


  • Cmuchoa
    Cmuchoa Posts: 161 Member
    Drink lots of water, use finely ground flax seed on many things like yr cereals, oatmeal, yogurts, scrambled eggs, ground meats etc..., eat plenty of fruits and veggies, use olive oil in small amounts. Drink cleansing teas found in the health food stores or better yet check out this website: They have a wonderful Kleri tea that relaxes you for a good nights sleep and will help you move yr bowels. They also have 30 day cleansing programs. There are some nasty pics too if you search them out but if you have a weak stomach I wouldn't suggest it. You can also take Colace tablets every night as it is just a stool softner - you can get yr drug store brand too which should be the same - I buy my husband the Rite Aid brand. Remember if you take anything like Metamusil you MUST DRINK LOTS OF WATER THROUGHT THE DAY - IF NOT IT WILL SOLIDIFY IN YR SYSTEM AND MADE THINGS WORSE. Hope you feel better soon as it is a miserable feeling. Take care.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I had the same problem... I increased my fat intake a little and started drinking a cup of black coffee and haven't had a problem since =)
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I never have this problem not sure why. I am sorry you had to go to the hospital. I hope you feel better soon.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    No don't take laxatives, your body can get used to having them. I use stool softeners and try and eat plenty of fruit and veggies. I see in your diary you don't have any green veggies. I find that eating all bran 40% works great too. Just 1/2 to a cup a day keeps me regular.... Metamucil or Miralax is helpful too. You do need fat in your diet. It is everything in moderation. but you need fiber to.

    I hope they gave you something to help you. I make sure I am regular because my mom and grandmother passed from colon cancer.
  • meldaniel
    meldaniel Posts: 111
    I have IBS and go between long periods of constipation and then sudden periods of painful, loose bowels. This has never been caused by diet...I've had it since my teen years...but eating alot of protein has made it worse at times. I've been blocked up like that a few times. My doctors put me on a prescription medication which was awful and made me nauseated all the time so I couldn't stay on it. The another doctor told me to simply take 500 mg of magnesium at night (I take the Phillips tablet) and it works like a charm! Magnesium is a laxative but it is not a stimulant so it is safe to take daily. It keeps me regular. Of course eating alot of fruit and fresh veggies helps and Activia yogurt helps too!
  • PositiveGoals
    MFP should tell you how much fat and fiber you need based on your weight, height, age, and activity. If you include 8 glasses of water per day (or 4 16oz bottles of water) you should be fine. Water is really important. Maybe a (very little) bit of olive oil on your salad a couple of times per week. I take 2 gummy vitamin suppliments per day as well. Since eating healthy I do not go 'as often' but I still go at least once per day.
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    Regular fiber (the good stuff) in your diet, plus a small amount of healthy fat, and drink plenty of water. I have learned that doing this daily keeps me regular.
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    Took a peek at your diary, and your fat intake isn't abnormally low, same with your fiber, although you might want to up it a little

    What I did notice was you consume a lot of artificial sweeteners, which looks like can cause bowel issues. I'm wondering if that is the true problem.
  • britterbrittney
    britterbrittney Posts: 256 Member
    MFP should tell you how much fat and fiber you need based on your weight, height, age, and activity. If you include 8 glasses of water per day (or 4 16oz bottles of water) you should be fine. Water is really important. Maybe a (very little) bit of olive oil on your salad a couple of times per week. I take 2 gummy vitamin suppliments per day as well. Since eating healthy I do not go 'as often' but I still go at least once per day.

    Although, MFP does a great job calculating those numbers. Its generic, and each person is different even with the calculations. Sometimes you have to change certain numbers to attune it better to your body.
  • o0oBonnieo0o
    You should take Vitamin B 6/12 (they come combined) , I had problems with this as well and once i was on that once in the morning for a week it made me really regular.. So I still take it once a day in mornings and haven't had anymore problems
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Shakeology has made me regular.
  • MaryBachert
    MaryBachert Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I just want to tell you what I have been doing in the past for this. I have IBS and Fibromyalgia as well as a bowel motility disorder where there is no motility there to propel the waste out. I have seen the specialist and he recommended that I use laxatives and I have been using sennakot and it might be hard to believe but I take 14 at a time every 3-4th day. I have tried taking less but nothing happens, and this has been a gradual buildup of the sennakot. I have been eating a very high amount of fiber (one day it was at 75 g) as we have a raspberry farm and so while I am picking I eat. :))) I have been drinking lots of water but that doesn't seem to help. I also take magnesium but cannot take any type of Vit B as I get very neauseated and sick. Also I have tried the stool softeners but they do not do anything. Also I do not drink any coffee whatsoever--don't like it, but I do drink herbal teas or hot water with lemon. The only other thing I can think of is could it possibly be the artificial sweeteners? The doctor said yesterday this has likely been building up for weeks. He has started me on lactulose which I think is high in sugar.also. :( I bought some omega 3-6-9 capsules as well as flax seed oil capsules so will see if that helps.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    High Iron levels can cause constipation as well. Check your Iron level.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I have IBS and go between long periods of constipation and then sudden periods of painful, loose bowels. This has never been caused by diet...I've had it since my teen years...but eating alot of protein has made it worse at times. I've been blocked up like that a few times. My doctors put me on a prescription medication which was awful and made me nauseated all the time so I couldn't stay on it. The another doctor told me to simply take 500 mg of magnesium at night (I take the Phillips tablet) and it works like a charm! Magnesium is a laxative but it is not a stimulant so it is safe to take daily. It keeps me regular. Of course eating alot of fruit and fresh veggies helps and Activia yogurt helps too!

    omg the protein thing TOTALLY explains my problem. I too have the swing from constipation to loose. Thank IBS. Many mornings, I will start my day off with a protein shake, but I frequently have to run to the potty before I even finish the glass! I'll have to give the magnesium thing a try. Thanks!