Suspected food intolerance - medical referral?

So for the last 3 or 4 months I have been struggling with digestive problems. Sometimes after I eat my stomach, within about 30 minutes, goes from being totally flat to swelling up so it looks like I'm about 6 months pregnant. I have been keeping notes in my diary and it seems like maybe apples, pears and concentrated citrus (like lemon curd) might be the culprit. Or maybe it is wheat, but I don't think so.

My mum has fructose malabsorption and an intolerance to gluten and my nan is coeliac (though I was tested for that years ago and was negative). I obviously don't want to self-diagnose and am wondering should I be seeing a dietician or getting a referral to some sort of medical specialist?


  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    With a recent digestive problem onset like you are describing, I would look for any new foods you have incorporated into your diet and maybe eliminate those to see if the problem subsides. And while you're doing that, my official advice is:

    "See a doctor, pronto" A Distended abdomen like you're describing (outside of actual pregnancy) is not something to play around with.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I wouldn't discourage you from seeing a medical doctor. But I do know that i've read a lot about food allergies being a high positive false testing result. I mean that it comes up positive a lot, and you aren't necessarily allergic. I have that problem with certain foods. I've been able over many years to whittle down what the foods were. Have you tried to do that so you have more to tell a doctor? The good bacterias in your gut also play a part in digestion and can get "off". Thats why they advertise that yogurt with digestive help, because it has good for your gut stuff that can get wiped out with diet or antibiotics or whatever reason. Replacing it over time may help. There are other reasons you can have that problem, too. Good luck!
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I would try an allergist, but skip the scratch test and go straight for blood work testing allergies on all the foods you mentioned. I went to a bad allergist who dismissed my entire family history and was convinced that 30 years of experience was all just a big coincidence. Don't go see her... lol In the end, you may get more results by the process of elimination.

    Try eliminating fruit and citrus. I'd avoid citrus flavorings, lemon flavoring, etc. Just completely eliminate it from your diet and see what happens. Read every label, you'll find it in hidden places. Continue to document the results. If you don't see any changes after a couple weeks, I'd switch gears and try to eliminate wheat and gluten.

    Going wheat/gluten free is very difficult and you'll need to do homework on what to avoid.

    I come from a family with rampant food allergies. Both my parents are allergic to eggs with different reactions. My father is allergic to salmon/cod, my brother is lactose intolerant, my aunt is very allergic to wheat/gluten and also lactose intolerant, and my cousin and I are nut people. I'm completely intolerant of nuts, products with nut traces, or foods cross-contaminated with nuts (even though dr.knowitall says my reaction is a coincidence).

    And yes, I agree with other posts about checking with your regular doctor. They know you better and may have some ideas as well.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    I should say that I have discussed this with my regular GP several times already and he hasn't really offered much advice or direction. I guess that is why I am trying to work out where to head next so I can go back to him knowing what sort of referral to be asking for.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I should say that I have discussed this with my regular GP several times already and he hasn't really offered much advice or direction. I guess that is why I am trying to work out where to head next so I can go back to him knowing what sort of referral to be asking for.

    Well, that sucks. :frown:

    I forgot to add that I had pretty bad acid reflux/digestive issues. As in, normal days were terrible acid reflux... bad days I was running to the bathroom. I eliminated quite a few foods from my diet that I think were contributing and have since gone off the acid reflux medicine the doctor gave me. I do notice when I don't exercise for a few days that I'll start having reflux and may get some additional... indigestion... issues. This might be something else to factor in to your tracking.
  • Maggie612
    Maggie612 Posts: 8
    What you are describing is one of the many symptoms I have been dealing with for almost a year. In fact, that just happened to me a couple days ago. I have had several tests done and everything seems to come back fine. I am now seeing a GI doctor, which I think is who you need to see, and am still trying to figure things out. He thinks I have IBS. Some days I can agree and other days not so much. I am going to ask to get tested for celiac disease at my next visit. Someone suggested you try eliminating wheat and gluten, but if you suspect you might have an allergy to wheat you should ask to get tested for celiac too. It is just a blood test but you can't be eating "gluten free" or your test results won't be accurate. Good luck!!!
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
    Is GI gastrointestional? I was tested for coeliac about 15 years ago when my nan was diagnosed and it came back negative which makes me think it isn't gluten/wheat that is causing my problem.
  • katemarjoram
    katemarjoram Posts: 203
  • StarArly
    StarArly Posts: 56 Member
    I've had the same type of problems. Since I was 13 and nobody seems to be able to figure out where my bloating comes from. I went to see a GI and he thought I might have IBS (which I don't really agree with) but found that I have a wheat "sensitivity." Oh and I am lactose intolerant. I stopped going to the GI. I basically have learned to stay away from certain foods that I realized were triggering bloating - for me it is pasta and bread for sure. For some reason certain tunas too.
    If I were you I would ask to go see a GI.