Hi I'm scared I don't know if I can do this alone



  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,080 Member
    edited April 2017
    Folks - Sugar is not the devil - Eating too many calories of any kind is - If your maintenance calories were 1800 calories a day and you ate 2000 calories a day of "healthy food" guess what? you still will still gain weight.

    Restricting food types is not the answer for long term sustainable weight loss and is where a lot of people find themselves in an eternal struggle of restrict-binge cycling and ending up miserable.

    Make small sustainable changes to your lifestyle by eating less and moving more and you will see a slow and steady improvement that you are much more likely to stick with.

    I've an open diary - if anyone wants to add me for accountability then feel free. I'm at almost 100 days logging and have been meal planning/prepping for 4 months, I've lost 23lb so far and I still enjoy chocolate most days and have the occasional pizza (:smirk: yes I said the dirty P word).

  • kimr891
    kimr891 Posts: 1 Member
    Omg!! We are same boat- I don't know if I can do this. I failed so many time that everyone has written it off. Add me!
  • Thirkellf
    Thirkellf Posts: 2 Member
    Folks - Sugar is not the devil

    Of course weight loss and a healthy relationship with food is more complicated than simply cutting out one food, but I'd disagree that sugar is not the devil. Even if all you did was drastically reduce the sugar in your diet your health would improve. It's insidious and damaging and addicting.
  • allisonsblevins
    allisonsblevins Posts: 3 Member
    It is so nice to see that I am not alone and so many people are going through the same thing. I would like to have some friends but today is my first day on and I can't see how to send friend request. Please let me know how.
  • Fit4life226
    Fit4life226 Posts: 6 Member
    Nope! Your not alone, I have 40 lbs to lose and this is the millionth time I've tried doing it. I can't find the motivation to do anything about it. I love eating so much and I would rather eat than try to lose this weight...but I'm getting older so I don't want to deal with this struggle when I'm older and it's much harder...ugh!!
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,080 Member
    Thirkellf wrote: »
    Folks - Sugar is not the devil

    Of course weight loss and a healthy relationship with food is more complicated than simply cutting out one food, but I'd disagree that sugar is not the devil. Even if all you did was drastically reduce the sugar in your diet your health would improve. It's insidious and damaging and addicting.

    Eating too much sugar can be damaging yes, my point is that sugar alone (or carbs, or fat) is not the reason people gain weight, over-eating is. A lot of people when they are new to MFP (myself included) don't have a full understanding of how simply weight loss works. Drastically reducing sugar might improve your health, particularly if you have a medical condition but it won't necessarily make you lose weight if you're still eating too many calories.

    I'm not going to hijack the OP's thread to debate sugar addiction, there are more than enough threads on the DEBATE board if that's your thing.

    To the OP - a good starting point is to log what you're normally eating for a few days, see where you are taking in excess calories and make small changes to reduce the amount of calories to your MFP calorie goal. This can be done by:
    • portion control - eating the same things but in smaller quantities
    • substituting lower calorie version of foods - for example using a low fat mayonnaise instead of full fat
    • switching to something more nutritious - for example instead of fries as a side, having some roasted veg or a salad
    • tweaking recipes/making food from scratch - Pinterest is full of lower calorie versions of takeaway and comfort foods.
    • Increasing activity - to increase calorie allowance to fit in some of the foods you enjoy if for example you know you're going out for a few drinks or are going out to dinner with friends.
  • allisonsblevins
    allisonsblevins Posts: 3 Member
    I have just stared yesterday and really want to stay on track I have 50 lbs to loss,was hoping to find people to talk to that would help.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,080 Member
    It is so nice to see that I am not alone and so many people are going through the same thing. I would like to have some friends but today is my first day on and I can't see how to send friend request. Please let me know how.

    Click on the person's user name, this will bring up their user card, then click on the name again to see their profile and click add friend.