Help Me To Cut Carbs...Please

I had been feeling a bit tired and sick, so I went to the doctor. The results of my blood work was that my glucose was elevated and they advised me to cut back on carbs.

I've never attempted to eat low carb before, so I'd appreciate if anyone is on such a diet and the kind of foods you typically eat.

Any help is appreciated.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Have you been logging your food? If so, I'd say take a look at your log to see how many carbs you currently eat and determine how that number can be decreased.
  • jacobsl221
    jacobsl221 Posts: 75 Member
    I limit myself to one slice of whole wheat bread, cut in half it makes a nice sandwich. I just gave up cakes and cookies completely. I boost the protein with Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and chicken with lots of salsa on top.
    Remember that the carbs you get from fruit can be high, especially bananas and oranges. Low carb veggies with a little parmesan cheese on top are very satisfying, too.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Did they give you a goal?

    Cutting carbs is actually easy (going keto is different). Look at your diary, see where your carbs are coming from, and cut back. Lots of the usual things to cut back on (cookies, etc.) are high in fat and carbs, so those are good things to cut down on. If your meals have multiple high carb components (bread AND potatoes), eliminate one and perhaps reduce the serving size of the other. If you eat high sugar fruit (bananas, apples), eat less of it and maybe substitute lower sugar fruit (like berries) or vegetables. If breakfast and/or lunch are high carb, think of an option that is more balanced, more protein and fat. For example, eggs instead of cereal or half as much cereal and an egg, or instead of a salad try salad with protein or leftovers from dinner.

    I don't do low carb specifically, but when I'm eating as I often do (I've been vegetarian for Lent, so less now), I often am around 100-125 g carbs.

    Omelet with vegetables and some cottage cheese.

    Dinner leftovers or lentil soup with vegetables or a salad with protein for lunch. Often half an avocado or some nuts too.

    Dinner usually a protein (fish, pork, chicken, etc.), a starch (potato, sweet potato, pasta, rice, some other grain, beans -- but remember you control the size of this portion and could leave it out if you find lunch and breakfast better places to have carbs), lots of vegetables (usually large portions of 2-3 different kinds, sometimes in a pasta or stir fry, sometimes on the side).

    Dessert (if room): a little chocolate, serving of ice cream, cheese, fruit, berries with whipped cream (no sugar) -- it really depends on what I have room for.

    With this pattern and controlling serving size my carbs seem to naturally end up around 100-150, depending.

    Might be higher than you want, but the same idea would help you go lower, except then I'd make an effort to add in some healthy fats (beyond the kinds of things I mentioned -- eggs, dairy, meat, avocado, nuts -- I tend to get fat from cooking in olive oil and sometimes coconut oil and butter and using olives on salad).

    The low carb group is supposed to be very good and helpful, especially if you want to go lower carb/keto.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    Well, I went over on carbs today. I think my big issue is breads honestly. I don't eat as much as I once did. I also figured out there was a lot in the pinto beans I ate today. I wasn't given a goal. I was just told to cut back.

    I'm looking through my diary right now. I go over on carbs here and there, but not consistently. I figured 'cut back' was just to eat less than I am now. For the most part, I was always a meat and potatoes sort of person, but I've been trying to eat more veggies.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    lucypstacy wrote: »
    I had been feeling a bit tired and sick, so I went to the doctor. The results of my blood work was that my glucose was elevated and they advised me to cut back on carbs.

    I've never attempted to eat low carb before, so I'd appreciate if anyone is on such a diet and the kind of foods you typically eat.

    Any help is appreciated.

    First of all, you may not need to go low carb. Moderate carb may be enough. I was diagnosed T2Dm 3 years ago and have been on moderate carbs since and my BG numbers are great (A1C ranges between 5.0 and 5.4).

    What I did: I now eat sandwiches with only one slice of bread, not 2. I cook up a controlled portion of rice and mix it in with my stews and casseroles rather than serving it as a separate dish. I occasionally substitute turnips for potatoes in stews. I eat less fruit and more veggies. i make my carbs count like whole grain bread and oatmeal instead of cereal. I drink diet soda or seltzer water and only add half&half to my coffee.

