Alli diet



  • bscroggins05
    bscroggins05 Posts: 65 Member
    I tried it years ago. It did seem to help, mostly to deter me from eating too much fat. But i never kept it off. I also dis HCG. Didnt keep that off either. Thos time, I'm doing it on my own, not over restricting anything. Just eating everything in moderation.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Abbey70 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried the Alli diet pills? Did they work for you? Pros and cons? I am having a really hard time sticking to a diet plan with 9 other people in my house eating whatever they want. I also find it hard to stick to it too when I want to see results right away. I am thinking that if this really works it would give me the boost I need to see in weight loss. In the past I took the HCG before they changed the formula and had quick results and was more motivated.

    if you are having trouble sticking to an eating plan alli would be a messy, messy experience for you!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Abbey70 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried the Alli diet pills? Did they work for you? Pros and cons? I am having a really hard time sticking to a diet plan with 9 other people in my house eating whatever they want. I also find it hard to stick to it too when I want to see results right away. I am thinking that if this really works it would give me the boost I need to see in weight loss. In the past I took the HCG before they changed the formula and had quick results and was more motivated.

    if you are having trouble sticking to an eating plan alli would be a messy, messy experience for you!

    It would create an immediate short term incentive not to go off plan, I suppose.
  • crazyycatlady1
    crazyycatlady1 Posts: 292 Member
    edited April 2017
    Abbey70 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried the Alli diet pills? Did they work for you? Pros and cons? I am having a really hard time sticking to a diet plan with 9 other people in my house eating whatever they want. I also find it hard to stick to it too when I want to see results right away. I am thinking that if this really works it would give me the boost I need to see in weight loss. In the past I took the HCG before they changed the formula and had quick results and was more motivated.

    There's your problem right there. Your heads not in the right place, which is setting you up for failure. This isn't a race-you didn't gain all the weight overnight and trying to lose it all right away is just going to lead to frustration and long term adherence failure.

    Figure out how to do this whole thing in a realistic and sustainable way, that you can do for the rest of your life. Because weight loss means nothing, if you can't maintain the loss. Doing things like Alli gets you stuck in a vicious cycle where you're always going to end up right where you started. That's a miserable way to live and it will never get you the results you want.
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    You could try Alli. Alternatively you could hire someone to follow you around and shock you with an electric cattleprod every time you eat a meal containing more than 15g of fat, and decrease your risk of an attack of faecal incontinence in a public place!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Abbey70 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried the Alli diet pills? Did they work for you? Pros and cons? I am having a really hard time sticking to a diet plan with 9 other people in my house eating whatever they want. I also find it hard to stick to it too when I want to see results right away. I am thinking that if this really works it would give me the boost I need to see in weight loss. In the past I took the HCG before they changed the formula and had quick results and was more motivated.

    "Diet plan" is by nature a temporary change in eating habits (I've done my share of these). How will a temporary change result in permanent weight loss? The fact is it won't.......for the vast majority of us.

    90-95% of people gain the weight back. Again, I've done this myself.

    People in your house eat whatever they want.......are they more active? they control portions? they snack often? They are eating "regular" food yet they are maintaining their weight.

    Behavior is much harder to change (I'm working on that now). But this will lead to weight loss AND help with maintenance of a new you.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Abbey70 wrote: »
    HI also find it hard to stick to it too when I want to see results right away. I am thinking that if this really works it would give me the boost I need to see in weight loss. In the past I took the HCG before they changed the formula and had quick results and was more motivated.

    Basically what I'm reading is this:

    I'm too impatient to put in the hard work, I want a quick fix that provides the unrealistic results I expect.

    Quick fixes won't get you anywhere in the long run.

    I have a husband and four sons. They eat what they want. I eat what I want, just less of it. Count calories and stick to your calorie goal. Add in exercise if you'd like. Lose weight. (It really is that simple. Just takes time.)
  • pattilindley
    pattilindley Posts: 47 Member
    Patience, really? Patience is not something I'm good at. I have done the quick fix diets that come with a lot of different names. Some were very fast and effective and they were ALL TEMPORARY!!! This time I understand it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. And It won't be fast. And it isn't temporary. It won't be over when I hit some magic number. And some days I get so discouraged because the scale won't cooperate. For me this isn't all about diet. It's changing some character defects I have. Like being impatient and looking for fast rewards. Like being lazy and wanting to just grab something at the drive through. Like wanting things my way because I want that ice cream or hamburger or pizza and don't want the consequences. Like self pity when I see friends eating whatever they want and I know I can't. Everything is all about me right? I have lost 24 pounds in 4 months and instead of being happy with my progress I still focus on the 46 pounds I still need to lose. Instead of being happy I'm in a size 12 instead of a size 16 I'm still looking at that size 6 I used to be. ( I'm only 5 ft 2 in tall). So I'm learning, learning that the change has to be in my mind more than in my body. This group is a huge help.