Desperate for Advice/Help--Please (!) Respond

I have never posted on any blogs, although I've been a member for a while, so please, please offer me any advice you can. I'm desperate..

I'm almost a 22 year old female, 5'1-5'1 3/4" tall, currently about 110 pounds. Before being diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I was naturally a stick (about 96 pounds naturally) but for the past three and a half years, I've been struggling for a VERY long time between binge eating and then restricting/overexercising to compensate. I want to start living a more balanced, healthy life and lose some weight (I think my happy weight is about 104 pounds). Therapy/nutritionist is out of the question because I can't afford it. I have identified some of my triggers and I am trying to use alternative ways to cope (journal, leave the area of food, etc)

I fear/I know I have really messed up my metabolism so, how do you suggest I go about losing weight in a healthy, sustainable way in terms of calories to eat and calories to burn through exercise to lose weight. Currently, I do about an hour of cardio 7x a week in the form of jogging, elliptical, kickboxing, arc trainer (about 600 calories burned according to machines), then on non-binge days, I'll consume between 1000-1300 calories. I will also do a strength training class at the gym 1-2x a week.

My question is how many calories should I consume each day and exercise off each day in order to lose weight. I fear eating above 1200 calories for fear that after restricting for so long I'll gain even more weight than I already have--this summer alone, I've gained over 5 pounds. This is very taxing on me and my weight yo-yoing is not ok. Please someone help me with this equation and what to do, so I can lose the weight, maintain and get on with life!


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    You might gain initially, but that would just be your body not being used to being fed properly. You need to eat your 1200 NET and just hang in with it. Eventually your body will stabilize and figure out it isn't being starved anymore and it will do what you want it to. If you eat under the 1200 net you're risking your health.... regardless of the reason
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? You are going to have to experiment until you find your body's happy daily calorie consumption. Quite honestly, working out like you are and only consuming 1000 calories isn't healthy. I truly think you are putting yourself into starvation mode.

    Everyone is different and we can't tell you do this or do that. YOU have to figure it out for yourself. I would venture to say that 99% of the people on this site have made poor food or exercise choices that has affected their metabolism. All you can do is try and find what works for you to get it back on track.

    For example, my body hates a restricted daily calorie "diet". It wants me to eat 2200-2500 NET calories a day. It is grumpy and tends to gain weight when I eat too few calories (yea, it is weird like that...). So, I make sure I keep my calories up because I know when I go too low - I will see a gain on the scale.

    Trial and error.

    Also. Make sure you are giving your body rest days at least once a week. Your muscles NEED a break in order to repair, heal and relax. Pushing too hard for too long CAN result in injury (this is personal experience from someone who pushed and pushed until I had a stress fracture in my hip).
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    I don't know much about this at all but my opinion would be to eat however many calories MFP tells you to and keep up your regular exercising schedule. Regardless of what happens in the near future with your weight you will be eating and exercising in a healthy manor and your body's metabolism and weight so level itself out eventually.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    You won't want to hear this, but - you dont need to lose weight.

    Maybe 110 is your happy weight.
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member

    READ THIS! I think it is enlightening. Understand that with hypothyroid you will drop weight much slower than someone who does not have this problem. I know, b/c I do. Don't let that discourage you. Just be steady, be healthy, and it WILL come off. The speed is not as important as the long term goal.
  • Jondi_Soper
    I agree, you may nor want to hear this, but 110 is a decent weight even for your height. If you can work to maintain that, you are probably in good shape. But everyone else is also right. PLEASE do not consume LESS than 1200 calories a day ever. You will push your body into starvation mode and that is very dangerous.
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    How is 110 at nearly 5'2 a problem?
  • dianep225
    dianep225 Posts: 7 Member
    Your "happy weight" might not be a healthy weight. I would try sticking with what your profile says to do and judge from there. There are no quick answers but it's definitely better than what you've been through before. Also, keep in mind that our metabolism changes as we get older. You're definitely not old! But you were practically still a teenager at your old weight and most healthy people don't keep their teen age weight. We're not supposed to.
    I think you're very brave to reach out and ask for help!
  • kerifit2010
    Thank you all for your responses. I really appreciate it. Just to clarify: I am not suggesting 110 pounds is overweight, but personally in accordance with my very tiny bone frame and genetics, toward the lower 100s suits me better. Regardless, what I am most concerned about is the effect of my restricting/overexercising/meshed with binging has had on my metabolism, so I'm confused as to how I can increase my calories to a healthy level suggested by mfp without gaining a ton of weight/shocking my body with a rush of normal calorie consumption. If I keep my exercise the same (about 600 calories according to machines in an hour of cardio daily), then should I consume 1,200 calories then each week bump my calories up by 50 calories until I reach the 1200 NET calories (so if I burn 600 calories in cardio, I should then consume 1,800 calories? If I typically eat (non-binge days) 1000-1300 calories with my -600 through exercise, 1,800 seems like a ton to shock my body with.
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Every day is a new day... the longer your net is too low the more damage you are doing to your body. Honestly, it is best for your health, your body AND your metabolism to just start netting the 1200 you need to net. Also, you may lose the weight faster if you eat more than that... the closer you are to your goal (and you're only 6 pounds off) the closer you should be eating to your maintain calories to lose the weight. If you haven't done it already, set your goal to 1/2 pound a week and EAT those calories! I promise it is the safest, healthiest, and in all reality probably the fastest way to get you there.