New Challenge - Sensational in Six weeks!!



  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    I would like to join in! what do i need to do aside from posting my weight?
  • I'm ready for Monday as well!! Can't wait!

    SW: 187.5
    Waist: 39
    Hips: 45
    Chest: 45
    Arms: 15

    My usual weigh in day is Friday...but I'm excited to change it to Mondays (it makes SO much more sense with the way MFP calculates things) So my start weight I'm hoping will change on Monday...but I'll of course let you know :)

    I think we should probably start a new thread because we need to make sure people know its a closed group already...somehow you can post a link to this thread so we don't lose least I've seen it done in other challenge posts. You then post in this thread the new link to the new thread. Hopefully that made sense (I don't know how to do it...but that's what I've seen others do)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Great Ladies! I'm glad to see you guys up and going. It's really helping me :) I'm getting excited too!

    So on Sunday night I will start a new thread called "Sensational in Six - week 1. We will then post all our starting weights, and off we go...on a little 6 week journey ;)

    Enjoy the heat if you are feeling it in your part of the world...cause I sure am!! :-)
  • gemwho2
    gemwho2 Posts: 82
    Hi There

    Any chance I can join too? I find I do much better when part of a challenge as I have something to report to and i dont want to let other people down. I'm doing things on my own just now and feeling the motivation is swaying a bit..

    Wee bit about me - 26 year old female from Scotland. Currently 121lb, aiming for 110 although want to tone up etc so may be a few pounds more. This year has seen me successfully lose weight after years of trying, I think MFP has a lot to do with that :).

    I am finding the last 10-11lb hard to shift and think it'll take a while so have to re-assess what I am eating and up the exercise. I have a load of Jillian Michaels DVDs, love them and will be using them for this challenge (if I'm allowed to join).

    I might lose out on sleep points, I work 12.5hour night shifts with a 3 hour (at least) commute so somethimes only get 6 hours, I tend to make up for it on days off though :)

    I will take my measurements on Monday, have never done this but wish I had.
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Ladies! :)

    So I went to the doctor and I weighed 182. ehh.. could havebeen worse! But found out I'm only 5' 8.5'' Wahhh. :( For the past year I've totally been thinking/wishing that I was 5'9'' (or taller!!) I want to be tall so bad!

    I did 30 day shred yesterday with my little sister :) haha She hates exercise but she's on this "i need to lose weight---even though I weight 30 lbs less than you and am 2 inches taller" But we were both dying when Jillian kicked our butts! haha

    Also did Turbo Jam yesterday :):) Fat Blaster = one of my absolute favvveess! Who else Turbos?!? Or anything really! What do you girls do for your daily sweat sessions?

    Looking forward to weighing/measuring and reporting to you all Sunday! :) Have a great next few days girls!!
  • I've been doing Insanity (one of the BeachBody workouts) and its CRAZY. Its basically like P90x except without needing to buy special workout equipment, just the resistance of your own body. Its a 60 day plan, 6 days on 1 day off. I've been doing it consistently every morning and tomorrow is my first day off!

    But of course I can't stop there...I'm also doing the C25k program, and I'm on week 5 day 3 though I think I'm going to repeat day 2 tomorrow instead since I did have to walk up the last bit of the crazy hill I tried to run up.

    Then I have what I call "Jazz Hands" with a friend of mine also on MFP and we do dance workout video almost every week. Our fave is the So You Think You Can Dance workouts...they're amazing and super fun.

    I also use a yoga ball chair at work since I sit on my *kitten* all day long and needed something to feel less frumpy all day and also try to walk to get my lunch every day instead of ordering in...or if I bring my lunch I just take a walk anyways to get moving.

    My husband and I also like to take walks around the lake we have in our neighborhood when we get the chance as well which is about a mile long walk around it.
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    For the last 6 months, I have been going to a local gym called Title Boxing Club. They do Power Hours w/boxing and kickboxing. It is intimidating at first, but as I see how I progress and lose the weight/inches, I am addicted to it! We wear the hand wraps and boxing gloves and hit and kick the 100 lb bags, lots of squats, burpees, abs, pushups, running, bear crawls, etc...They say you can lose 800-1000 calories an hour...I really need to get a heart rate monitor so I can see how much I really burn...
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    I Turbo!! With turbo fire. love it :)
    I'm trying to get motivated to throw in some resistance in cause I know that's what I need to do. But at the moment I just feel like cardio and I suppose any exercise is better than no exercise!