    Mostly, I log and keep my carbs to a maximum of 160 grams total carbs per day. This number was given to me by my PCP who is a Certified Diabetic Instructor.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    I just checked again. I seem to be averaging about 150 overall - the lowest I saw being 120 and the highest around 170 and most being around 145-155. I'm actually not diabetic, but I've been on steroids for nearly 3 years. That's causing my glucose to steadily rise. My sugar still bottoms out if I skip a meal just like it always did. So, I'm guessing I need to cut it a bit more.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Honestly, cut back was not a very helpful thing to tell you. Without knowing how much you are eating, how is that meaningful for the doctor, and it's not clear whether the recommendation is weight loss oriented or what.

    If you are at the MFP default now (50% carbs), you could try redoing your macros to 40-30-30 (that's just a small cutback) or something lower. For lower carbs not keto sometimes 100 g is a good place to try.

    Eating veggies is good -- they are largely carbs, but so low cal that they still don't have that many total. I try to have veg at every meal -- you could add/increase veg and increase protein a bit and cut serving size of the higher cal carby course some.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Honestly, cut back was not a very helpful thing to tell you. Without knowing how much you are eating, how is that meaningful for the doctor, and it's not clear whether the recommendation is weight loss oriented or what.

    If you are at the MFP default now (50% carbs), you could try redoing your macros to 40-30-30 (that's just a small cutback) or something lower. For lower carbs not keto sometimes 100 g is a good place to try.

    Eating veggies is good -- they are largely carbs, but so low cal that they still don't have that many total. I try to have veg at every meal -- you could add/increase veg and increase protein a bit and cut serving size of the higher cal carby course some.

    The doctor wasn't all that helpful. I went there because I was very tired and exhausted. They did blood work (on Tuesday) and called me today to let me know my glucose was elevated, my thyroid was abnormal, and some other levels pertaining to my kidneys were off. The only thing they told me was to cut carbs and to change the way I'm taking synthroid. I called my transplant nurse, and she only said that my glucose has been running a bit higher.

    My big change in eating overall has been to cut back on snacks and pop. My meal sizes have never been big, and I have been eating more fruits and veggies. I limit bread at meals to one piece, if I eat bread. I do like rice, pasta, and potatoes, but it's not like I go crazy on anything. My calorie goal is 1240 (I'm 5'4") and I usually hit around 1225.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    "Food Consideraions

    As you can expect higher blood glucose levels during steroid therapy, keep your consumption of carbohydrates, especially simple carbs and sugary food, low since these foods tend to cause blood glucose spikes. Limit alcohol to avoid complicating your blood glucose fluctuations. Eat fewer saturated and animal fats, as they increase insulin resistance in the body. "


    Not sure if prednisone is what you're on, but thought the advice might still apply. As your diary is not open, it's hard to give more specific advice, but it might not be carbs alone that you need to watch.
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    Yeah, I'm on prednisone. I can open the diary, but it looks a bit wonky at the moment. I wasn't feeling well since Saturday, so I had some off days of eating too little. Before Saturday shows more how I was eating. I typically don't worry about sugar, but it looks like I might need to. I never had to worry about sugar before because mine ran low, but these stupid steroids are an issue.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,899 Member
    lucypstacy wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Honestly, cut back was not a very helpful thing to tell you. Without knowing how much you are eating, how is that meaningful for the doctor, and it's not clear whether the recommendation is weight loss oriented or what.

    If you are at the MFP default now (50% carbs), you could try redoing your macros to 40-30-30 (that's just a small cutback) or something lower. For lower carbs not keto sometimes 100 g is a good place to try.

    Eating veggies is good -- they are largely carbs, but so low cal that they still don't have that many total. I try to have veg at every meal -- you could add/increase veg and increase protein a bit and cut serving size of the higher cal carby course some.

    The doctor wasn't all that helpful. I went there because I was very tired and exhausted. They did blood work (on Tuesday) and called me today to let me know my glucose was elevated, my thyroid was abnormal, and some other levels pertaining to my kidneys were off. The only thing they told me was to cut carbs and to change the way I'm taking synthroid. I called my transplant nurse, and she only said that my glucose has been running a bit higher.

    My big change in eating overall has been to cut back on snacks and pop. My meal sizes have never been big, and I have been eating more fruits and veggies. I limit bread at meals to one piece, if I eat bread. I do like rice, pasta, and potatoes, but it's not like I go crazy on anything. My calorie goal is 1240 (I'm 5'4") and I usually hit around 1225.

