and am down 5 lbs. Trying to motivate myself to exercise when I get home but I never feel like it and spend the rest of my day/evening on the couch so I am really not getting enough exercise. I know if I did I would do even better with my weight loss. I just get so lazy :(

    I understand the struggle, as if our bodies has adjusted to just sitting. It's a horrible feeling. I hate trying to force myself to workout instead of the feeling of I need to work out due to, too much energy.

  • Butts_Boys_and_Burgers_ohmy
    <~~~~~ desk job. Tied to my computer and phone. Really having a hard time right now with my diet and exercise. Always love new friends to motivate :heart:
  • liftingmomlife
    liftingmomlife Posts: 47 Member
    *raises hand* definitely harder to stay active with a desk job! ugh. i try to walk on all my little breaks, and hit the gym on my lunch... that way, if i don't feel like going after work to, or i'm unable to, it's not as big of a deal! :)
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    edited April 2017
    yep, desk all day/every day. but at least we have transformer desks that lift into standing desks. i call mine megatron, mainly because i can't remember any other bad transformer names.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    I'm an engineer and I typically do design work all day at my desk and I'm exhausted by the end of the day. So, I get my workout in in the morning before work 4 of the 5 working days and then I workout on the weekends. I don't count steps. I just count how hard I've worked out in the morning which is pretty dang hard. You can do it!
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 326 Member
    I'm stuck at a desk all day too! I've started working out in the mornings and that helps to keep me motivated throughout the day. I make better food choices and drink more water, but it's still so damn hard to resist the vending machine and seemingly never ending supply of office birthday treats. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    Dec - mid April regular 8 hour days, but everything takes off mid April (YIKES! next week already) and I put in 10+ hour days and a lot of Saturdays and Sundays until the snow flies in the fall. Luckily, we have a fully equipped gym in the office, so I go in early in the morning to use the gym before my work day begins. I know I won't exercise after work, and I have a 45 minute commute each way. We have adjustable, standing desks, so I do stand whenever I can.
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    mebelfanti wrote: »
    I'm stuck at a desk all day too! I've started working out in the mornings and that helps to keep me motivated throughout the day. I make better food choices and drink more water, but it's still so damn hard to resist the vending machine and seemingly never ending supply of office birthday treats. Anyone feel free to add me!

    Is there a way to bring your own food to the office? If so, just ignore those snacks. They're not worth it. Just bring your own snacks so you have something to snack on instead. It's possible. Just believe you're better than that cookie or bagel and your body deserves better. You can do it!
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    edited April 2017
    It's all about the Calories In / Calories Out. I changed my eating habits (Paleo / Keto-ish) high protein/fiber/fat and low, low carb/sugar and try to stay around 1400 calories (for my height and weight goals). I've been on MFP since January and I have lost 23 lbs. with no exercise changes. In addition to being desk bound, I do have some physical limitations and walking some days is difficult for me. I do try to carry heavy things (like groceries into the car and into the house and my lunch (I use glass jars and a metal thermos)). BTW this way of eating pretty much kills my craving for sweet and carbs, most of the time. I buy Charms Blow-Pops by the box and I date it when I open it (that's how I measure my stress level) and it's still mostly full and I opened it last October and I know I haven't had any at all since November.
  • SuziGomez9
    SuziGomez9 Posts: 2 Member
    Yuppp! Definitely me -raises hand- I walk around the office or outside in the warehouse! I have been waking up at 3:30 to go workout and begin my day! Not to mention I live an hour away from work
  • Kelley0519
    Kelley0519 Posts: 254 Member
    SuziGomez9 wrote: »
    Yuppp! Definitely me -raises hand- I walk around the office or outside in the warehouse! I have been waking up at 3:30 to go workout and begin my day! Not to mention I live an hour away from work

    Wow, that's dedication there! Good job! :) I'm not a morning person at all, but once a week (on the night I have school in the evening) I will get up at 3:45am and work out before work. I'm not a fan of it but I do what I have to do. Sitting down at work all day makes me very tired when I don't squeeze a work out in.
  • CaptainHandsome
    CaptainHandsome Posts: 127 Member
    me me me. stupid desk. I do have a fitdesk under desk elliptical thing, so I get my steps in. but friends are nice too.
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Yep, desk job here too. I drink a ton of water to not only hydrate but encourage myself to get up and walk around every hour for the short trip to the restroom! I stay at or just under my 1200 calorie goals, work out on a recumbent bike for 30 mins a day x 5 days and I've lost 13lbs since February. Feel free to add me!
  • amandallee
    amandallee Posts: 40 Member
    Same here! I set an alarm on my phone to get up and walk around every hour (doesn't always happen but I try.) I take the stairs several times a day - going to the bathroom downstairs instead of the one next to my office and I walk the parking garage twice at lunch. I have a one year old so by the time I get home, get him fed, and in bed, I don't have the energy to do much so I try to get it all done throughout the day. Feel free to add me! I can use all the motivation I can get!