Should I be taking days off from Cardio?

I'm just curious what's everyone's opinion is. I've been doing cardio pretty consistently almost every day, and I'm kind of wondering if perhaps I should be giving my legs a chance to heal every now and then. Here's what I've done this week, Let me know what you think. (all calories are based off what my polar FT4 is telling me.)

Sunday, 30 minutes, 533 cal
Monday, 30 minutes, 520 cal
Tuesday - off
Wednesday, 30 minutes, 491 cal
Thursday, 25 minutes, 389 cal (I tried Hiit out. I'm still sore)
Friday, 30 minutes, 486 cal
Saturday - thinking of taking it off. Thoughts?

I don't really do strength training right now, as I don't have much equipment for it, or a gym membership.

(A reposting, because I had it in the wrong spot. I would have deleted it before people replied, had I the ability. ;-) Oh well. Old thread was here. :


  • jocraw66
    jocraw66 Posts: 52
    I am a firm believer that rest is equally as important as the workouts. I also think that you should try and do some sort of strength training even if it is investing in some dumbells and finding some workouts online.
  • jhew86
    jhew86 Posts: 3
    Cardio, just like strength training, requires that you allow your body to go through a recovery phase. now, this does not mean you cant work out several days consecutively, it just means that you should break your training into blocks (ie: three days on one day off, repeat). So, in short: yes, if you want to take Saturday of go nuts, it wont hurt your progress.
  • Italiandoglover
    I would recommend doing 3 days of strength training using just body weight exercises such as body squats, pushups, pull ups, lunges and dips. Doing them in reps of 8-12 for circuit training, 3 times. Then on the off days from your weight days, M-W-F, do 15 Min of HIIT. That what I recommend, should get you to build lean muscle and burn calories all at same time, resting sundays.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    I just started exercising (walking) 18 days ago and have done it every day, for a total of 29 miles and 569 minutes, about 30 minutes per day. My foot bones hurt so I decided to give them a rest today. They feel real good right now so I think I’ll be OK for tomorrow. I think I’ll be taking at least one day off per week. I have read on here that you should give your body a rest, even for cardio, but I’m certainly no expert.