30 Day Shred - Monday Check-in (1/26)

Well I have received the DVD and complete level 1 once. WOW! I can still really feel it.

Today's Weight:145 (no change)
Goal: 138 (at end of 30 days)
Waist: 31.5 (lost half an inch last week!)
Workouts Goal: 6 - 4 of those 30 day shred
Last week: 1 -shred and 4 other workouts

I will be doing the shred Level 1 again this week. I don't plan on moving to level 2 until I can do push-ups that are not modified.


  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Well I have received the DVD and complete level 1 once. WOW! I can still really feel it.

    Today's Weight:145 (no change)
    Goal: 138 (at end of 30 days)
    Waist: 31.5 (lost half an inch last week!)
    Workouts Goal: 6 - 4 of those 30 day shred
    Last week: 1 -shred and 4 other workouts

    I will be doing the shred Level 1 again this week. I don't plan on moving to level 2 until I can do push-ups that are not modified.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Today I will be starting all over with the 30 day shred (once I get off of work) I haven't completed a full month yet. But I plan on it this time.
  • mdebroy
    mdebroy Posts: 30
    Hey I must admit that I cheated and weighed myself on Friday but good news! I lost 2.5 lbs!!! I feel great. I am going on week three of the 30 day shred and I am ecstatic about it. I still try to do the video five times a week but last week was well a partial write off as my 4 year old had surgery. But I tried to make up for it on the weekend.

    weight: 163.5 (down 2.5 :flowerforyou: )
    waist: 29.5 (down 1/4inch but my hips are down 3/4 inch!!! YAY)
    Last week: Video 4 times and 2 nights belly dancing
    Workout goal: Video 5 times and 2 nights belly dancing

    I am not moving to level three yet. I am still modifying lots of the moves and each time I push through another unmodified. We'll see how I do today. And girls take my advice and do extra stretches after and you won't be so sore the next day. I stretch for an extra 5-10 minutes after and it really helps. It's a great video but the stretches after really aren't enough.
  • mdebroy
    mdebroy Posts: 30
    Oops my waist is down to 29.25... not 29 1/2 inches... my mistake:blushing:
  • abillings9
    Weight:133 (down 5 from starting at 1/4)
    Goal: 117-ish (don't have an end date... just however long it takes...)
    Waist: 31.5 (down .5 inch)
    Last week: 30DS Mon, Wed, Fri- days 6,7,&8 of level 1. Wii MFC Tues, Thurs, Sat.
    This week: 30DS Mon, Wed, Fri- days 1,2,&3 of level 2. Wii MFC Tues, Thurs, Sat.

    I just started level 2 today and it was SO hard! I couldn't make it through everything without stopping to catch my breath, and I'm feeling pretty shaky now after wards. But I remember feeling this same way after doing level one the first time and by the end of last week, I was blasting through level one without a break and feeling great after wards.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just a bump in case Laurabelle is able to link this to other shred.
  • laurabelle25
    Ok, here's a link to the other thread:


    Hope that works! I'll post a link on that thread too.

    BTW!!!!! I lost 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • kileenas
    I just did level 2 for the first time. WOW!!! I was sweating something awful! I felt great after though. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Way to go Laura! I'm still fighting the good fight with level 1, although today I was able to do a few of the push-ups without modification. Plus, I was able to go up and down stairs afterward without my legs feeling like jello. I'm going to increase the weight of my dumbbells and continue with level 1 this week. Maybe next week I'll be ready for the change of pace with level 2.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Day three which happens to be a rest day legs are recovering ready to go into day 4 tomorrow with shred level 1 and 45 min walk and 30 min ellitptical hr 85%.

    I do love this dvd though and the workouts are hard but still ok.

    Wii fit just told me how fat I was though boo hoo. Gonna have a kiwi and a glass of water and keep plugging away I know I will see results soon.
  • laurabelle25
    Day three which happens to be a rest day legs are recovering ready to go into day 4 tomorrow with shred level 1 and 45 min walk and 30 min ellitptical hr 85%.

    I do love this dvd though and the workouts are hard but still ok.

    Wii fit just told me how fat I was though boo hoo. Gonna have a kiwi and a glass of water and keep plugging away I know I will see results soon.

    Just keep up the good work! You'll see results before you know it. And you'll be healthier!!!!
  • SarainKS
    Hi! I posted on the other thread too but thought I'd post here too. I'm totally up for the challenge! Working on Level 1 for the last 2 days. Hoping to go for Level 2 maybe next Wednesday. I need some motivation!
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Shredders Unite!

    I've been doing the Shred since Jan 5th. I did level 1 for 15 days (mon-fri) and I just started level 2 this week. The first week I lost 3 lbs. The 2nd week I lost 3 lbs. The 3rd week I didn't lose....that was due to poor eating. So I'm on week 4 and I'm hoping for another 3 lbs this week. I'm going to be completely honest and say that this workout sucks....sucks the life right out of me. I am so exhausted by the time I'm done. I haven't been sore since the first couple days but when I finish my workout I know I have WORKED out. My plan is too do Level 2 for a total of 10 days and then attempt Level 3 for 5 days. Then I think I will cut back on it for a while. I am definately keeping this in my rotation though.
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Day 4 for me and woo hoo it was actually easier legs still are little bit sore but I am starting to feel ready to try un modified push ups once I can do that for 3 days I will move up to level 2 hopefully by the end of next week I am not very supple though it will get better though I am not really modifying the other moves.
  • SarainKS
    I only modify the push ups too. My core just isn't strong enough to handle the unmodified. I don't see anything wrong with it though. :wink: I can still feel what the push ups are doing. I actually made it all the way through the 2 sets today. Phew!!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Way to go Sara! I'm celebrating every accomplishment with the 30 day shred. Making it all the way through the push-ups (modified or not) is a huge accomplishment. What is amazing to me is that I've really started to notice some improvement with the arthritis in my neck. (my assumption is that by strengthening the muscles in my upper body I am helping to support the neck and keep the bone spurs from rubbing against each other). Today was my day off the shred and I did the cardio circuit of Power 90. I'm really starting to think I will be back out running by springtime.
  • momandwife
    momandwife Posts: 151 Member
    I would LOVE to join this challenge!!!! I did a 30 Day Shred challenge during the month of September and it was AWESOME!!!!! I went down a pant size and felt "in shape" for the first time in a long time!! Since then I have not been shredding and I can really tell and now I'm ready to get back into it!!

    I was going to start a February Shred challenge until I saw this one!!

    I will start my Shredding on Sunday - Feb 1st and will weigh and measure Monday morning and post!!

    Happy Shredding!!!! :tongue:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    I'm still enjoying the 30 day Shred. My husband said he'd like to send Jillian a thank-you because my rear is looking mighty fine after just 1 week on this plan.:wink: