getting tired of this about to give up.



  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    You sound like me, yet when I need inspiration, I dont turn to close friends, I have found logging onto this site and even going through the community board gets me back on track. Success stories is the best place to start! Dont give up!:wink:
  • Amandamccl
    Amandamccl Posts: 380
    Dude, you're young, you're beautiful and you want to be a pro fighter! So, fight sister, fight! You can do this. Stick with it and your head in a different place. Nothing is going to happen over night and you will not get any results without some work, some changes and some sacrifice. If you want to be a pro fighter/wrestler then you will benefit from lifting weights. If you aren't already doing this, get started right now! Get a couple good books from the library or Amazon or where ever you get books in your town. I recommend "New Rules of Lifting" for a great weight program. I'm sure you can find some nutrition books you like as well.

    Do this! Good luck, work hard and feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    you mad me blush thank you and I hace a great strength training workout it kicks my butt : -)
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    First of all... just work out. I have barely exercised a day in my life. Then I kept reading on here "eat your exercise calories back" and it made all the sense in the world... if I wanted to continue to eat what I love, all I have to do it work my butt for 30-45 minutes a day. I'm not even focused on the lbs right now, just on trying to get to a point where my workouts seem a little easy so I can step it up more. So don't skip a workout because you feel like you over ate... work out whether you did or didn't over eat. Eventually you will look at a piece of food and say "Man, that will be a LOOOOOONG *kitten* workout, maybe I'll skip it and choose something else."
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    whoops hit post twice. lol.
  • JoanWill
    JoanWill Posts: 217
    I did go to ahs so we might know each other. .and I have decided to stay: -)

    That's the attitude! It is up to you to feel sorry for yourself or be happy. Way to go.

    I have everyday struggles just like most of us here do. But what has helped me is I do take time to read success stories and NSV's. They push me.

    And IMO it does help to hear ourselves scream or cry. Because once we have emptied ourselves with those feelings, it's a clean slate. We start fresh. We start filling ourselves with positive things.
  • dragonfly1120
    dragonfly1120 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't give up!!!

    I've failed for many years. I love food!!! I was 110 when I got married. 2 kids later, my heaviest was 167. That's horrifying! Please don't give up. Don't be me. You can do this.

    Well if I had read ALL the posts, I would have seen you're staying! Yay!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Please don't give up. I had a "mystery gain" of 10 lbs. that I struggled with for a year!

    Take a look at this post and see if it applies to you:

    It made all the difference for me. I hope you keep that chin up!

  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
    can't stick to this losing weight thing I lose and gain the 8 same pounds. I say every day I'm going to start today this is the day but I keep eating like a pig and then think whats the point in working out i already ate like a pig. I been trying to start back the last 3 months and can't so I guess I'm singing off for good!!

    Been there done that with the whole "giving up" feeeling. I found I needed to do a few very important things.
    1. Stop the it starts tomorrow attitude. You start eating healthy NOW
    2. If you just binged: Calculate the calories you ate, get your booty to a gym and try to burn ALL of those off. I guarantee, by the time you hit the 1000 calorie marker(or any number where you feel exhausted) you'll hate any type of high calorie high fat food.
    3.Cut yourself some slack. It's not easy breaking a life time of habits. Start slow, maybe you start to say I'll eat a really healthy breakfast and lunch, and then whatever i want for dinner. It doesn't need to be all or nothing with eating healthy. Take things slow, get to know your body and figure out what works for you!
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    If you truly were about to give up, you wouldn't have bothered writing a topic. You would have just not have bothered signing into MFP again. You still have fight in you! You reached out for help.. that shows you still care. You don't want to quit. Will that make you happy? Nope! You deserve to be happy.. so fight for it!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I was like that when I was quite a bit younger. For me what helped (and this was about 6 years ago) was joining a program. I joined weight watchers. It was nice to have a support group that I could go to each week. I learned a lot too about food. Don't get me wrong, I love MFP and although WW worked and I attained Life Time, I gained it all back a couple of times since then. I am great at losing weight, but still learning how to keep it off. I guess what I am trying to say is maybe joining a program AND sticking with MFP would be beneficial to you.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    In the process of changing a habit, it's normal to fall down. But the important thing is to keep trying. Many of us have been battling for year after year after YEAR and a lot of people are actually finding success. Don't give up. Just find a different plan of attack. :)
  • patman1976
    It's different weight so don't quit. I call myself a rubber band. I can stretch thin, relax and snap to a fat rubberband again. Don't weigh in daily. Once a week is good. Get rid of high calorie, unfulfilling food in the home. Water, water water, it fills you up and gets you through big cravings. Best wishes!!!
  • Shantre
    Shantre Posts: 66 Member
    You can do it girl! I will hound you if you don't so keep that in mind!!!
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Have you read your own tag line?

    You can scream, yell,
    swear, shout, cry, whimper, grunt, bleed,
    puke and pass out. JUST DON'T QUIT!

    Sounds like you have other stuff going on that you are dealing with by eating. Maybe you need to look at that and deal with those things head on.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    If I do 'eat like a pig' then I absolutely work out because I over indulged. You know what it feels like and how happy you are when you lose 8# - so just keep thinking about that. I try to pre measure/ weigh snacks and keep them in a ziplock baggy all measured out so when I want to indulge in something not so good, I don't over do it. If you grab a bag of chips, sometimes it is harder to stop at a 'normal' serving- but when it's alreDy measured out, I stop when my baggy is empty. You can do it - if I can, anyone can!!!