Need Fitness Buddys

Hi , I'm new to my fitness pal and thought it would be fun to have some girls or guys to add as friends to help motivate each other and make it a more enjoyable experience! Please feel free to add me I will accept all requests :)


  • 4getmen0t
    4getmen0t Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I've had my fitness pal for a while now and really didn't get into it. I would logged my daily meal off and on. I use to exercise 5 days a week but things happen in life and you get busy and forget. And it goes down hill from there. I don't feel like myself anymore. Top it off my wedding day is coming day is fast approaching and I need to get back to my "normal" weight. I am not looking to lose a lot. But look nice in my wedding dress. I would like to be your friends to help motivate each other and make it a more enjoyable experience. smiley: