Anyone with an anxiety disorder...?



  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I'm on medication for severe depression, General anxiety and I have OCD. The medication helps a lot and it's a huge difference if I miss a dose or two. Panic attacks have pretty much stopped and I feel a lot better. Makes life a little more difficult but everyone has their things to deal with.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    The reality is it's an illness. A treatable illness. And sadly one that still carries a stigma making those who 'suffer' from it believe that they should be able to 'cure' it without medical intervention. Yes, some people can accomplish that, but try to recognise your personal limitations on fighting the illness.

    I'm with you on this one. Anxiety is a chemical imbalance in your brain. It is not your personality that causes the anxiety, it is chemicals in your brain. Do not be afraid to take a medication to fix it. You would put a cast on a broken leg, you would take insulin if you were diabetic. So why are people so scared to treat a chemical imbalance with medication?

    Hallelujah! I tell folks taking my medicine is like taking insulin for a diabetic! This is not my fault, but I am responsible for taking care of myself.

    Yes, you got it right! It's not your fault! It's not some personality quirk that causes you to be a certain way, it's your brain, and it's a treatable condition. I hate the stigma behind it. I don't even suffer from any of the listed problems, but I feel so strongly that it's a medical issue that I just feel like I have to comment on these threads!
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i have anxiety an panic disorder and was perscribed medication (zoloft) and a lot of overworrying and stuff. My meds have helped me sooooo much but when i first went on zoloft i did gain 25 pounds but its all good its coming off now and i think it was worth the weight gain to have my sanity lol
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ive self diagnosed myself with an anxiety disorder too. i havent been to the doctors yet, ive struggled with addiction in the past so i doubt they will prescribe me anything anyways. I have social anxiety. Im not sure what triggers it though, but its only every so often out in public places where theres lots of people. I start to get panic attacks. Its not all the time though, its kind of hit or miss, but theres def something there. Last one was at a SMALL party, i freaked out so bad i RAN to the bathroom and stayed there for about 15 minutes until i chilled the hell out. The only thing that ive found that helps me not to get them so much is to cut caffeine out. The most i can handle is about one diet soda, if i drink more i kinda get crazy. I also talked to a friend about my issues a while back, and since then ive noticed they've settled down a little bit as well.

    The meds they would give you for anxiety disorder are not really addictive, in the sense that you can get addicted to them and need them. They're not like pain killers or Ritalin, or Adderall.
    ok, ive always been under the impression that they were. Im already past being an addict, and iwould hate to go back to that. I actually kind of think that maybe the reason for the anxiety to begin with, maybe my body not really knowing how to act being sober, since i was high for so long. I can say that since ive found ways to control it, its not bad like it use to be. If it starts to get in the way of my everyday life, i will def go see someone for it. My husband actually wants me to go see some one for it sooner rather than later though. Im torn, i dont know what to do. Like i said, im so afraid of the addiction thing, and i really think thats the only thing holding me back.
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I have an anxiety disorder and I am medicated. I am really, really glad that I am on medication because I am much happier on it. This was the best decision I could have made for myself. I have had moderate anxiety since I was a small child.

    However....I gained 45-50 pounds since I started the medication. I am not blaming the medication in any way, but the way the medication affected me caused the gain. I had a huge fear of vomiting and food sickness which stopped me from eating most foods in restaurants, stopped me from drinking, and caused me to severely control what I ate.

    I no longer have these fears (mostly) and I can eat and drink what I want...good and bad. I also don't obsess over everything like I was. Now, I am getting healthy without the anxiety and obsessive mind that I had before and I know I will be able to maintain this life forever.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I been diagnosed with anxiety with panic attacks. Dr also tried to put me on meds, but I refused to take them.
    I am new here so please bare with me :)
    The dr gave me all kinds of " technique" to do when I am in a panic. Unless you have them you really don't have a clue. You can sympathize with the person having one, but still no clue. Not to be rude but that just the truth. It's like you watching someone who has broken a legg. You know it hurts and you try understand. Unless your legg is broke you really don't know what they are going through.
    Exercise to stop panic or slow panic for me doesn't help. I can hit the gym and still be as anxious as if I didn't.
    I sorry I wasn't much help.

