Looking Forward to a New Me

dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
Hi. I am so tired of being tired. I know how to lose the weight. And I have had success several times, only to just put it all back on and more.
I'm hoping that this time I can get it off and keep it off. I have alot to lose and I know that it will take alot of work and willpower on my part, but I am ready.
This looks like a great site to keep me motivated. Looking forward to the new me. :)


  • MargieNgainesville
    Good Morning, YOU can do it and this is a great site. I read your bio and like you, I too have lost and put back on a 100 pounds three times. This time my head is in a better place. I still struggle and that negative self talk pops in. But it is different. Good Luck and Hard Work. Welcome.
  • cindykern
    cindykern Posts: 5
    This site has been great for me. I am right there with you on the roller coaster of weight loss. I started my final journey of weight loss back in April. By tracking what I am eating and my excercise i am able to look and see that i have had enough for the day. This method seems to be working for me anyway. 23 pounds since April. i did not put this weight on overnight and it will not come off over night. I have a differant outlook this time. I am the only one that can do this for me. i can not depend on anyone else to make me happy. Goodluck.