Moms trying to juggle ! How do you do it?

I used to do this but then got a desk job and put back all weight I had lost! So decided to try again. My daughter is an active 4 yo. I'm a stay at home mom. I try to find time to workout or take her on hikes with me or get her to engage in my workouts. Still hard to focus though if she decides she doesn't want to anymore . Any other suggestions? Also add me as a friend if you want. Can always support each other


  • drummondk
    drummondk Posts: 79 Member
    I have a two and four year old. While my four year old is at school I take my two year old to the gym with me. They have childcare included in my membership, so he gets to play with other kids in a room filled with toys while I work out! ;) He seems to love it!
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't have any support. I try to do it all and sadly the I have to sacrifice a lot of sleep.
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    I get up at 5AM to workout or run before I have to get my 6 year old up at 5:50. He gets on the bus at 6:10, I leave for work shortly before 7. His lights out is 8:00, and I go to sleep then as well. He LOVES hiking and swimming, and some biking, and we usually walk over to grandmas house (2.5 miles) instead of driving on weekends when ever it's nice. It's so much easier in summer, though! Can't wait for swimming weather when our family goes down to the lake to swim instead of over to my mom's and munching all day, lol
  • frawley23
    frawley23 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a stay at home mum to an almost 3 year old. I start my day (6 days a week) with 15 to 20km (9-12 miles) on the exercise bike in my lounge room. I do have to stop and start a little bit to help my kid go to the toilet, get her a drink, turn on the tv etc but she understands that I need to exercise and it's just part of our routine. I have on occasion had to put a seat next to the bike so that she could be close to me or read her a story etc but I always get my kms. During the day we go on walks around the neighbourhood. We play follow the leader, look at all the trees and describe them, have running races to the next street light, see how far we can hop like a kangaroo etc. We tend to walk the same path so our walks are about 1.5 km (1 mile) which I know is not far but we do it once or twice a day most days (we have mild weather) which helps her get her exercise in too.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I wake up at 4.30am just do I can work out before my 5yo wakes up. Then feed him, get ready, sit in traffic for an hour, work full time, sit in traffic again, pick my son up, dinner, homework, clean up, shower, bedtime.

    Day after day.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Currently I'm using Daily Burn and Just Dance. Both of my boys like to workout with me. I bought them each a set of fake adjustable dumbbells and they try to mimic what I'm doing. When they get bored they run off and play with their toys. My 5 yr old though will typically make it through the whole workout with me and frequently asks to play Just Dance (it's no fun if mommy isn't doing it too....or at least that's what he says).

    I work as a server in the morning (6 am - 2 pm) 5 days a week in the restaurant in a retirement community (so always moving...a slow day is if 9 out of 80 residents don't show up for lunch...they never seem to miss breakfast). I usually do my workout sometime after work, but always before 8 pm. My 5 year old is actually reminding me that I need to workout right now.

  • FreyasRebirth
    FreyasRebirth Posts: 514 Member
    edited April 2017
    I go to school full time with a 6 year old and 2 year old. A little bit here and a little bit there. "Body By You" has bodyweight (no gym necessary) workouts for women. Something is better than nothing and working in 10 minutes a day (usually when they are in the bath or in bed) isn't impossibly hard.

    If you have time to watch your favorite shows on Netflix, you can do jumping jacks, squats, glute bridges, sit-ups, planks, ect at the same time. I've done it myself, it makes it less tedious.