    so true the only person who understood fully was my dad who had panic attacks and anxiety no one else really can understand without going through it
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    ive self diagnosed myself with an anxiety disorder too. i havent been to the doctors yet, ive struggled with addiction in the past so i doubt they will prescribe me anything anyways. I have social anxiety. Im not sure what triggers it though, but its only every so often out in public places where theres lots of people. I start to get panic attacks. Its not all the time though, its kind of hit or miss, but theres def something there. Last one was at a SMALL party, i freaked out so bad i RAN to the bathroom and stayed there for about 15 minutes until i chilled the hell out. The only thing that ive found that helps me not to get them so much is to cut caffeine out. The most i can handle is about one diet soda, if i drink more i kinda get crazy. I also talked to a friend about my issues a while back, and since then ive noticed they've settled down a little bit as well.

    The meds they would give you for anxiety disorder are not really addictive, in the sense that you can get addicted to them and need them. They're not like pain killers or Ritalin, or Adderall.
    ok, ive always been under the impression that they were. Im already past being an addict, and iwould hate to go back to that. I actually kind of think that maybe the reason for the anxiety to begin with, maybe my body not really knowing how to act being sober, since i was high for so long. I can say that since ive found ways to control it, its not bad like it use to be. If it starts to get in the way of my everyday life, i will def go see someone for it. My husband actually wants me to go see some one for it sooner rather than later though. Im torn, i dont know what to do. Like i said, im so afraid of the addiction thing, and i really think thats the only thing holding me back.

    Definitely talk to your doctor about it if you feel like it's getting the best of you! I'm a nursing student, and I've never heard of anybody being addicted to those meds. The issue is that you need to be weaned off them, you can't just stop cold turkey. But I wouldn't really call that an addiction. Good luck to you! :)
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    ive self diagnosed myself with an anxiety disorder too. i havent been to the doctors yet, ive struggled with addiction in the past so i doubt they will prescribe me anything anyways. I have social anxiety. Im not sure what triggers it though, but its only every so often out in public places where theres lots of people. I start to get panic attacks. Its not all the time though, its kind of hit or miss, but theres def something there. Last one was at a SMALL party, i freaked out so bad i RAN to the bathroom and stayed there for about 15 minutes until i chilled the hell out. The only thing that ive found that helps me not to get them so much is to cut caffeine out. The most i can handle is about one diet soda, if i drink more i kinda get crazy. I also talked to a friend about my issues a while back, and since then ive noticed they've settled down a little bit as well.

    The meds they would give you for anxiety disorder are not really addictive, in the sense that you can get addicted to them and need them. They're not like pain killers or Ritalin, or Adderall.
    ok, ive always been under the impression that they were. Im already past being an addict, and iwould hate to go back to that. I actually kind of think that maybe the reason for the anxiety to begin with, maybe my body not really knowing how to act being sober, since i was high for so long. I can say that since ive found ways to control it, its not bad like it use to be. If it starts to get in the way of my everyday life, i will def go see someone for it. My husband actually wants me to go see some one for it sooner rather than later though. Im torn, i dont know what to do. Like i said, im so afraid of the addiction thing, and i really think thats the only thing holding me back.

    Definitely talk to your doctor about it if you feel like it's getting the best of you! I'm a nursing student, and I've never heard of anybody being addicted to those meds. The issue is that you need to be weaned off them, you can't just stop cold turkey. But I wouldn't really call that an addiction. Good luck to you! :)
    thanks for the advice. i really do need to see somebody sooner than later.
  • It's crossed my mind here that its entirely possible that the unwillingness to medicate is actually a symptom of the anxiety disorder instead of being a well reasoned out decision.

