Which distance to believe - treadmill, HRM or Nike+?

amsparky Posts: 825 Member
Hey all!

Today on my jog I fired up my new Nike+ deal. While I was excited to try this out, I was also skeptical about how accurate it might be. Today when I jogged, here's the different numbers I got for distance:

Treadmill - 4.0 miles
HRM (with chest strap) - 4.6 miles
Nike+ shoe sensor - 5.19

WTH? Can anyone tell me which one I should believe? With the HRM I did have to input my stride length and I am pretty short, so I wondered if the treadmill might be off, but this seems WAY off.

I also know the Nike+ sensor is off because it is trying to say that my best mile was at about 12mm pace and I know I am slower than that (yes, I am a penguin to use John Bingham's term).

Any thoughts?


  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i would think with distance the treadmill
  • Grimlock1030
    Did you sync your Nikeplus?
  • mackenzg
    mackenzg Posts: 37 Member
    Have you calibrated your Nike + on the treadmill?

    I have Nike + and I also use a HRM..and i notice if I run on the road i have to calibrate the nike and then calibrate AGAIN when i switch to the treadmill. I use the calorie burn from the HRM and the distance from Nike :) just remember to calibrate and it should start matching up closer to what the treadmill reads.
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    Treadmill all the way...
  • Cheryl_Catrair
    Cheryl_Catrair Posts: 61 Member
    Just wanted to add that all of you have VERY impressive losses! Keep up the awesome work!
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Thanks for the quick replies guys!

    So, with the Nike+ I am going to have to calibrate every time I switch? That seems like a time waster.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    Just wanted to add that all of you have VERY impressive losses! Keep up the awesome work!

    Why, thank you! You are my new best friend. :laugh:
  • mackenzg
    mackenzg Posts: 37 Member
    i guess you dont HAVE to, but i think you run differently on the treadmill than on pavement..its just what I noticed. If you dont want to calibrate each time, maybe just go with what the treadmill says and use your nike + when running outside? Calibrating IS a pain..