Help me understand why the weight came back?

I've only been using this app for a week, but I've lost almost 3 lbs out of the 10 I want to lose. I've stayed under my calorie limit of 1640 each day and have been eating healthy and exercising. I know your weight can fluctuate, but mine has consistently gone down each day. Then today I weighed in and I'm up 2 lbs. What happened?


  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Water weight. Could be from TOM/hormones, sodium, stress, muscle repair or a # of other things.

    Weight loss is a matter of tracking over time. Over time means more than 1 week.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    It fluctuated...
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    Your fluctuations occur (mostly) due to fluid retention, or water weight. Time is your friend. You can fluctuate 2-3 times as much as your weekly fat loss in. one. day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've only been using this app for a week, but I've lost almost 3 lbs out of the 10 I want to lose. I've stayed under my calorie limit of 1640 each day and have been eating healthy and exercising. I know your weight can fluctuate, but mine has consistently gone down each day. Then today I weighed in and I'm up 2 lbs. What happened?

    It fluctuated...
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    As others have said, 2 pounds is well within the range of what's considered fluctuation. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but you said you've been doing this one week, you have 10 pounds to lose, and you've already lost 3? Losing 3 pounds in less than a week when you're only 10 pounds over weight also sounds like a fluctuation to me. I think you need to give it time. You aren't going to see results every day, and I'd say for at least a month you won't really be able to tell the pattern of your weight loss, you'll just be getting a feel for how it fluctuates.

    On a brighter note, it sounds like you're making good steps so if you stick with it, you'll start seeing more reliable results.
  • Blubberbuster1
    Blubberbuster1 Posts: 265 Member
    Last weekend I was up 10lbs, within two day I was down 12lbs.. Don't get hung up on the scale reading.
    If you do everything correct with weighing food, and counting calories correctly there's no way to gain. Especially not 2lb of fat within a day.
  • nrbutton
    nrbutton Posts: 165 Member
    Unless you ate 7000 calories on top of your daily calorie needs yesterday, the 2 Lbs you gained is not fat

    Weight fluctuations short term are almost always water retention which can be affected by hormones, sodium, muscle repair from weight lifting, etc
  • jamie_71884
    jamie_71884 Posts: 2 Member
    Ok, thanks for your replies!
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Patience, grasshopper! :)

    It has only been a week. Weight will fluctuate daily, weekly (high sodium days, TOM/ovulation, constipation, dehydration, new or increased exercise) and even hourly (food and water weight).

    Keep doing what you're doing and expect fluctuations. They're completely normal.