    The OCD in me is terrified of medication. All kinds of medication, and if I do develop diabetes, which does run in my family, I'm not sure that I would take insulin.
  • LisaBee28
    LisaBee28 Posts: 1
    I have been diagonosed with anxiety disorder about 3 years ago but I refused to take the meds especially since I was trying to have a baby and they doctor recommended I didn't take them if I knew I would be pregnant soon. While pregnant, I found my anxiousness went away and soon after I had my daughter the panic attacks came back full force. I tried coping myself and it just got worse as time went on. My anxiety lead me to believe constantly I had something fatal wrong with me. I went back to school and had two weeks straight of constant anxiety, it was horrible. I made an appointment with the doctor thinking something was wrong with me and after tests were done and she confirmed that I was fine she recommended I take pills for my anxiety. At first I was hesistent about it but was tired of feeling this way so I agreed to the meds. Since taking the meds I feel myself again and I haven't noticed any side effects, weight included. I think it affected my weight before meds because while I felt that way, I didn't worry about what I ate or if I exercised. I was only concerned about if I had something seriously wrong with me and always feeling anxious.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Actually, this may sound dumb, but I've become so accepting of my anxiety, I don't believe that I would be me without it. It's just a part of me now. :/
  • I have a small degree of social anxiety that goes along with my bipolar 2 disorder but it never gets as bad as panic attacks, I just get intensely uncomfortable and have to remove myself from certain situations.

    My emotional disorder (BD 2) leads to a lot of self sabotage if I'm not careful, I have a very hard time taking care of myself when I'm in the throes of depression, and sometimes when I'm manic I can be really destructive in the opposite direction (throwing myself into things and only stopping when I'm injured or make myself sick) so it's hard to find a balance sometimes. I'm unmedicated, I don't like the person I am on meds (basically a zombie), even though it sucks having to deal with it on my own I've done it for long enough that it's a normal way of life and I function more or less like a normal person.
  • lilmill
    lilmill Posts: 7 Member
    Actually, this may sound dumb, but I've become so accepting of my anxiety, I don't believe that I would be me without it. It's just a part of me now. :/

    This definitely rings true to me. I have been on and off meds for years because of my social anxiety and I've found that nothing has really helped. My anxiety didn't cause me to gain weight or anything but it is definitely interfering with me trying to lose it. The gym is really hard for me some days because of all the people there. I feel like they are judging me and I always pick the treadmill in the back corner so I'm far away from everyone. Sometimes if someone starts using the treadmill right next to me, I'll have to just stop and sit in the locker room and wait for a while until I'm done panicking and I can find another treadmill. I hardly ever do weights even though I want to because I'm afraid people will be staring at me.

    I'm not on meds right now and I've come to a point where I just say you know what, I have little quirks and I'm a little weird but that's me. I can't even imagine myself not having this because it's such a part of me and it influences so much of what I do. I don't know if this is the right way to go about it, people may say that it's interfering with my quality of life, but I'd rather accept myself than work every day at becoming someone I don't know if I can be. I'm happy with myself right now and I think that's all that matters.

    This is just my experience though. If you want to change and try to overcome your anxiety, I would suggest trying therapy and/or meds. If you don't like it or it doesn't work you can always go off them again.
  • i found for mine i do better on meds and have way more energy to work out and clean whereas before i was more down and anxious and didnt feel like doing much
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    No offense but it doesn't sound like you are dealing w/ it very well. The need to control your personal items and not being able to face stress is effecting your quality of life. The doctor is a doctor for a reason if you do not take the meds you will never know if they help. Plenty of people take meds for anxiety refusing to take the pills doesnt make you stronger than them just sicker. If you are not in counseling I would recommend it.

    Actually, there are many good reasons not to take meds for anxiety. Neuroscience (and our modern treatment of anxiety) is relatively new, and medication is still a far from perfect or easy solution. There are many side effects that come part and parcel of common anxiety medications, and as of yet there isn't any firm, specific 'anxiety' drug. It's a work in progress, but the decision to use medication should not be assumed to be a cure-all or necessarily even helpful. Some are quite dangerous - a reason many prefer behavioural therapy, which comes with fewer risks and a measurable success rate, over the unknown factor many medications tend to be.

    I think perhaps you would benefit from some research in this area prior to making suggestions to others, particularly when said suggestions have an air of judgement about them. Brain chemistry is not as simple or well-understood as you seem to be assuming. Realistically, our base of knowledge has a distance to go - remember that it was not so long ago that lobotomies, insulin-induced comas and electroshock therapy were used without the slightest concern.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Actually, this may sound dumb, but I've become so accepting of my anxiety, I don't believe that I would be me without it. It's just a part of me now. :/

    Not dumb at all.

