Counting Calories is Outdated?!


so i just read this article about what you eat is significantly more important than counting calories.

i guess if you eat healthy, you will consume less calories automatically but what are the "healthy food" anyway? im having serious issues with my diet and i binge a lot. what should i eat?

can someone give me an example of what they eat in a day? thanks!


  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    I don't think counting calories is necessarily outdated, it's just not the whole picture. You can eat 1200 calories worth of brownies and ice cream, and you may even lose weight, but you're body isn't going to love you for it - so what you eat definitely plays a part in being healthy and losing weight.

    My food diary is open, if you want to see what I've been eating. I feel like I eat so much during the day, but it's mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. I love to cook so it's been easy to cut out most packaged foods from my diet.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    For general health it's about your micronutrients.

    To lose weight, it's about your caloires consumed versus the energy you put out, and about hitting your macros.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    But how are you going to know if youre eating less if you dont know where you started versus where youre at? Too much of anything isn't too great for you. Like potatoes, way to kill carbs for the day right there. Or nuts. Put yourself over in fat in a heart beat.
    As to what YOU should eat, a lot of us have our diaries open, so hunt around!!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    For general health it's about your micronutrients.

    To lose weight, it's about your caloires consumed versus the energy you put out, and about hitting your macros.

    That'v a fantastic way to put it!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I need to count calories. If I don't, even if I'm eating the healthy stuff I will eat it ALL!

    Seriously, a whole watermelon, half a loaf of whole grain wheat bread, 3 pounds of cherries, etc.... I don't think that just because those things are healthy, I'd lose weight by eating that much.

    I HAVE TO count calories! :laugh:
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    I need to count calories. If I don't, even if I'm eating the healthy stuff I will eat it ALL!

    Seriously, a whole watermelon, half a loaf of whole grain wheat bread, 3 pounds of cherries, etc.... I don't think that just because those things are healthy, I'd lose weight by eating that much.

    I HAVE TO count calories! :laugh:

    I agree with you--on MFP we're not just looking at calories, but proteins, fats & carbs--If it's outdated...I don't care because it's working. It's all about balance & making appropriate choices.
  • apehead1
    apehead1 Posts: 87 Member
    I would have to agree, I've kept my weight off for over a year now and I still track my calories. I've tried not to and it's not hard to eat over your daily allowance even if you eat healthy so I come back to it.

    I've started running as of late the couch to 5 k it's a 9 week program. This allows me to burn more calories, get healthy and lets me eat skinny cows LOL

    Keep counting calories but one still has to eat healthy. I too could eat fruit and fruit only and go over my calories
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I need to count calories. If I don't, even if I'm eating the healthy stuff I will eat it ALL!

    Seriously, a whole watermelon, half a loaf of whole grain wheat bread, 3 pounds of cherries, etc.... I don't think that just because those things are healthy, I'd lose weight by eating that much.

    I HAVE TO count calories! :laugh:

    Oooh a whole watermelon...I could so do that!

    For general health it's about your micronutrients.

    To lose weight, it's about your caloires consumed versus the energy you put out, and about hitting your macros.

    This is it exactly, you can and will lose weight eating 1200 calories of chocolate and crud and although some weight related issues may appear better other health issues would eventually surface. A combination of watching the calories and eating healthy is the best way to go
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    So after reading the entire thing.... I find it interesting that those who consumed refined carbs gained more, and those who slept more than 8 hours did as well! while they didn't elaborate on the latter, it's still an unexpected find. Also, they jump to a conclusion about other alcohol sources causing weight gain. They suggest a slight increase in win won't but other substances shall, with no evidence? Sketchy on that one.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I too could eat fruit and fruit only and go over my calories

    ... I've done that! Killed my carbs long before calories though!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member

    I'd be willing to go out on a limb and guess he was eating very low calorie. And that's a lot of weight to lose in 2 months. Yea, it might work, but as he said, he wouldn't suggest it. Where's the health in it?
    I know TONS of people that eat crap and reach their goals, but as one said earlier, when it comes to health it's about the macros.. You're not getting any protein from poptarts and little debbies. Only carbs and fat.
  • AuntNiecey
    AuntNiecey Posts: 26
    Another resource for you.

    I count my calories on here to see my protein and sugar counts for education and accountability mainly.

    The whole premise with this is the hunger/fullness assessment and mindful eating
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member

    I'd be willing to go out on a limb and guess he was eating very low calorie. And that's a lot of weight to lose in 2 months. Yea, it might work, but as he said, he wouldn't suggest it. Where's the health in it?
    I know TONS of people that eat crap and reach their goals, but as one said earlier, when it comes to health it's about the macros.. You're not getting any protein from poptarts and little debbies. Only carbs and fat.
    Definetly agree with you. My only point was calorie counting isnt outdated,because thats all he was doing. It is simply calories in calories out.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I think people are starting to realize that counting calories is only *part* of the solution. I counted calories for 20 years, worked hard, was very careful, and still gained weight. It was incredibly frustrating! So please, all those people who are judgmental about the obese, it is NOT always because we're lazy or undisciplined! Personally, I had to learn that my particular metabolism doesn't process certain foods well, and if I wanted to lose weight I would have to pay attention to what types of food I eat, not just the calories.

    A sugar calorie and a protein calorie are processed quite differently in your body. If you know anything about chemistry, you know how easy it is to throw off a chemical reaction if you don't get your ingredients in the right proportions. And your body is just one great big sack of chemicals interacting with one another & influencing each other. For example, whether you've gotten enough sleep can affect your brain chemistry, and that in turn can affect the efficiency of your digestion & metabolism. And some people are genetically predisposed with metabolisms that process certain foods better than others.

    Anyway... if you can lose weight *just* by counting calories, more power to ya. But for many people, it takes more than that. Under my doctor's orders, I limit my carbs to 30g or fewer each day, and I eat or drink something with at least 50g protein every 3 hrs while I'm awake. So my personal healthy ratio of carbs/fat/protein is 5%, 35%, 65%. I've discovered that I can go up to 500 calories above my "official" limit and still lose weight, as long as I'm eating in these proportions. But everyone has to figure out what works for them.
  • brfull
    brfull Posts: 3 Member
    I do wish MFP had a daily checklist - something similar to the water counter. I'd like to be able to check how many servings of fruits/veggies, dairy, etc. I have each day. Or if the system could calculate it automatically as you go, that would be great. It would just be nice instead of concentrating so solely on whether or not I met my calorie intake each day. I want to be able to easily see how I'm doing meeting the USDA's recommendations each day...a nice pie chart maybe. That way near the end of the day if I still need to eat a couple hundred calories I can easily see I need more fruit or more dairy or whatever.
  • ykondo
    ykondo Posts: 38
    thanks everybody. i am gonna do my very best to eat healthy and count calories at the same time.

    what do you guys recommend me eating for lunch and for snack?

    for breakfast, i eat a banana and yogurt and for dinner, well i can\t really control what i eat because my uncle cooks me dinner... and i can't refuse...