Your Highest weight, Lowest weight and current weight?



  • dubble818
    dubble818 Posts: 132 Member
    Height 6'2"
    Current 182
    High 210
    Goal 175
  • dale050467
    dale050467 Posts: 38 Member
    Highest - 348
    Lowest- 165
    Current- 169
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited April 2017
    Highest - 358 lbs
    Lowest - 191 lbs
    Current - 252 lbs (been between 238-256 the past 4 years)
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Lowest weight---
    98lbs naturally eating everything I could find and no gym workouts at all

    Highest weight---
    180lbs--- I gained this in only 3 months from antidepressant medication

    Current weight---
    116lbs I look almost as thin as when I was 98lbs but with WAY more muscle! I dont eat everything I can anymore, after antidepressant medication my metabolism slowed down, still fast just not SUPER fast.

    I just had to jump in and say that the exact same thing happened to me! I always stayed at around 165 lbs eating whatever I wanted and no real exercise.
    I was overweight but felt ok with it. I was out on an antidepressant and within just a couple months ballooned up to 195 lbs. It was crazy!! I was in shock and denial. I still might be.

    Female 5'4
    Highest weight: 195 lbs (not counting prego weight)
    Lowest weight: 153 lbs
    Current weight: 179
    Goal weight: 140

    They never warned me about the side effects. At first when I gained weight I was happy because people made fun of me for being too skinny but then I got stretchmarks and I was no longer happy... luckily stretchmarks are gone!
  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    Highest - 220 lbs.
    Lowest - 8 lbs. (when I was born)
    Current - 158 lbs.
  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member
    edited April 2017
    Female, 169 cm
    Highest: 65 kg
    Lowest: 51 kg
    Now: 55 kg
    Feel great!
  • imbailey78
    imbailey78 Posts: 18 Member
    Highest 451
    Lowest 319
    Current 322.4
    Lost 130 in 1 year
    Goal 225
  • KylaBlaze
    KylaBlaze Posts: 136 Member
    Highest - 180
    Lowest - 136
    Current - 143

    Happy at that weight most days
  • cbmarble
    cbmarble Posts: 12 Member
    Highest: 355 (May 2016)
    Lowest: 243
    Current: 256
    Male, 6'3", 34 years old
    Not sure on goal weight; 225 sounds great, but I have focused more on building muscle lately and I'm not sure I can get down to 225 without sacrificing that muscle gain.
  • Rajions
    Rajions Posts: 128 Member
    Highest 239
    Lowest 155 (that I can remember lol)
    Current 227
  • transphormyn
    transphormyn Posts: 65 Member
    Goal: Number doesn't matter. I'm focused on lower BF%
  • LizComeBack086
    LizComeBack086 Posts: 25 Member
    Female: 5"11
    Lowest: 186(When I graduated High School in 2005)
    Highest: 289.8 (When I gave birth to my daughter 3/13/15)
    Current: 246.2 (weighed this morning)
    Goal: Not Sure yet will let you know when I get to a weight where I am comfortable, healthy and feel great
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Female 5'4"
    Highest weight:275
    Current weight:215
    1st GW:190
    Ultimate GW(Maybe):160
  • menotyou56
    menotyou56 Posts: 178 Member
    edited April 2017
    Male, 5'10 age 61
    Highest - 310
    Lowest- 155 (teenage high school weight)
    Current- 238
    Goal - 150's weight and normal BMI,18.5 to 25
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    female: 5'3" 1/2

    highest: 242
    lowest: 97
    current: 187

    goal: 150 (working toward more muscle, goal could change depending)
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    Female, 5ft 4"
    Highest - 182lbs
    Lowest - 143lbs
    Current - 144lbs
  • prdrivas
    prdrivas Posts: 47 Member
    Male, 5' 10''

    Highest: 220 lbs
    Lowest: 155 lbs
    Current: 163 lbs
  • DanieSwob
    DanieSwob Posts: 67 Member
    Lowest - 112 lbs
    Highest - 138
    Current - 131

    Lowest was before I became pregnant in 2014. & even after birth I was still on the 8 stone mark. (119).
    People say "but you've had a baby". Nope because after I had my son I was back into my size 8 UK jeans and had a flat stomach. He is almost 3, and it's only this past year I've put on loads of weight due to being so lazy and eating junk like mad. Sad times :-( I'm trying to lose it though! :s