    That was a conversation I had with my psych. In my case due to the depression which dates back to my earliest memories, I was actually scared of feeling differently, I had no familiarity with long term happiness or contentment with life.

    The meds didn't flip a switch so that I went from depression and anxiety to being 'normal'. It's been a slow progression. So basically as we learn and grow and change every day of our lives for me, being more 'normal' became part of that.
  • Frappuzzino
    Frappuzzino Posts: 342 Member
    I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD, Agoraphobia, and am a Hypochondriac to some degree. OMG it makes me sound crazy. XD I've been to a therapist, which didn't work well for me. My Dr. mentioned pills for anxiety but never went through with them. I "grew out" of most of my OCD, but I still have some OCD quirks. The biggest help was losing weight, eating healthy and exercising. I haven't had a panic attack in 6 months. I get heightened anxiety levels during "that time" which is when I notice it the most but that's about it. I used to have heart palpitations every month to every three months, but haven't had one in 5 months. (Had one the other day for some unknown reason though)

    It's weird because I feel like I can almost induce my anxiety at certain times. I've almost completely learned to control it through deep breathing. :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    No offense but it doesn't sound like you are dealing w/ it very well. The need to control your personal items and not being able to face stress is effecting your quality of life. The doctor is a doctor for a reason if you do not take the meds you will never know if they help. Plenty of people take meds for anxiety refusing to take the pills doesnt make you stronger than them just sicker. If you are not in counseling I would recommend it.

    Actually, there are many good reasons not to take meds for anxiety. Neuroscience (and our modern treatment of anxiety) is relatively new, and medication is still a far from perfect or easy solution. There are many side effects that come part and parcel of common anxiety medications, and as of yet there isn't any firm, specific 'anxiety' drug. It's a work in progress, but the decision to use medication should not be assumed to be a cure-all or necessarily even helpful. Some are quite dangerous - a reason many prefer behavioural therapy, which comes with fewer risks and a measurable success rate, over the unknown factor many medications tend to be.

    I think perhaps you would benefit from some research in this area prior to making suggestions to others, particularly when said suggestions have an air of judgement about them. Brain chemistry is not as simple or well-understood as you seem to be assuming. Realistically, our base of knowledge has a distance to go - remember that it was not so long ago that lobotomies, insulin-induced comas and electroshock therapy were used without the slightest concern.

    There is something about this response that I find quite troubling, but I really can't put my finger on it, because nothing said is anything I would disagree with strongly.

    I find myself wanting to say that it's incredibly unlikely that there will ever be a specific 'anxiety' drug, simply because dealing with the brain chemistry is more difficult than dealing with any other part of the body. It also happens to be the least understood of the body's organ and therefore, yes, finding an effective treatment is difficult. God knows I've played 'musical meds' for years before I found a combination that works for me.

    I do agree that behavioural therapy is quite useful for some people, but it's not for everyone and seeing a medical professional for your mental illness is a starting point to learning what is best for you. Some people need meds temporarily to get them to a place where they can actually work on behavior therapy.

    I thoroughly believe that everyone should do their own research on options out there before making decisions or suggestions to other people, but unless people take their information from good sources and are self aware, even research and knowledge can be pretty useless. At this point I'm also going to say that I'm troubled when people say they are 'self diagnosed', unless it's backed up by a professional diagnoses I believe it's in question.

    Lastly, simply because a treatment is new doesn't mean it should be treated a suspect, sometimes you have to take a chance on the possible long term side effects in order to have a happy productive life now. While the medication is not mental health related, my husband was put on a drug that received one of the fastest approvals the FDA has ever given. It was worth it. The second drug he was put on, had only been approved for less than six months. Again, worth it. Maybe there will be long term side effects to taking the meds, I personally hope he'll be around to find out. The same with medications for mental illness. I'm willing to take the chance.

    The irony to all I've said is that one of my biggest anxiety triggers is actually dealing with medical professionals, but facing up such things is necessary and often the best course of action.

