Bad wrist

I have a bad wrist that is super weak and has arthritis flare ups. I can not do push-ups or dips with it. I modify my push up by using my fist but I cannot do it with my other hand fisted


  • mom2kateRH
    mom2kateRH Posts: 178 Member
    I feel you. I broke/dislocated my wrist last year, and it will probably never be back to normal. and I actually injured my left elbow because I was compensating for my right wrist. Push ups are hard for me, so I try and do some free weights. and will lift very, very light weights with my right hand (bend my right wrist up and down while holding a hammer, for instance). good luck.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    I have wrist problems sometimes that flare up and become sensitive and swollen, but not as persistent as yours is. I would suggest a wrist brace/stabilizer (can't think of the name atm) that weight lifters use. It might be able to help you with the cost of some inflexibility.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have to do pushups on my fists due to a bad wrist. I even do HSPU on my fists.
  • maurihart
    maurihart Posts: 51 Member
    I broke my wrist last fall and I don't know that I'll ever be able to do push-ups or dips again either. I've actually been avoiding body pump classes because of that. I guess I need some alternatives for those things.