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Re-establishing Chubby Twenties?!



  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Oh my little Natstar!
    That story makes me sad!! As sapphire said you are gorgeous! I know who you are talking about and how you feel about him and how silly hard it is....Think how amazing you feel after a loss and things. In the year ish we have been talking you have grown soooooooooooooooooooooo much mentally and had a lovely steady decline in weight. I am so proud of you and want to see you smiling!!!

    Jenny...of course you are welcome...this was set up as a way of people of similar ages to talk about their ups and downs and to generally have a giggle!

    Spyro...I am glad you like the group, welcome!!

    as for me....I have had an good ish week, got back on the wii and after a very upsetting start involving a very painful ankle I realised I have gained the bit I lost which I expected but I hadnt gained as much as I thought. Have done a HUGE tesco shop so I now have LOTS of healthy food in the house...Nat I am using the Special K thing as a guide...thanks for that!!!

    keep it up girls! and keep me motivated please!!!
  • rbmeyer
    rbmeyer Posts: 5
    Hey there 20-somethings!

    I would love to join up in this group. I feel like you do a lot of growing up in your 20's... and I have also done a lot of growing out. I am a 24 year old grad student, newly wed and new home owner in desperate need of motivation and support. I make up a lot of excuses for not working out and feel completely exhausted at the end of each day. I recently tipped over the 200 mark, weighing the most I ever have in my life. It's time to get health, happy and confident. Thanks so much, and I look forward to following all of your progress!

  • rbmeyer
    rbmeyer Posts: 5
    Hi Ladies!

    I felt pretty good about what I was eating today until I got home from work and put it in MFP... yikes! Only 270 calories left for the day... and I still need to eat some dinner. I'll need to figure out a different plan for spreading out my calories evenly throughout the day. I'm worried because my husband made plans to go to a wine tasting with friends tonight and he wants to just "pick up" something for dinner. He is very supportive, but sometimes doesn't consider what I may or may not be able to eat/drink while making plans. So, now I have to rush to get ready and go and entertain friends when all I really want to do is get a workout in, make a nice dinner and hang out. Does anyone have a similar problem where your husband/significant other/etc. doesn't consider you before making plans with others? I know he doesn't do it on purpose, but it is frustrating to me becuase it is partially due to his bad eating habits (which I 100% adopted on my own) that I am to the weight I am now. I've never been thin, but I've never been this big.
    Sorry- it's just been a long week and I needed to vent. Thanks for listening!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Welcome Randy!
    I have to be honest I lost all motivation when in a relationship and then it took me about 2 months after the relationship ended to get my act together!!! So yep, I am with you there on the significant other affecting your losses, not in a bad way as if they dont care because he really did think about me, (we had a pact about when he was in the gym I had to be working out) but in a not realising the plans they make kinda screw up your workout/eating plans!!

    But to be fair....1 day going over your goal....not going to make a major difference...yes it may mean you have to try a little harder the next day but it wont mean you gain 10lbs!!!
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi everybody! I would love to be a part of your group! I am 26 and have struggled with my weight and body image since high school. Several months ago I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and it was so nice to finally have an answer as to why even though I was doing everything right (like eating right and exercising) but still was unable to lose weight. It's time to get my weight under control and be healthy. My highest weight was a few months ago at 185. I am now 175 and would loveto get down to 140. I would love to be in a single digit pants size! I need lots of motivation, so add me as a friend and we can help encourage each other!
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member
    I'd love to join. I'm ally. I'm 22 and want to lose like 10 more pounds. I look forward to the support.
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hello lovelies! i'll reply to everyone properly when i get home, but i just wanted to let you all know that I'M AT THE GYM! Lol, not a big deal i know, but i manned up and came here straight from work like i've said i'll do for the past 4 weeks :D i've got 3 weeks til my holiday with my skinny friend, and seen as i've come be a bit of a stand still with the actual weight loss, i figured i should knuckle down and try some inch loss! Nat xx
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    (I'll reply properly again later, having a bit of a downer at the moment, and finding it hard to not sit around moping, and also not to eat the entire contents of the fridge...I genuinely feel like I could eat an entire horse the past few days!) xx
  • Hey everyone, I would love more motivations and support so please feel free to add me. I am definitely a chubby twenty year old, haha. This sounds great!

    SW: 287
    CW: 275

    Goal 1: Under 250
    Goal 2: Under 200
    Goal 3: Healthy BMI

    Age23, 5'6"
  • Gemfox, I totally empathize with you on the Wii! I also have one which I love and would much rather use that to weigh myself than an actual scale! I have Wii fit, and my fiancé got me Wii fit plus but when I went to use it there was like a 1 pound weight difference( which is hardly anything but was still discouraging) so I have just stuck to regular wii fit, lol.

    I also know that weight fluctuates a lot but being overweight, any extra pounds is just somewhat unmotivating for me.
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Booo!!! I typed a long reply to everyone who's posted since my weekend post and then accidently hit refresh so its all gone!! damnit!

    Anyways, i guess i'll have to post a general reply because i really cant remember what i said and to be honest, i cant be bothered with scrolling through the posts again.

