PCOS and in need of Support, I need to lose 141 lbs!

Hello Everyone, I am new to MFP, or rather, am returning after a long hiatus. That life thing sometimes gets the better of me. :smiley: Anyways, I am 319 lbs and 6ft tall, I need to lose 141 pounds with PCOS insulin resistance. I know high intensity cardio and low carbs is the best way to achieve this, along with the long list of medications my doctor put me on to help me with my weight loss. She has put me on Metformin, Apri and Buproprion.
I am in need of support , I just started a 5k program and yoga regiman. I really would like to stick to my work. I had a really rough year last year, three people that were close to me died, my mother in law, my aunt and my friend all died within months of each other, and to be honest , I didnt care about anything , including my weight which spiraled out of control. .

So anyone who is positive or supportive who would like to add me, feel free!


  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    plus if anyone else also has PCOS id love to see what your excersise regiman looks like!
  • CupcakeKendra
    CupcakeKendra Posts: 212 Member
    I have PCOS and need to lose the 90 lbs I lost years ago! I have gained it all back. It is so easy to do with PCOS. Plus life's stresses! Feel free to add me! :)
  • itwontletmehaveaname
    itwontletmehaveaname Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! i too need to lose about that amount of weight and have PCOS. i am starting out low carb and doing cardio. you got this and will reach your goal in no time!
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    thanks guys!!
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! You're in good company! I have PCOS and in the process of re-losing 50lbs, plus an additional 40lbs (90 total)...I had originally lost 130 a couple of years ago and it slowly crept back. This winter really hit me hard and I could tell my hormones were super out of whack leading to massive gains. I am making a point of buying proteins that are hormone free (even though it is brutally expensive) and reducing carbs and sugar. I'm striving to work out 5x a week for at least 20 sweaty minutes (not including warm up/cool down.) I'm doing Core De Force (mma/kickboxing) videos that include strength building through body weight (push ups). I'm also trying to get back into yoga while aiming for two cardio session at the gym or hiking. I'm walking my dog on my "rest" days. This all sounds like a lot, but I'm not cramming it all in. Just trying to slowly build my activity. I'm planning on doing a 21 mile hike in August, no matter my weight by then, and I want to have the endurance to walk for dayz.

    I'm sorry for the loss of so many special people in your life. I understand how hard it can be to just tread water when you feel like you're literally drowning in grief. Keep up the good fight! You're worth it!
  • mightyfanofthor
    mightyfanofthor Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and am also looking to lose weight. I've had to do physical therapy in the pool because I also have rheumatoid arthritis and a bad back/shoulder injury, which rules out a lot of exercise and makes the activity and weight loss pretty tough. I'd like to be on metformin, but with everything else, I'm not there yet and just lost insurance. Hoping some dietary changes will help. They seemed to have helped inflammation already, at least.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,154 Member
    I'm another one, a bit older though. I'm currently down 103 lbs through being on here. Trying to get rid of the last 10 lbs or so, but they're the hardest. It's been slow but steady. I've changed my calories and macros over time, I was doing the PCOS recommended high fat, moderate protein, low carbs, but now my dietician wants to treat me as someone without PCOS and we've reduced the fat to 30%, and upped the carbs to 35%. It seems to be working, which thrills me.

    Exercise, I try to do several classes a week, HIIT, Boot camp, a strength training and TRX. I also walk a lot, run a bit and lift. And a weekly session with a trainer. Surprisingly, I enjoy all of it.

    Feel free to add me, can always use more friends.
  • PolkadotH
    PolkadotH Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! Welcome back to My Fitness Pal!
    Thank you for sharing your story with us. I too have struggled with my weight and joined different classes and done different diets to try and shift my weight but found that the best way for me is calorie counting.

    Please feel free to add me. I need to lose 80lbs+ and I would love the support too.

    At the moment, my exercise is HIIT sessions from a guy called "Joe Wicks" on YouTube and they are fantastic and can last between 15 minutes to 30 minutes. They range from low impact beginners to hard core but ALWAYS encourages a lot of movement and sweat!

