Starting over...yet again

So I have had bouts of attempting to do this weight loss thing in the past. And each time I get so frustrated and give up.

However, earlier this month I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years. Yes 10 years. UGH. Can you tell I don't like them? I hadn't had the best of luck with getting doctors to pay attention previously so I quit going.

Anyway...I went. And got all the blood work back. Honestly I was surprised at how bad off I wasn't. A few issues, but nothing that diet and exercise won't fix...for the most part.

So I am back and giving it an honest effort. Tae-Bo kicked my butt last night. I have started and logged a couple days worth of meals.

Now I'm looking for motivators. Someone to reach out and tell me to log my food or to remind me of why I need to do this.

100 lbs. is a long journey, but I have to start and keep going.


  • psychedmom
    psychedmom Posts: 39 Member
    Oh, and full disclosure I am a PA, hopefully you are ok with them. ;) Feel free to add me.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Hey! I am pretty much in the same boat and looking to lose close to the same. Feel free to add!
  • asugar1390
    asugar1390 Posts: 46 Member
    So I have had bouts of attempting to do this weight loss thing in the past. And each time I get so frustrated and give up.

    However, earlier this month I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years. Yes 10 years. UGH. Can you tell I don't like them? I hadn't had the best of luck with getting doctors to pay attention previously so I quit going.

    Anyway...I went. And got all the blood work back. Honestly I was surprised at how bad off I wasn't. A few issues, but nothing that diet and exercise won't fix...for the most part.

    So I am back and giving it an honest effort. Tae-Bo kicked my butt last night. I have started and logged a couple days worth of meals.

    Now I'm looking for motivators. Someone to reach out and tell me to log my food or to remind me of why I need to do this.

    100 lbs. is a long journey, but I have to start and keep going.
    Will be happy to support you!
  • kerryshutt1
    kerryshutt1 Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am looking for supporters when I can't make myself stay on track.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    I am starting again also. I lost 50 lbs in 2014 and was just 10 lbs shy I gaining it back... We can do this!
  • marilyn9679
    marilyn9679 Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting over again too. I have tried weight watchers it seemed everyone was losing weight but me. I joined again on Dec. 26, 2016. I have only lost 2.4 lbs.! What a waste of my hard earned money. So now I will work this program and at least it is free!
  • Musicalpolarbear
    Musicalpolarbear Posts: 21 Member
    Hello OP and all, I have also lost weight in the past, but two pregnancies have taken their toll and I'm now back where I was before I lost last time. Been toying with Slimming World since January but not really getting anywhere. Lost almost a stone in three months but gained half back by falling off the wagon due to a stressful few weeks. Hoping to do much better on MFP for health reasons and so that I can be a healthy mum and good example to my little ones, as well as being around for them as long as I can. I'm 36, 5'8" and have over 100lb to lose. I'm based in London, England.

    Would love to buddy up for some mutual motivation and accountability.
  • ShrinkingViolet1982
    ShrinkingViolet1982 Posts: 919 Member
    Anyone looking for support, please feel free to add me. We all need a kick in the butt now and again, and honestly the "starting over" thing literally happens with EVERY food choice and exercise time choice you make. It's not "day by day", but second by second every time you make a decision. You can do this :)
  • Mustangsallie3
    Mustangsallie3 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting yet again myself.
  • RightTrackBaby
    RightTrackBaby Posts: 35 Member
    Believe me, dear, we've all been there. After my second child and gaining 10 pounds (my first pregnancy I had gained 100 and lost 70), I'm right back at it! We're all here to support each other so don't hesitate to reach out :smile:
  • kddavis35
    kddavis35 Posts: 3 Member
    I need support team also. I have started over so many times. I think I started over already three times this week. I've been holding on to 25 pounds of baby weight for 8 years. Working out has never been a problem. It's the eating. I have a sweet tooth and it doesn't want to leave me alone. I drink mostly water. I have had only 2 diet sodas so far in 2017
  • dadsafrantic
    dadsafrantic Posts: 186 Member
    i'm back at it. 27 years ago i was in pretty good shape. i had to work at it to get there though. eating well, rollerblading an hour a day 6 days a week. i had a soloflex on the front porch.

    then i lost track. i ate poorly and drank too much and had zero exercise.

    then i got back on track about 16 years ago. did atkins. put a precor in the living room and lost north of 40 pounds. i was so happy i went on the Hagan daaz celebration tour. you know how that went.

    a few years ago i found myself fat drunk and stupid to quote dean wormer from animal house. i gave up the drunk partt and dropped a bit of weight. then last year i went on the 1st part of my diet. i lost 145 pounds in 6 months without exercise or dieting. incredible you say. absolutely no problem. old what's her name and i finally called it done and separated. we're actually great friends.

    then this last february i found myself weighing in at a svelte 256 pounds. my diet was nothing short of death by fat gram poisoning. i got home exhausted and picked up a deep dish pizza...again. i ate a normal portion of 4 slices and felt like i'd eating a lead basket ball.

    i ended up driving myself to the hospital the pain had gotten so bad. turns out i had pancreatitis. amazingly painful. i went on a drip and stayed for 3 days. i got out and starting doing better at watching what i ate. way better.

    i started doing intermittent fasting and didn't even know it. then i figured it out and have been doing it since then. i don't eat conveniently anymore meaning i eat what i cook...mostly. i don't eat fast food or pizza. i don't use any packaged meals. i try to prep out a few meals when i cook. i don't eat between 8ish pm and noonish. i find i'm usually hungry every day but the feeling goes away. i sit down to eat. i eat slowly. i log everything i eat before i eat it so i can adjust if i have to. not days ahead just usually right before i eat. i fitbit. i can mostly always get 9k steps at work. yesterday i had to add a protein bvar just to get above 1200 cals. add me and we can motivate each other.
  • alyrgomez
    alyrgomez Posts: 3 Member
    So I have had bouts of attempting to do this weight loss thing in the past. And each time I get so frustrated and give up.

    However, earlier this month I went to the doctor for the first time in 10 years. Yes 10 years. UGH. Can you tell I don't like them? I hadn't had the best of luck with getting doctors to pay attention previously so I quit going.

    Anyway...I went. And got all the blood work back. Honestly I was surprised at how bad off I wasn't. A few issues, but nothing that diet and exercise won't fix...for the most part.

    So I am back and giving it an honest effort. Tae-Bo kicked my butt last night. I have started and logged a couple days worth of meals.

    Now I'm looking for motivators. Someone to reach out and tell me to log my food or to remind me of why I need to do this.

    100 lbs. is a long journey, but I have to start and keep going.

    Good morning Jamie (I have a cousin named Jamie
  • Ashers825
    Ashers825 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also starting over. It's always been very hard for me to lose weight. I try and end up getting discouraged. 1.5 years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer and the upside was that I lost 80 pounds! However, once I finished treatments and went into remission, I have steadily gained all but 5 pounds of that back. I want to lose a total of 115 pounds. Right now, it's extremely important for me that I succeed because I have started seeing a fertility doctor (my reproductive system took a major hit from the chemo), and I am 4 pounds away from them being unable to do treatments. So it's now or never. I could use all the support I can get, so anyone willing to help me, please feel free to add me! I'm also willing to be there for anyone else who needs encouragement.
  • PGMGO62
    PGMGO62 Posts: 9 Member
    Don't or get to LOG YOUR FOOD's critical.....
  • lizComeBack2017
    lizComeBack2017 Posts: 6 Member
    I start over all the time but I guess you get to that point where you will get sick and tired of being sick and tired and do here if needed :)