Ready2bfitmelio Posts: 9
edited 3:39AM in Introduce Yourself
We all must remember to lose weight for our self. If you try to lose weight for other 9 time out of 10 you will not complete it!! You have to realize that no matter how much you lose if someone is not happy with you: they will find something else wrong with you. In all reality you have to love your self first before loving some one correctly. So, In order to lose weight and feel god about it, let those people that talked about you, killed your dreams, and broke your heart; be your motivation but, do not let them be the reasoning you are trying to lose weight .
As we grew up we were taught that being overweight is just not okay. The thing is that it is okay as long as you stay healthy I know many people don't agree with that but its true and also fact. So therefore when you begin to lose weight don't go off the deep end and become all bones just because it says you should be a certain weight. Realize that you have came a far way and pat yourself on the back. Even when you lose only 2 lbs its better then nothing. Remember that the goal is not only to lose weight but to be happy with the person that you have become and to be healthy!!!
Lastly if no one else tells you let me tell you i have faith in you, I believe that we all can do this!!! Before you go to bed look at yourself and point out the good not just the bad!!! tell your self i can do it it sound so movieish but it works!! have faith and keep up the hard work!!
Ready2bfitmelio:love::love: :smooched: :love: :heart: :love: :heart:



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