    Let's do this together! :)
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    Wow , thankyou all for requesting me and wanting to share your experiences with me. I have bad sugar days, where all I want is carb foods, particularlly pasta, which is the worst!!! Anyways, I know we can all do this! God is going to light my way and I know he put you all here with me for a reason! Thanks for wanting to go on this journey with me! I cant wait to see what the future holds for us all!
  • hrj888
    hrj888 Posts: 30 Member
    edited April 2017
    I have PCOS and other health issues. Feel free to add me. I have 30-40 lbs to lose. I also take metformin to help with weight loss. So far I've lost about 8 lbs. my weight loss is off to a slow start but I know I can do it.
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    You all are super inspiring! It's actually comforting to know that "the struggle is real" when it comes to PCOS.
    @Kar328 - way to rock it on your journey! What's TRX?
    @PauseCollectReset I have been there with those sugar and carb cravings. I am finding that replacing my pasta with "Tofu Noodles" or zucchini noodles REALLY helps. 30 calories vs. like 400 calories. :-P
    @mightyfanofthor I am so sorry. That is SUPER lame. Is it possible for you to get on a birth control that could stabilize your hormones? The out of pocket is less horrendous than metformin. It can cause a slight weight gain, but if you are continuing to eat healthy and hit the pool it may really make a difference in the big picture. Just a thought. I'm on a BC and not on metformin and it generally has good results as long as I am mindful of my diet and work out.

    Shout out to all you other lovely ladies! I know how hard and heart breaking it is to feel like your a hostage to your own body. To not identify with who you see in the mirror or like how you feel. I have been finding that it's futile to wonder "why" this has happened to me (PCOS is such a stupid cosmic loop of hormone and weight issues), but I can fight for change through mindfulness and self-care...even if that means eating fake pasta. ;-)

    Have a wonderful day and keep being kind to yourself! <3
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    I've been watching these threads for a while, wondering if I should reply to one, and I can really relate to some of the comments in this thread.... so here goes.

    I too have PCOS, and need to lose about 80-100lbs (I usually go by kg- would like to lose 35-45kg). I currently weigh 105kg and am 5'2". I have a bad back also (have had two surgeries) which is causing a bit of discomfort lately, probably because my weight has been creeping up for a while- experience tells me that my back always hurts worse when I weigh more!

    Hubby and I have been trying to have a baby for nearly 3 years now. I have a beautiful 10yr old daughter from a previous marriage, and hubby and I conceived last year but sadly, I miscarried. Not having the family we desperately want is breaking both our hearts, and I know my weight doesn't help my chances of conceiving.

    So I am starting the weight loss journey yet again. It HAS to work this time- it just has to. I am sick of being constantly tired and sore, and of feeling depressed every time I look in the mirror or see myself in photos. My struggles are having the time and energy to exercise- I leave the house in the morning at 6:45am to drop my daughter to care before going to work, and we don't get home till between 6-7pm. Usually by that time I'm shattered, and I often have more work to do which I've had to bring home with me. It makes it difficult to fit in exercise, and even to prepare a healthy evening meal- these are two of my biggest challenges in losing weight.

    Thanks for reading my post, and for writing yours- some of your stories really struck a chord with me. I'd love to journey with some people, as it is lots harder going it alone!

  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    @Leannep2201 I have suffered from 3 stillbirths in the past 6 years, andI can understand how heartbreaking that is. I went from weighing 180 lbs to weighing 320 from the time I was married to now. The weight started piling on and I had no idea why. I went undiagnosed until last year. Granted I was 340 a few months ago at my first Dr Appointment, so this is possible. We just have to have faith. PCOS , from the research I have done, is not irreversible, but it is managable. If you would like to go on this journey with me Id be more than happy to help you, or even be a text buddy. Sometimes I can forget to log into MFP. It's good to have someone that will hold you accountable .
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    You all are super inspiring! It's actually comforting to know that "the struggle is real" when it comes to PCOS.
    @Kar328 - way to rock it on your journey! What's TRX?
    @PauseCollectReset I have been there with those sugar and carb cravings. I am finding that replacing my pasta with "Tofu Noodles" or zucchini noodles REALLY helps. 30 calories vs. like 400 calories. :-P
    @mightyfanofthor I am so sorry. That is SUPER lame. Is it possible for you to get on a birth control that could stabilize your hormones? The out of pocket is less horrendous than metformin. It can cause a slight weight gain, but if you are continuing to eat healthy and hit the pool it may really make a difference in the big picture. Just a thought. I'm on a BC and not on metformin and it generally has good results as long as I am mindful of my diet and work out.

