gain weight! who else is in?



  • Dirtbiker413
    Dirtbiker413 Posts: 1 Member
    I am definitely looking to gain more weight! trying to hit 200 lbs with in the next year and a half - I weigh 150 lbs right now! any tips are appreciated. I hit the gym 5 days a week, and have a 3200 calorie eating regiment.
  • cateuk
    cateuk Posts: 7 Member
    I'm trying to gain too and want to go veggie. Finding it really hard. I eat lots but obviously not eating the right things.
  • fitking_92
    fitking_92 Posts: 1 Member
    I can relate to this I've always been about cutting weigh since I was a teen hints being a boxer weight was what mattered then. Now working out for almost a year hitting my own blocks and walls but for "us" it's just simple really man eat eat eat! I never changed my diet for the first 8 months I ate like I did just when I got hungry but I pegged out around 170 on the scale from 141. I use this app mostly to scan and keep track of my protein and carbs. But I have it set up to the max for gaining on here I workout 6-7 days a week mostly weights. I didn't realize how much I wasn't eating and that was the problem. Average day a few weeks ago was about 2300 calories now I eat over 4000 and it's working some days I push to eat more but it's around 4000 for now and in 3 weeks I'm weighing low 180s on empty. So if you want to gain weight it's only as hard as making yourself eat more. Hope this helps :)
  • TurnuptheACDC
    TurnuptheACDC Posts: 318 Member
    Decided I REALLY need to hop back onto the weight gain train
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Like someone said earlier - eat more. 2200 is cutting levels. 4k+

    Also - rest and recovery is needed. You can spend too much time in the gym. Consider a 3 or 4 day split for bulking.
  • KrystalAmbro
    KrystalAmbro Posts: 10 Member
    I'm here to gain weight, which is definitely hard as a runner. MyFitnessPal has me at 2,700 calories a day to gain 1-2 pounds a week, however, when I exercise I need even more. Definitely hard to reach my daily allowance everyday. Would love to view others meal plans if that's okay!
  • ShielaFrancisco
    ShielaFrancisco Posts: 10 Member
    1 cup of rice every breakfast lunch and dinner will also help you to gain weight
  • s4mtrain
    s4mtrain Posts: 2 Member
    Weight on the up following the apps guide to cals required each day, and my trainer keeps me in check.
  • pixyoxx
    pixyoxx Posts: 1 Member
    Sparkle098 wrote: »
    I'm here to gain weight too! And it's really hard to gain weight :/ my daily goal is too eat 2190 calorie but seems to much to me I don't have appetite to eat that amount.

    U should ...try Apetamin syrup ..n check its reviews ...
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    I keep seeing a common thread with these topics... "I don't have appetite", "I'm not hungry"... etc. If you are trying to bulk you often have to eat when you don't really want to. You have to force yourself to consume the calories - it's no longer about pleasure eating. Eat moar - and if you you can't do it on regular food - consider supplements. If you trust labdoor and think all bulking supplements suck - then design your own. Chocolate milk, banana, peanut-butter and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a blender will do the trick.
  • jdmenjivar21
    jdmenjivar21 Posts: 1 Member
    Met w the dietician today to try and gain. She had me download this app, looks like I need 2400/day. Gonna be tough but being able to add everything up is pretty cool. Makes me wanna just keep finding things to eat just to add them up! Hahaha! Currently at 110, goal is 120. Let's see how this goes!
  • chemgal77
    chemgal77 Posts: 1 Member
    Nice to see other folks trying to gain weight! my husband and I are both in it to gain weight as well...both of us have high metabolism that keeps us underweight constantly. Would love to gain some muscle too. Any suggestions for gaining weight on a vegetarian diet? I know protein is a bit tough... Anyways we are new to the community, would love to have friends!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    pixyoxx wrote: »
    Sparkle098 wrote: »
    I'm here to gain weight too! And it's really hard to gain weight :/ my daily goal is too eat 2190 calorie but seems to much to me I don't have appetite to eat that amount.

    U should ...try Apetamin syrup ..n check its reviews ...

    While I am sure the reviews are great on the net, if you look at the threads here, you will see how many people got sub optimal results... Essentially, gained weight really quickly and got fat instead of what they actually wanted.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    chemgal77 wrote: »
    Nice to see other folks trying to gain weight! my husband and I are both in it to gain weight as well...both of us have high metabolism that keeps us underweight constantly. Would love to gain some muscle too. Any suggestions for gaining weight on a vegetarian diet? I know protein is a bit tough... Anyways we are new to the community, would love to have friends!

    It's unlikely you have high metabolism, but i suspect since you are vegetarians, you have a lot of focus on plant based foods which aren't high in calories. The below thread can be helpful, but a lot of your calories can come from nuts/legume/seeds, rice, quinoa, seitan, etc...