Hard Time Sticking With It

So, I started my weight loss journey last August I believe. Between then and Thanksgiving I lost 25-30 pounds. Right now I am maintaining between 155-159 which at a height of 5'7 is right at the very top of a healthy BMI. Since reaching this point I have had the hardest time sticking with it and continuing on this journey. I will stick with it for a couple weeks, then have a bad weekend and fall off the wagon again. I will get myself up to weighing 159 and then eat healthy and drop back to 155 and then stop trying again. I am unsure how to end this never ending cycle. I still have quite a ways to go to reach my ultimate goal. How do I keep from falling off the band wagon? It is like when I reach 155 I think that I look good enough and I am a healthy BMI and so I allow myself to quit and eat the junky food and drinks I want.


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Is the 'healthy eating' which seems to be part of losing down to 155 the way you expect to live the rest of your life? Or is it an extraordinary effort at eating things you don't like?

    What are you doing to get to your ultimate goal? What is your ultimate goal? Do you need a plan?
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I would say you're due for a diet break. Just eat at maintenance for a while, at least a couple of weeks. It's good practice for when you eventually get to goal.

    And anyway, as you said yourself, you are already at a healthy weight. You may find that you are actually satisfied with where you are now.
  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    It sounds like at least part of the reason you're stuck is because you feel satisfied with your current weight loss so far - nothing wrong with that!

    If you're determined to lose more, I'd actually suggest working on exercise instead of diet. Yes, in pretty much all circumstances diet, rather than exercise, has the biggest effect on weight loss. However, since you don't have much (any?) to lose, and cutting calories seems like it's not worth the payoff for you, exercise might be the way to go. Plus, you may find an activity that you actually enjoy, so sticking with it won't seem like a chore.

    If you find a cardio activity, you may be able to have a calorie deficit again without having to restrict what you eat, so it may be a little easier to lose weight. You could also try working on strength training which wouldn't give you as much of a deficit, but it would help you in converting fat to muscle so your weight might not change much, but you might see a change you appreciate in appearance.

    Whatever you decide, good luck and congratulations on your progress so far! 25-30 pounds lost and keeping it off is fantastic.
  • EricaH7
    EricaH7 Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone! my ultimate goal is 138. I guess the main reason I picked that goal is because it is right smack dab in the middle of a healthy BMI. I have consistently been able to continue to eat healthy while at work and in the morning. I struggle with meals at dinner time a little, but weekends are my main killer. I have always loved running so thank you for that suggestion @Blitzia lately I have been struggling to go out for runs though. I just haven't felt like it. I think I am in a slump. I need to get back out there and keep working hard though. In exactly 4 months I will be getting married! :smiley:
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    I am not a fan of using the BMI as a indicator of health. You can't just clump everyone with different genetics and body types and then say this is a healthy weight. My BMI says that I am over weight but I have 18.5% body fat. You want working out to be fun so always change it up and try out new things. I like to change my workouts monthly. Change the reps, distance, or completely change your workout routine.

    The same goes for your diet, eating the same thing over and over gets boring so change it up as well. Don't be afraid to try new foods. Most people don't want to eat chicken and turkey the rest of their lives.

    It's hard for the average person to stick with a diet and workout regiment and balance work and family. You have to just find a place where you are happy with how you feel and look regardless of what the scale says.

    Great job on what you have already achieved and congrats and best wishes with the marriage.