    Shout out to all you other lovely ladies! I know how hard and heart breaking it is to feel like your a hostage to your own body. To not identify with who you see in the mirror or like how you feel. I have been finding that it's futile to wonder "why" this has happened to me (PCOS is such a stupid cosmic loop of hormone and weight issues), but I can fight for change through mindfulness and self-care...even if that means eating fake pasta. ;-)

    Have a wonderful day and keep being kind to yourself! <3

    I have tried and tried to eat that carb zero pasta I just can't do it!! lol the texture is enough for me. I went vegan for awhile, and I did lose a good ammount of weight, but it just wasn't enough, and as soon as I stopped I gained it all back. I need to lo carb it, but have you guys seen the food prices lately?!?! Im in NY and the food cost is atrocious. I have to stay low budget, and healthy and this is wicked hard to do.
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    hrj888 wrote: »
    I have PCOS and other health issues. Feel free to add me. I have 30-40 lbs to lose. I also take metformin to help with weight loss. So far I've lost about 8 lbs. my weight loss is off to a slow start but I know I can do it.

    I requested you!
  • alaskandelight
    alaskandelight Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you for sharing your stories @Leannep2201 and @PauseCollectReset. I wish I could give you both hugs. I can't imagine anything harder than losing a baby. I've never really told anyone this, but I am nervous to even to try to have children because of the possible complications associated PCOS and fertility issues. I had one of my ovaries removed in an emergency surgery at 16 due to complications of being +300lbs and having un-diagnosed PCOS. I assume it will be a bit more difficult to conceive on top of all the other issues. My husband is perfectly fine with our animal children and reminds me that our careers and adventures are rewarding...but maybe I'll try for or adopt a real human baby someday. For now I'm pouring my energy into being the best me I can be.

    Food prices in Alaska are brutal too. Most of my shopping is at Costco and I walk away trying to remember that my body is worth the financial sacrifice. I'm trying to buy in bulk and meal prep to save money. I do agree that the texture and the smell of the tofu noodles are NOT right. I just pretend! I think I'm sold on Zucchini noodles at the moment. their texture is more on point. I know a lot of folks on the keto diet right now with rocking results. So if that's your track, rock it!

    @Leannep2201, given your busy schedule you may want to consider looking into meal prepping once a week/month to fill your freezer with healthy options. I find that it's a lot easier to stay on track with portions and nutrition if food is already made. It's a big time investment and can kind of be daunting the first time so pick one or two SIMPLE things to make...like chicken marinades, burritos/taco meat for salads, soup, etc. It definitely helps to first focus on making it easier for you to have healthy food accessible for you and your family. Maybe some one else here has some good meal prep ideas.

    Thanks to everyone who added me this week! Keep up the good fight! Only you can take the very best care of you! <3
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    @PauseCollectReset thanks for your reply. I'm so sorry to hear about your stillbirths.... I can't imagine how heartbreaking that must be, my heart really goes out to you. I'm sorry that you've had to go through something so difficult not only once, but three times!
    I would love some buddies to journey together with, but not sure how to add people on here, or what that even means....? I'm pretty new at MFP- but feel free to add me. I feel it wouldn't work to be text buddies though as I am on the other side of the world to you (Im in New Zealand) so there is a bit of a time difference! But happy to be added on here. I haven't started tracking too well yet, but today is grocery shopping day so Im planning on starting today once I have some good food in the fridge!

    @alaskandelight I hear you about the food prices! It's the same in New Zealand- it's the same everywhere I think! I'd like to try doing some bulk stuff on the weekends, but time really isn't my friend- I work often on one day of the weekend, and apart from that have to try and squeeze in house chores, family time and other commitments.... it gets pretty full on! I think I need to start by finding some quick, healthy meals that I can cook in 20-30min, and making sure that they're all ready to go when I get home in the evening!
    I'm sorry to hear that you're to nervous to think about having a baby.... maybe if we nail this weight loss thing first, life in general will just get easier!!! That's what I'm hoping for, anyway!
  • Leannep2201
    Leannep2201 Posts: 441 Member
    How are we all doing today? I did a big grocery shop yesterday, and although I just about cried at the prices, I did get lots of yummy, healthy food, which has made me feel a little more inspired!

    I'll be busy for most of today decorating a cake for my Mum's 60th birthday tonight.... gonna have to try hard to avoid licking the bowl! We are going out for dinner tonight to celebrate and Im a little nervous about making good food choices while eating out.

    Had a good day yesterday though and didn't blow my calories, so I'm celebrating that at least!
  • PauseCollectReset
    PauseCollectReset Posts: 26 Member
    Still havent made it to the store, and its been raining over here!!! So it's messing up my outdoor plans lol. Im just having hamburger and vegetables tonight, trying to stay away from that pasta. That is my biggest feat. And yes, maybe I will try zucchinni noodles! Anything but that tofu pasta.