Most successful ways to lower blood pressure



  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    My brother-in-law is a cardiologist and our family doctor. He stresses watching your salt intake+ diet+exercise. Please do what your doctor says--this is nothing to fool with.

    Walking around with hypertension is a great way to screw up your kidneys.

    Great advice. You can possibly get it reduced by weight loss, exercise and diet. Really watch sodium, caffeine and alcohol, it makes a big difference in mine. I was off meds for over a year, moving to 7600' raised it after a few months.

    I would also buy a good Arm Band BP monitor. The wrist models are not accurate, at least for me (they read 20-30 off).
  • swebee14
    swebee14 Posts: 5 Member
    I have also been diagnosed, but she put me on strong blood pressure meds, after my follow up visit 2 1/2 weeks later it still wasn't down to an acceptable range so I joined MFP and wow, I am shocked at how easy it is to go (way) over your recommended 2300 mg of sodium. She has given me another month and an order to get some blood work done, as well as diet and exercise. Hopefully on my May 4th visit she will be happy or my meds get increased :-(. Good luck to you - I also wanted nothing to do with medicines, but am resolved for now
  • PennWalker
    PennWalker Posts: 554 Member
    For the first time in my life I have high blood pressure (150/86). My doctor is giving me 2 weeks to bring it down to normal (130/80). I am on a doctor mandated diet so I know that will help but what other ways have you seen lower blood pressure?

    Last year my doctor told me I had hypertension -- 150/something, about like yours. I've always had normal BP and was shocked. I lowered it to an acceptable level in a month and totally normal within several months. I lost weight and exercised every day and never went on pills. I also cleaned up my diet and cut out junk food. It's 97/60 something now.

    Don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine before you go to the next visit. Caffeine will make your blood pressure go way up for several hours.

    Drink water. Make water your favorite beverage.

    Lose weight and exercise every day -- even just walking for an hour will lower your BP.