
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    I will say there are no guarantees you will look like the model in the pic. a lot of it has to do with genetics,but if you arent eating in a surplus and lifting heavy then you wont build muscle,you didnt say if you are bulking or in a deficit. it also takes time to build muscle.its a lot of hard work,dedication and so on to accomplish those things.

    Until 7 months after the baby I was eating up to 12 large cupcakes a day. So I guess you can call that gains... i was lifting weights after 3 months almost every day. Since then I focused on leaning out by not eating sugar and while eating a ton of protein.

    so are you in a deficit or not? its hard to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. so that may be your issue.

    I am now because I was technically in gains until 7 months. So I should have acquired a decent amount of muscle. Its not like I am skipping my meals... still the heaviest eater in my house beating my husband.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Judging by the pic you took, you're focused on having abs (I'm guessing - you completely covered your arms and shoulders, and we can't see your legs. Those are the parts I see on your inspiration photo)

    .... You need to get leaner to see whatever abs you have.

    Do you want the arms and legs though? Hers are partly like that because she's pumped up and posing, she's not really that big. Have you tried posing yours?
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Judging by the pic you took, you're focused on having abs (I'm guessing - you completely covered your arms and shoulders, and we can't see your legs. Those are the parts I see on your inspiration photo)

    .... You need to get leaner to see whatever abs you have.

    Do you want the arms and legs though? Hers are partly like that because she's pumped up and posing, she's not really that big. Have you tried posing yours?

    At t83wgr9n56vdi.jpg
    at the gym now
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    jtegirl1 wrote: »
    How tall are you? It looks like you have really long limbs, which is going to make it harder to get a bulkier look. I'm only 5'2 and I gain muscle ridiculously easy. I'm sure it would be much harder if I were taller with longer limbs.

    That is very true. I am 5'10 and while I gain muscle relatively easy, it doesn't look like much because my legs and arms are so long.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I will say there are no guarantees you will look like the model in the pic. a lot of it has to do with genetics,but if you arent eating in a surplus and lifting heavy then you wont build muscle,you didnt say if you are bulking or in a deficit. it also takes time to build muscle.its a lot of hard work,dedication and so on to accomplish those things.

    Until 7 months after the baby I was eating up to 12 large cupcakes a day. So I guess you can call that gains... i was lifting weights after 3 months almost every day. Since then I focused on leaning out by not eating sugar and while eating a ton of protein.

    so are you in a deficit or not? its hard to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. so that may be your issue.

    I am now because I was technically in gains until 7 months. So I should have acquired a decent amount of muscle. Its not like I am skipping my meals... still the heaviest eater in my house beating my husband.

    then you wont be gaining muscle,it can for some take longer than 7 months to get a decent amount of muscle,especially women. some build it fast others slower. age/hormones/genetics/diet and so on all play a factor.for some it can take years to get the results they want.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    This is my goal x53s93uivvgf.jpg

    That's an ambitious goal. I'm not saying that you can't get there; you can.

    For those kind of results, it will take total dedication.

    I wish you well.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    If you have decent amount of muscle and can't see them than you need to go on the cut. But you need to do more weight exercise, more improvements can be made before getting ripped. How long has it been training for? How many exercises are you doing? You train 6 days, what is your routine? Remember your protein intake need to be bit high to maintain and build muscle. Your diet and cardio needs to be in check. 20-30mins cardio few times a week. Body fat % need to be around 10-12
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    What exercises are you doing? More insight more I can probably help.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    kaizaku wrote: »
    If you have decent amount of muscle and can't see them than you need to go on the cut. But you need to do more weight exercise, more improvements can be made before getting ripped. How long has it been training for? How many exercises are you doing? You train 6 days, what is your routine? Remember your protein intake need to be bit high to maintain and build muscle. Your diet and cardio needs to be in check. 20-30mins cardio few times a week. Body fat % need to be around 10-12

    Body Fat% 10-12? This is way too low, more like 19% -20% is a good starting point.

    Protein intake needs to be optimal, but not outrageously high.
  • cassandrarodriguez89
    cassandrarodriguez89 Posts: 239 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    forget the diet and the trainer

    .... just pick-up those hangars from your closet floor.

    The cardio from it alone should burn thousands of calories.

    I'm here to serve.

    LMAO!!!! Im a girl... i may have tried on a gazilion outfits in hopes of going out. Lol
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    That's Bella Falconi. Your goal is to look like Bella Falconi? That's like me wanting to look like The Rock.

    She has prime genetics and trains smart and hard. For 10+ years. And she has access to pharmaceuticals and smart people who know how fitness models should use them.

    There's a reason she has 3 million followers on Instagram. If anyone could decide to look like her she wouldn't have 3m followers, would she? There can only be one of her, and that goes for every fitness model. And there can only be one of you. Embrace it, make the most of it.

  • DeficitDuchess
    DeficitDuchess Posts: 3,099 Member
    edited April 2017
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited April 2017
    I may have missed this, but have you ever bulked? Bella has quite a significant muscle base, that is why she looks lean and ripped. I don't know her history would imagine she has gone through several bulk/cut cycles in her life, either that or genetics or enhancement.

    If you have cut down low and still find yourself looking like a "skinny fit girl" as you say, then you may need to put on some mass then cut, then do it all over again.. and keep going until you are happy.
  • tifoso0013
    tifoso0013 Posts: 3 Member
    Genetics. Everyone can put on muscle but not everyone can attain a very low body fat so they look ripped. Genetics made you about 4" taller than the average woman and you couldn't change that, so you have to accept your limitations. I wish I could have a VO2 max of 90 but no amount of training will get me there. C'est la vie.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    forget the diet and the trainer

    .... just pick-up those hangars from your closet floor.

    The cardio from it alone should burn thousands of calories.

    I'm here to serve.

    LMAO!!!! Im a girl... i may have tried on a gazilion outfits in hopes of going out. Lol

    Shucks, I wear blue jeans & red wing boots everyday; the only decision I need to make is if my plain black t-shirt is V or crew neck.

    ..... simple is good.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    forget the diet and the trainer

    .... just pick-up those hangars from your closet floor.

    The cardio from it alone should burn thousands of calories.

    I'm here to serve.

    LMAO!!!! Im a girl... i may have tried on a gazilion outfits in hopes of going out. Lol

    Shucks, I wear blue jeans & red wing boots everyday; the only decision I need to make is if my plain black t-shirt is V or crew neck.

    ..... simple is good.

    Crew neck. Every time.

    9 times outta 10 *shrug
  • Genetics plays a huge roll in having a body like that. I think we get to caught up in trying to look like someone else instead of just being a fit version of ourselves. Some could look like her with proper discipline and doing it healthy while others not so much.
  • stevet621
    stevet621 Posts: 63 Member
    ️Hahaha "She-hulk" I love it!

    Let me start by saying, you look great! You had a baby a year ago and have abs now! That's incredible!

    As others have mentioned, if you want to gain muscle, you will need to be on a caloric surplus. If you are dead set on gaining size, then you should begin a slow lean bulk and keep the weights heavy. Don't be afraid to gain weight, if putting on muscle is your main objective.