need a kick up the backside

Had friends round for dinner last nigt. Ended up eating way to much and even had a slice of the majorly calorific cheesecake that i made.
I usualy do a 5km run every saturday in the local park. But i felt so full this morning i couldnt face it.
Well ive done a 25min kettlebell workout (jillian) but i need to do more due to the calorie intake last
Trying to motivate myself to go on a bike ride can i pull back those calories


  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    You did the crime now do the time! You can do it, get on that bike and ride!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    haha, thanks, you're right...still in my gym suff but im waiting for some furniture to be collected..once thats gone i will get my *kitten* on the bike
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    haha, thanks, you're right...still in my gym suff but im waiting for some furniture to be collected..once thats gone i will get my *kitten* on the bike

    Wait whilst doing starjumps, pushups, butt kicks, lunges, squats and so on...
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    I DID IT!! no not the star
    the bike ride..did one hour and half of that was cycling round the reservoir as fast as i could to see if i could beat my time
    Garmin says 1085 cals burnnt..only adding about 500 or so as i am burnng off last nights indulgence dont forget
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    Alright! You are now released on parole. Way to go!