    So, Thanks to everyone for their kind words about my mini-breakdown last weekend. The guy in question (Rab - nickname) keeps using "i cant give 100%" as an excuse, and honestly im getting a little fed up of it. I know he's busy, i know he hasnt had a relationship for a good few years, i know he's probably scared and feeling insecure, but guess what, So am i!! He doesnt seem to realise that im not his ex, i understand how busy he is and i'm not one of those girls that will try to distract him from his uni work, because Uni is first priority, i dont want a relationship with any pressure, and im not asking for the bloody world!! I dont know what happened with his ex, but i mean look at what i went through with my ex, i got over it! why cant he?!?! *sigh*
    Anyways, rant over.... :)

    Hello to all the newbies! Hopefully you'll find the support/motivation/friendship you're looking for!

    Nat xx
  • i wanna join! is it to late to join this group???

    my name is dannielle. i am 23. i have two amazing little boys, i want to lose around 40 lbs before october, or at least the end of the year. :) i just joined this site, and i don't know anyone , this group sounds just like me, and i need alot of help with the motivation!

    my current weight : 159
    goal weight: 115 ish
    i am very short, around 5'3 so i look alot bigger than i am
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    No way is it too late Danielle!


    I'm also very short, 5"1 (and a half) so i know how you feel, hopefully you'll loose the majority of that 40lbs by october! Good luck

    Nat xx
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    After re-trying to get back into this I'm finally ready! It's taken like 3 months but I'm back on track. It helps that I've finally booked my dream vacation to Scotland and I want to be in shape when I go.
  • dicali
    dicali Posts: 1
    Hey everyone,
    I am fairly new to this site and would love to join this group. I feel as if I'm all alone in this losing weight business. I've been working out and eating better for about 3 weeks now and have lost some weight but my motivation is on the decline. I don't have any support and what makes it harder is that my boyfriend is trying to gain weight and muscle so he is eating all kinds of delicious food around me. I would love to hear from everyone and hopefully we can all reach our weight loss goals together.
  • Zeeeleee
    Zeeeleee Posts: 15 Member
    Hello everyone. I would love to join this group! I am 27 and would love to be a size 10 (AUS), currently a larger size 12 c:(

    I have a cold/ flu at the moment, had a head cold and took it slow last week with exercise but today I cant stop coughing so Im finally forced to the couch :(
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi all,
    I feel it has been a little long since I have posted properly so here goes (this could be a long one...):

    Lthompson – Welcome, love new people in our group (I would say face but I cant see it). PCOS seems to be a pretty common thing on these forums. Having an answer is great as much as PCOS sucks! Keep posting on here when you are down or when you are feeling great. We love the support and love giving it to!

    Ally – Welcome!

    Natstar (i’m liking this name for you!) – WAY TO GO!!! Gym is goooooooooooooooood! As for the kind words, no worries. You have been there for my MANY man related rants. He is being a douch AGAIN! Tell him to get over himself or I will hunt him down and sit on him! Think about i...I am a chubster...it would hurt!

    Penny – booooo to having a downer. Its always the emotional eating that gets me!

    Futurekilousky – welcome. 12lb down is a great start and good goals...have you got any dates you want to reach them by? The Wii is my friend and enemy all rolled into one! I have Fit Plus which I love but also use My Fitness Pal Cardio Workout which is AMAZING its a boxing game which is all rhythm linked. Love love love! If you haven’t got it GET IT!!!

    Danielle – not at all!!! Welcome welcome welcome! 40 lbs by October – WOW! Good luck with that one lovely. We will be here for all the support you need!

    Cenedria – where have you been?! And where in Scotland?!

    Dicali – welcome you are never alone, we are all here for support and praise and just ranting! Motivation is what I really suffer with too. I have found that coming on this group has helped me stay motivated!!

    Kidnap – Hi, and ergh to coldy fluey type stuff! Thats rubbish. Hope you feel better soon!

    Ok now for me – guess what I have just finishged doing everyone....A WORKOUT!!! Yes I actally got off my bum and did 30 minutes on the wii boxing, it didn’t hurt my ankle which i was really shocked at and i didn’t feel exhausted like I thought I would! And I burnt like 270 cals which I am super proud of! I probably could have done more but I got bored, my housemates came home and I have to do it in the front room and I didn’t want to risk injury!!
    Tomorrow I have a crazy early start (like Nat early – 5am) and probably a long day, then Thursday I have this huge event at work so will be working 9am-around 11pm boooooooo. The only good thing is I will get to meet some of my dream men (and kind of sporting heroes) a bunch of rugby guys are coming to the event. Google Jamie Roberts if you don’t know him, he is swooooooooooooooon worthy!
    Told you it was a long one!!
    Love you all xxx
  • Zeeeleee
    Zeeeleee Posts: 15 Member
    Hey Gem

    Feeling a bit better today. Cant wait to get back to my normal exercise schedule. I need to loose some pounds!

    How is the WII fitness program? Is it any good? Ive never used a wii so I have no idea! lol
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Quick post as I have to remove hair dye but I have a really really weird NSV to tell you about.....my feet have shrunk!!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hey Gem! I know I've been lame. I fell off the wagon horribly. It's taken me a while to pick myself back up again. As to Scotland I'm going to start in Edinburgh but after that I'm not sure yet, still planning I'm taking a tour for the first week then I have 19 days on my own. I know I'm going to go down to North Wales for a weekend (plus whatever train time it takes) to visit a friend who lives there. I'm still doing my research about what I want to see and do especially since I'm going in the middle of freaking winter! But I wanted to go to Hogmanay in Edinburgh. :) Isn't it weird how our feet shrink. I'm down almost a full size now from when I started. So strange. Congrats! Any NSV is good!