    With all of those concerns, I'd think you would benefit from much more specific advice, from a registered dietician experienced with similar patients, as opposed to "just cut carbs". See if the doctor would refer you to one.
  • Golbat
    Golbat Posts: 276 Member
    If I have more protein and more fibrous foods, I am less hungry for carbs. Not that I'm not hungry at all, mind you, but it's easier to keep it under control. So I try to have snacks that are protein + something fibrous (like veggies.) I don't know if that's a universally helpful thing, but it's my experience. Good luck!
  • PowerliftingMom
    PowerliftingMom Posts: 430 Member
    edited April 2017
    When I was carb cycling I was only allowed 20g carbs per meal (3 meals). I would eat Trader Joe's Bagel Slims. They only have 20g carbs. I think Pepperidge Farms makes something similar. Being Asian I love white rice. I would eat 1/2 c. rice instead of 1 cup, same with pasta. Another low carb option is Ezikiel bread. It's gluten free and it is best eaten toasted. I think it only has 14g carbs per slice. I don't really care for potatoes so that was easy to give up. Muffins, bagels and pastries was the hardest for me to give up.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    A few books might help with some LCHF ideas. I like Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solution and Obesity Code by Fung.
  • mcglothinm
    mcglothinm Posts: 20 Member
    When I was pregnant with my oldest I had gestational diabetes and they told me to plan for about 60 carbs per meal, and 15 for a snack between each meal (3x/day). That seems like more than what you are already eating though. Are you spacing them out evenly? That will help keep your glucose levels more even. The other thing is to make sure you are pairing your carbs with a protein. Exercise can play a big role in keeping your glucose levels down as well.
    LINIA Posts: 1,072 Member
    You need a carb number in grams, but my guess is under 100 per day for a start. Put your health first and you'll find it easy to stay at or under 100 grams per day. Good Luck :)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'd try aiming for about 100-120 gm carbs/day and see how that goes. (FWIW I was able to reverse prediabetes and high triglycerides when I went low carb. I didn't have much weight to lose; 11 lbs.) It really does depend on what you tend to eat. Swap out some of your carby sides for something like roasted veggies, maybe eggs for breakfast instead of cereal, less pasta and bread, fewer sugary treats (or lower carb options; e.g. I love Breyers Carb Smart chocolate ice cream).
  • lucypstacy
    lucypstacy Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'm going to work and try moving things around a bit. One thing I have been doing is eating steamed broccoli or baby carrots as a side instead of a potato. I could live on broccoli.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lkpducky wrote: »
    lucypstacy wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Honestly, cut back was not a very helpful thing to tell you. Without knowing how much you are eating, how is that meaningful for the doctor, and it's not clear whether the recommendation is weight loss oriented or what.

    If you are at the MFP default now (50% carbs), you could try redoing your macros to 40-30-30 (that's just a small cutback) or something lower. For lower carbs not keto sometimes 100 g is a good place to try.

    Eating veggies is good -- they are largely carbs, but so low cal that they still don't have that many total. I try to have veg at every meal -- you could add/increase veg and increase protein a bit and cut serving size of the higher cal carby course some.

    The doctor wasn't all that helpful. I went there because I was very tired and exhausted. They did blood work (on Tuesday) and called me today to let me know my glucose was elevated, my thyroid was abnormal, and some other levels pertaining to my kidneys were off. The only thing they told me was to cut carbs and to change the way I'm taking synthroid. I called my transplant nurse, and she only said that my glucose has been running a bit higher.

    My big change in eating overall has been to cut back on snacks and pop. My meal sizes have never been big, and I have been eating more fruits and veggies. I limit bread at meals to one piece, if I eat bread. I do like rice, pasta, and potatoes, but it's not like I go crazy on anything. My calorie goal is 1240 (I'm 5'4") and I usually hit around 1225.

    With all of those concerns, I'd think you would benefit from much more specific advice, from a registered dietician experienced with similar patients, as opposed to "just cut carbs". See if the doctor would refer you to one.

    I agree with this -- I think the doctor should understand how you currently eat before just giving some off the cuff advice and a dietitian would be more helpful.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    If you're on 1250 you're probably already low carb, or on the lower end. My uncle is diabetic and he avoids simple sugars but not complex carbohydrates and he typically combines with fat and/or protein. Perhaps try that?