    Laura I'm so impressed that you're doing Insanity!! I have it and I've done one workout. Killer!!!!I just haven't quite gotten myself in the right mindframe to attempt it yet.... Maybe I'll be there when the 6 weeks is over :)

    Alison...your workout sounds killer too! Do you ever spare with other women? Or is it more individual?
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    It is mostly individual but the trainers come around and you can spar w/them. It is intimidating sometimes but I can really tell a difference between the bag and hitting someone else's gloves (much harder than the bag)...
  • Laura I'm so impressed that you're doing Insanity!! I have it and I've done one workout. Killer!!!!I just haven't quite gotten myself in the right mindframe to attempt it yet.... Maybe I'll be there when the 6 weeks is over :)

    Insanity is awesome! It really hurts (and I mean REALLY) for like the first 3 days...then somehow magically after I did the 4th day I was doing okay and my body didn't hurt/protest as much. I'm on my "off" day today but will be C25k-ing. I'm pretty certain that tomorrow, when I go back 'on", its going to be back to the hurty feeling least this time I know that by day 4 I'm good! I also like the workouts because I REALLY know I'm doing something and it changes up every day so you're not doing the same thing all the time.

    I'm also motivated because I've got my first 5k race that I've registered for on Sept 10th, and the full 60 day plan for the Insanity workouts will end at basically the same time. Then I can take a mini break and start something new! I'm also excited about it because I turn 30 on September after I turn 30 I'll have finished my first 5k race AND completed Insanity! How's that for motivation!
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member's my stats! I'm not proud, but in six weeks, I WILL BE!

    SW: 174.2
    Chest: 41in
    Waist: 35in
    Hips: 45.75in
  • Beks816
    Beks816 Posts: 9 Member
    here are my stats:

    chest- 44

    So excited for monday! :D
  • alicollins74
    alicollins74 Posts: 335 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    I am ready to get this challenge going!

    Here are my measurements:

    chest: 40
    waist: 43
    hips: 47
    My current weight is 216!

    Oh and I had my first NSV!!! I was able to buy a pair of jean capris not in the plus size department!!! YAY!!! :smile:
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Day 1:

    Sleep = 1pt
    Food Log = 1pt
    Eat clean = 0

    Not so great....
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member

    Sleep = 1pt
    Food Log = 1pt
    Eat clean = 0
    Exercise = 4 pt
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey Ladies! I know I disappeared or a few days -- couldn't get to my computer. But now everything is fixed and I will be on for the rest of our sensational six weeks!! :)

    Here are my measurements:

    Chest -- 36.5
    Waist -- 31
    Hips -- 43
    Thigh -- 26

    Now for the pointsssss!

    Sleep - 1 point
    Scheduling exercise - 0
    Exercise - 4 points (swimming 30 mins, running 30 mins)
    Food - 0

    Sleep - 1 point
    Scheduling exercise - 0
    Exercise - 2 points (walking 30 mins)
    Food - 0

    Ahh :( As you can see I am terrible at eating, but even when I don't plan exercise I still get it in!

    What is you girls' hardest part of getting healthy? Exercise or eating right? or something else entirely? Any tips for eating better? :)

    All the workouts that you guys mentioned sound awesome! For now, my town is lucky to have a gym. We got our first and ONLY gym two years ago and I joined for the summer. But, in the fall I'll be going back to school and our gym is even smaller! haha But I LOVE workout dvds, so I can always get in a good workout. I'd love to try some of the classes you girls mentioned!
  • bbahmer377
    bbahmer377 Posts: 36 Member
    Today was a great day! :) I'm really feeling back on track and motivated :D


    Sleep - 1 point
    Scheduling exercise - 1 point
    Exercise - 5 points (45 min gym circuit, 30 min run)
    Food Journal - 1 point
    Eating clean - 0 points
  • MandaLee8908
    MandaLee8908 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Sleep = 1pt
    Log = 1pt

    I slept 8 hours but it felt like 2...I'm running out of steam this week. Exhaustion is hitting me hardcore so I won't be exercising much (not that I could anyway thanks to my therapy restrictions). Have a good night!
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