Green Tea Weight Loss?

Is anyone drinking green tea daily for weight loss? Is it working for you? I haven't tried it but a girl in my prayer group says it works.


  • Abdullah2730
    Abdullah2730 Posts: 1 Member
    It helped me at first drinking it between meals. Helped with managing my craving, but in 2 weeks I was doing fine without it.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,907 Member
    I drink matcha daily. It tastes nice: I like it cold with a slice of fresh citrus (lemon or lime).

    In 4 years (1 of weight loss, 3 of maintenance) I've never noticed any impact on my weight loss rate, weight maintenance ability, appetite or satiation.

    It's reported to have some useful antioxidants, but I wouldn't drink it if I didn't enjoy it: Life is too short to eat/drink things that don't taste good.

    The caffeine should have a mild energy revving effect, but that's trivial in terms of calorie burn, and coffee has more caffeine anyway (around twice the caffeine vs. matcha, in my understanding). (I drink coffee, too, and like it ;) ).

    Unless you enjoy it, I wouldn't bother. If you like it, why not?
  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    My doctor just asked me why I drink 2 cups in the morning. I told her because I heard that it is good for you. She laughed and said it's hyp, that the caffeine makes you think something is improving. Then she said if I like the taste, switch to decaf. I did. It never helped with weight loss or my health in general.