    I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for going on about this, and on this thread in general, but over the years I've become very vocal about depression, anxiety and mental illness and disorders in general. I got really tired of having to make excuses for my viable illness, and I got tired of being ashamed of it, and I got tired of running in to people who were miserable and silent because they blamed themselves and had never heard anyone speak up about what they were going through.
  • Postlethwaite
    Postlethwaite Posts: 90 Member
    I have anxiety and occasional panic attacks. When I say occasional, I mean that I have "episodes" where I may have panic attacks, and then I can go months without any. The anxiety does stick around.

    I manage it best without medicine by exercise (regular, every day, even when you don't want to.. walk walk walk) and managing my diet, drinking my water and WATCH THE SUGAR.

    Sugar can really mess up my moods and while eating sugar feels good at the time, later on or the next morning I feel the slump and low energy and hopelessness chasing after me.. (walk walk walk..)

    Find your balance, and whether it includes pills or not, stick to it. Re-evaluate every 3-6 months and decide if what you are doing is really working for you.

    Look how many replies you have? You are NOT alone.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    No offense but it doesn't sound like you are dealing w/ it very well. The need to control your personal items and not being able to face stress is effecting your quality of life. The doctor is a doctor for a reason if you do not take the meds you will never know if they help. Plenty of people take meds for anxiety refusing to take the pills doesnt make you stronger than them just sicker. If you are not in counseling I would recommend it.

    Actually, there are many good reasons not to take meds for anxiety. Neuroscience (and our modern treatment of anxiety) is relatively new, and medication is still a far from perfect or easy solution. There are many side effects that come part and parcel of common anxiety medications, and as of yet there isn't any firm, specific 'anxiety' drug. It's a work in progress, but the decision to use medication should not be assumed to be a cure-all or necessarily even helpful. Some are quite dangerous - a reason many prefer behavioural therapy, which comes with fewer risks and a measurable success rate, over the unknown factor many medications tend to be.

    I think perhaps you would benefit from some research in this area prior to making suggestions to others, particularly when said suggestions have an air of judgement about them. Brain chemistry is not as simple or well-understood as you seem to be assuming. Realistically, our base of knowledge has a distance to go - remember that it was not so long ago that lobotomies, insulin-induced comas and electroshock therapy were used without the slightest concern.

    There is something about this response that I find quite troubling, but I really can't put my finger on it, because nothing said is anything I would disagree with strongly.

    I find myself wanting to say that it's incredibly unlikely that there will ever be a specific 'anxiety' drug, simply because dealing with the brain chemistry is more difficult than dealing with any other part of the body. It also happens to be the least understood of the body's organ and therefore, yes, finding an effective treatment is difficult. God knows I've played 'musical meds' for years before I found a combination that works for me.

    I do agree that behavioural therapy is quite useful for some people, but it's not for everyone and seeing a medical professional for your mental illness is a starting point to learning what is best for you. Some people need meds temporarily to get them to a place where they can actually work on behavior therapy.

    I thoroughly believe that everyone should do their own research on options out there before making decisions or suggestions to other people, but unless people take their information from good sources and are self aware, even research and knowledge can be pretty useless. At this point I'm also going to say that I'm troubled when people say they are 'self diagnosed', unless it's backed up by a professional diagnoses I believe it's in question.

    Lastly, simply because a treatment is new doesn't mean it should be treated a suspect, sometimes you have to take a chance on the possible long term side effects in order to have a happy productive life now. While the medication is not mental health related, my husband was put on a drug that received one of the fastest approvals the FDA has ever given. It was worth it. The second drug he was put on, had only been approved for less than six months. Again, worth it. Maybe there will be long term side effects to taking the meds, I personally hope he'll be around to find out. The same with medications for mental illness. I'm willing to take the chance.

    The irony to all I've said is that one of my biggest anxiety triggers is actually dealing with medical professionals, but facing up such things is necessary and often the best course of action.

    I'm not going to say that I'm sorry for going on about this, and on this thread in general, but over the years I've become very vocal about depression, anxiety and mental illness and disorders in general. I got really tired of having to make excuses for my viable illness, and I got tired of being ashamed of it, and I got tired of running in to people who were miserable and silent because they blamed themselves and had never heard anyone speak up about what they were going through.

    I just wanted to say that I second the last part of your comment, about people being ashamed of their illness, like they choose to be anxious or whatever. it's not your choice that you are that way, you just are!
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