SAHM looking for accountability

Hi there. I'm a SAHM of two kiddos. I have a 10 month old and a 4 year old. I'm looking for some friends on MFP to help me stay focus and have some accountability. My husband works nights and sleeps during the day so I'm alone with my kiddos most of the time. I don't really get "me time" until after 10pm when the kids are asleep. I've been having a hard time trying to focus on losing weight. It was a rough winter where I live and is finally starting to get nice enough for outdoor activities and hopefully also means I'm out of excuses of why I can't focus one my weight and exercise. Let's get to losing together!


  • mheaty
    mheaty Posts: 2 Member
    Totally agree with the me time!!!
    Nearly impossible to have the motivation to exercise after my daughter is in bed!!
  • mindilina
    mindilina Posts: 32 Member
    I've sent you a friend request! I have 2 daughters and my husband will be starting nights next week a couple hours from home so I'll need some motivation!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Hi. We have a lot in common. I'm a SAHM of 3 kids ages 3, 5, and 7. My husband is a police officer and works nights every other month. I homeschool so I'm home alone a lot. I have gone from 244 to 166. I want to get down to 135.
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Oh man, I can't imagine your pain! As an introvert, I absolutely thrive on, and crave my, rare and limited alone time! I'm a stay at home mom of three, soon to be four- ages 4, 3, 16 months, and baby due in July. Planning on homeschooling for the first few years at least, so no plans for preschool. Staying fit/getting fit after babies/learning to appreciate health and nutrition… it has all been a very interesting journey for me. I'd love more friends! So add me please!
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    SAHM of 5 kiddos (16,15,12,7 and 5 months). I know all about the struggles and such.
  • vgimommy
    vgimommy Posts: 7 Member
    3, 4, and 5 kiddos and homeschooling?!
  • letsdothis_again
    letsdothis_again Posts: 662 Member
    I am a SAHM of two girls 4&3 and plan on homeschooling them.
  • vgimommy
    vgimommy Posts: 7 Member
    All you ladies are impressive! WTG! :)