Anyone doing the Quick Weight Loss center diet?

I just started. Maybe we can share ideas, challenges or just motivate each other ?


  • dotwilldoit
    dotwilldoit Posts: 53 Member
    I did it with a friend. I ignored the suplements. Not needed. I did find their protein drinks cheaper online. Bariwise is same product. Use their support one on one meetings a few times a week but don't stress.

    The emphasis on 3 pounds a week is not healthy, although the emphasis on real foods is sound. A lot of it is similar to what you find here in mfp. However, for some people, putting $ down makes them feel accountable. It did for me. I am in maintenance and find it easier to make good choices. I feel retrained.

    Follow their directions re food choices and restrictions. Why? Because you are retraining yourself. There will be a lot of chicken salads for lunch. The focus is choose your protein, choose your vegetables, double the veggie quantity you are used to having, then Choose your starch. I learned how Salt affects my body. I learned the importance of fiber. I would not have learned if the food choices had not been restricted.

    Having said that, I am not restricted now other than my self imposed restriction due to what I have learned during the prior phase. A key distinction I believe.

    Best of luck to you. I encourage you to talk here. I didn't talk about it in the real world as the first thing people will say is 'can't you have a cheat day' ....

    Keep track of everything. You can do it!
  • JudyLyn123
    JudyLyn123 Posts: 3 Member
    I started about a month ago. I buy their supplements and protein drinks. It's a structured program, but as Dotwilldoit said, you get to choose what protein, carbs, and vegetables.. And healthy fats too! I've tried every diet out there and found this works for me! Live-it, not diet!
  • joyitah
    joyitah Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you dotwilldoit and judylyn123. That makes me feel so much better. It's just been a week and I can see the difference! I hope I can stick to it.
  • dotwilldoit
    dotwilldoit Posts: 53 Member
    You asked for ideas to share...

    1. For water I drink Perrier. This works for me and I don't miss sodas at all
    2. Weigh everything. Measure everyone so you learn what a portion size really is
    3. Fresh veggies.. right now that means asparagus and veggies always taste better roasted imho. Although since it is now hot here, I am using the griddle instead at the mo. I love my little vegetti. I make zucchini 'pasta' with shrimp and basil. All cooked on my griddle. With asparagus on the side also on the griddle.
    4. I really like no salt cottage cheese.
    5. Fresh fish can be purchased at your grocery store already with herbs. Try them.
    7. Add some exercise. While they are a food plan, don't fool yourself. Everything works together.

    As you can see it really is similar to what mfp encourages but follow that plan! I don't eat eggs so I ate my pure protein bar from Costco for breakfast, there was a thread on good tasting protein bars somewhere in mfp too! I tried "theirs" and didn't like them. They tasted like cardboard to me and were too expensive. Pure protein works for me with more protein, less carbs, cheaper plus tastier. But that is just me.

    Stick with it. You can do it!
  • Smithconniecs
    Smithconniecs Posts: 1 Member
    Is there any vegetarians in this group? I just started qwl but I am wondering about the two slices of bread they tell me to eat at lunch. Is there another starch I can replace it with?