Just another mom trying to get fit...help!



  • MermaidAmanda10
    MermaidAmanda10 Posts: 63 Member
    5'2" and 164 lbs.. Trying to get down to 150 before summer so i dont feel as huge as i do now. I have a five year old boy and a 10 mo old girl!
  • jbenson0513
    jbenson0513 Posts: 8 Member
    Glad to be on here! I know we all can do this.. Encouraging eachother to move forward even on the hard days.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    Hi! I'm a mom of 3, ages 11, 7, and 8 months. I was 231 at my highest, 215 after the youngest was born in september. I've been back with MFP since december 27, and i am down to 170 so far. I am loving weightlifting (i do it at home after the kids are asleep) and it is melting the inches away! Feel free to add me :)
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guys if you have a Fitbit lets become friends we can play weekly challenges. I'm under Marshmella
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    *pbprincess* can you suggest any weight training videos for beginners.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    *paigemedlock855* I am a chocoholic. It's nice to be able to share that with all of you. Also I'm ashamed to say it but I'm a carb junky. I've been working on it though. I'm about to go to a nutritionist. That's how you know you have a serious prob lol. INTERVENTION...ha ha ha
  • NoelleEnglish
    NoelleEnglish Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 42 and a mom of 4 girls. I lost 35 lbs after my first 2 and then gained it back. Working on taking it off for good. You can do it! Stick to your calories. That's all I did. Good luck.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Went to my doc today.... Not good news.... I'm going to go in for a vaginal ultrasound.... Sigh.... I either have fibroids or a cyst. Excuse the spelling if it's wrong. Got my bad news in the morning and I let it get the best of me when eating. What a horrible day...sigh...
  • aliguaytor5
    aliguaytor5 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi all! I'm 35 and and a mom of two girls. My oldest is 2, my youngest is 7 weeks. During my first pregnancy I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and in between pregnancies was diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I kept my blood sugars under control with meds and a low carb diet. I also breastfeed. My first pregnancy I gained only 10 lbs, but then packed on 20 lbs in the two years since. I gained 15 lbs during my last pregnancy and have vowed to not gain back the weight. I have been very successful with MFP in the past, losing 80 lbs in 6 months, but that was before I was married with kids. My husband and I got back on MFP 2 weeks ago and have seen some improvement. I am terrified my progress will stop when I go back to work next week. I have been enjoying making low calorie meals, but I have no idea where I will fit the time in to cook healthy. On the plus side, I have been doing old work out videos. Some are really old, but they make me sweat. Leslie Sansom's, Walk Away the Pounds are great for beginners, but they are pretty dated. I believe you can buy the DVDS at Target. My highest weight ever has been 278, my current weight is 237, and my ultimate goal is 180.
  • jbenson0513
    jbenson0513 Posts: 8 Member
    So glad I got on here. So much positivity and friendly feedback... It makes for a wonderful support system for those of us who didn't really have one. It's awesome.
  • jbenson0513
    jbenson0513 Posts: 8 Member
    edited May 2016
    Marshmella.... I hope everything ends up well for you. Being a survivor of cervical cancer and having multiple surgeries to remove cysts that had grown into the size of grapefruit and completely taken over my ovaries I feel your pain. I'm lucky to have my children at all considering the Drs said I never would.. LOL.
    It's always a stressful situation but I'm wishing you all the best!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Sorry for the late reply I just got back into my fitness pall.
  • AshleyLauren81
    AshleyLauren81 Posts: 1 Member
    36, mom to a six year old spitfire of a girl! I do need to lose about 25lbs but more concerned about getting and staying healthy. I'm seeing my daughter craving some of the awful food choices (like raw cookie dough) I make and between my family history and gestational diabetes I am very high risk for type 2 diabetes. I have to learn to control the cravings and make better choices. I can't let my daughter grow up thinking it's okay to eat that way. Luckily she will eat a pint of strawberries just as quickly as she would a bag of mini donuts, I need to get on that page too LoL Thanks for making this group! Feel free to add me, going to swallow hard and open up my diary for some more accountability. Here goes nothing!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    I'm also at high risk for diabetes. I need to get rid of about 50-60 lbs. I just recently got a bike and am aiming at loosing 1-2 lbs a week. I'll settle for 1 but push for 2. I also have a hard time with my food choices and have two kids looking at me. We can do this!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Just started cycling if anyone wants to start that with me we can track our progress together