Do you "friend" your real life friends/family on MFP?

How do you feel about having your real life friends, acquaintances and family, as MFP friends? I'm on the fence. Pros and cons for both ways. Curious what do you all do?


  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    I have my sister on here. It's fun to post things to her feed bc we know we can joke around.
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  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I have/had friends and family on here and inevitably their desire wanes and they have difficulty committing to changing. I usually just bump them. This has been a serious life changer for me and I really don't have the desire to follow people who won't get on board. I know that sounds harsh, but the same people don't understand why I still weigh my food and stay focused and complain when they've gained or not lost weight.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited April 2017
    When my SO decided he liked the success I had had counting calories he decided he wanted to try it too. We decided we didn't want to use the same site, so I set him up on the one I had been using with all our recipes in, and I moved over here. That was in 2010. We have been happy ever since.
    No critiquing each other's choices.

    I know my sister in the uk has an MFP account, but I don't know if she uses it, and we have never bumped into each other or exchanged user names.

    My MiL is making sounds like she is ready to lose some weight. I would rather not interact with her in a forum setting, much though I love her.

    So basically, just like I wouldn't like to cruise with work mates because work would keep coming up, I don't want to mix my time on MFP with my friends and family.
    I tend not to talk about my health and fitness with them much in real life and I like it that way.

    I can't imagine going for a jolly pint and someone coming out with 'h, that was a real bit of bad advice you gave to so and so' or 'can you show me the research behind that...'. It would just take the jolly out of the pint.

    Cheers, h.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    nope. if they're real-life people i have other channels for communicating with them, so i don't see the need. it would be like having them in my living room all the time.

    even though some of the people i know irl are obviously on here as well and we both know that about each other, neither side has ever asked the other what our user names are.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    No. My sister did use it before but she just remembers everything and counts calories. I don't have her as a friend though. She's basically around my goal weight too.
  • SunnyDayzMomma
    SunnyDayzMomma Posts: 114 Member
    I feel exactly the way you all do, thank you. It's validated my desire to bump a few real life friends. I find I'm not posting statuses that I want to, because I know a few people will see it. The only pro I could think of to keeping them was that it might hurt their feelings if they noticed they couldn't find me anymore,which could cause real life drama. But hearing you all spell it out like this, I can easily explain it to them if it comes up. Whew! THANK YOU!!!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Nope nope nope! This is all about me.
    Nixi3Knox wrote: »
    Not no but HELL NO. It seems the friends we make around here are not judgy and critical beyond what we need them to be. When we post troubles and triumphs we get a sincere response. I would expect friends or family to use what I post here as a means to gossip or criticize me behind my back. I just don't need the drama.

    All of this.
  • TheChaoticBuffalo
    TheChaoticBuffalo Posts: 86 Member
    Hmmm. Looks like I'm the exception to the rule here. My sister and my nephew and his wife are on my friend list. If other friends or family were on MFP, I'd add them. Of course there's the fact to consider that they all know I'm a crusty old fart and don't pay much attention to their spoken or written advice, opinions, and so forth anyway. B)