15 lbs in 15 weeks



  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Greetings and low-calorie sweeteners! I'm Maelyn, bit quirky at times, definitely nerdy. I love sci-fi. One of my goals is to get down small enough to wear the Star Trek: TOS science officer's outfit for Halloween, next year, is the target. My struggles are emotional eating, binge eating at times, and PCOS, and medications.

    SW: 357
    CW: 319.8 (last checked - I weigh on Sundays)
    GW: 289.8 (Going for a 2fer)
  • kmankley
    kmankley Posts: 27 Member

    Here's a link for some healthy snack choices!
  • kmankley
    kmankley Posts: 27 Member
    Save your calories for more fulfilling meals and snacks! I dropped 10 lbs by cutting out cream and sugars from my coffee, and now I ENJOY drinking my coffee black!
  • mkkhoza1
    mkkhoza1 Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone...my name is Makhonyola (MK) ...43 years old husband and dad of 4 sons. I would love to jump into this with you all. Just rejoined mfp a few days back and am determined to get healthy. My weigh-in is on Friday :)

    SW: 243
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    Hello! My name is Leah and I'm a 33 year old mother of 3. I have been over weight since my late teens/early 20s. I normally hung around 155-165 lbs (5'4). I would "try" to lose weight for a few weeks and then give up. I never really took it seriously and it wasn't a big deal to me.
    Then in 2013 I was put on a medication that made me gain weight FAST. I was only on it for a few months before I stopped taking it but I ended up gaining about 30 lbs and started 2014 at 195 lbs! I was in denial about it for a long time and kept thinking it would slowly come off with no effort (surprise, it didn't) but finally at the beginning of 2015 I got serious and started trying to lose it. I lost about 10 lbs and then found out I was pregnant with our surprise 3rd baby! Lol. After I had the baby, I was still stuck in the 190s. I really just kept thinking it would come off on it's own. I guess because I thought it was a fluke since my normal weight had always stayed around 160. I finally started changing my eating habits little by little several months ago. Then last week I got back on here to help myself stay on track.
    I'm doing well. I'm still nursing my 17 month old so I get a little confused about how many calories I should be taking in to keep my supply but also lose weight.

    Starting weight - 195 lbs
    Current weight - 177.6 lbs
    Goal weight - 140 lbs

    Anyone can feel free to friend me!
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    Hi I'm mrsmuckster - I'm a 50+ mother of 2 and grandmother of a 1 year old and I work full time. I'm hoping this challenge keeps me motivated, accountable and on track.

    SW: 239
    CW: 227
    Challenge GW: 212

    4/14/17: 227
  • caf973
    caf973 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm Cath, 43, mum of 2 and work full time. Need motivation and encouragement to stay on track. Work out at home and just started running 1-2 times a week.
    SW 162
    CW 147
    GW 125-128
  • SunflowerDaisey
    SunflowerDaisey Posts: 54 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi I'm Jessica. I'm 20 years old and a college student. I would like to join! I'm new to mfp. How do we join?

    SW 158.8
    CW 154.6
    GW 130
  • estephany1
    estephany1 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Daniela. A college student as well, 19yr old.
    SW: 196.4lbs
    CW: 190 lbs
    GW: 110 lbs
  • ananigian
    ananigian Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm Andrea I weigh 164 and would like to get down to 150 but for the15lb challenge, I will take it to 149. :). Thank you for starting this even though I am a little late. :)
  • bscroggins05
    bscroggins05 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. I'm Brittany. Mother of 3, ages 11, 10 and 1, amd wife to a disabled vet. I work full time as a Paralegal.

    SW: 230
    CW: 222.8
    GW: 150
  • tracy63031
    tracy63031 Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 240.9
    CW: 234.5
    GW: 140

    4/16/17: 236.6
  • kmankley
    kmankley Posts: 27 Member
    Love all the posts about how motivated you all are right now! Happy Easter to everyone that celebrates it! I was VERY bad today and ate soooo much unhealthy stuff. In order to help combat my bad behaviors today I think I'll take my dog for a long walk!
    Holidays are such a struggle! How do you stay on track?
  • kmankley
    kmankley Posts: 27 Member
  • Mandanne
    Mandanne Posts: 10 Member
    Hey there my name is Amanda I am 32 and am a new mom. I would love to reach my first goal of hitting my pre pregnancy weight then go from there!
    SW : 188
    CW : 185
    GW : 150
    GOTTOBEMETOTHET Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jessica , 69 , I would like to join you as well. I need to lose 23 or 33 pounds by July 2017.
    Sw. 183.2
    CW 161.8
    GW 140 or 130
    Could you tell me what plan you are following? Thanks
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    SW: 357
    04/9/17: 319.8 (last checked - I weigh on Sundays)
    04/16/17: 315.6
    GW: 289.8 (Going for a 2fer)
    Pounds to Go:


  • zenartist24
    zenartist24 Posts: 22 Member
    Hello all! I am Bill and I am 31 years young. I was able to maintain a good weight up until I hit 30 at which point my metabolism came to a screeching halt and I started gaining weight. I have been a runner in the past and am starting back up again this week. I plan to run 2-3 miles 3-4x/week, to start. I will be focusing more on my diet at the beginning. I am a big time snacker and love empty carbs! I look forward to checking in on this thread and trying to share/gain motivation!

    CW: 185 lbs
    SW: 185 lbs
    GW: 170 lbs